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What's the most cringe-worthy thing you've done...


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That WWA show thing sounds really fun! And it doesn't count as cringeworthy if you're at a wrestling show, because everyone else there is also at a wrestling show. You can do whatever you want!


This is true, plus my dance moves weren't bad :thumbsup:

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JakeRobertsParoleOfficer, I don't know where to start. I can't decide if you're the coolest bloke I know of, or the saddest.


lol, cheers.


it depends. some of the outrageous stuff is pretty cool, some of the other stuff just pure acts of twattiness!


as for the warrior workout kit, that was 3 or so years ago +. phoning the warrior up and abusing him was a laugh though. i was probbaly 26-27 then and yes was drunk.


another one which was pretty scary at the time, but amusing to look back, now that he was ok, was our mate. basically he was abit of a d**k but he loved the warrior soooo much. He heard that the warrior used to get amped up on anthetamines or something, and thought he would use some of these to channel the warrior rage for a laugh. Of cpurse he couldnt get these so ordered some weird pep pills from america. he took the lot and then went nuts (literally) and has abit of a psychotic reaction, which saw his greenhouse get smashed, him tearing his clothes off (and running in the street naked screaming) , him soiling himself and losing it bigstyle. Its lucky wit was the weekend and his parents were on holiday. it took 4 of us 9 hours to control and settle him (so lucky police didnt get called, due to the commotion). he then just literally fell asleep (we did think about calling an ambulance, however the bloke worked clerically in a & e and it'd have ruined him). My mate sat with him all night and then he just awoke with nor nerecollection at all.

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This is true, plus my dance moves weren't bad :thumbsup:

Any one who thinks they're a good dancer usually isn't ;)


Well considering it was the Too Cool dance, it's not that hard to do.


And on a side note I did dancing for many years so there hmmmpph :p:smug:

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Why anyone would actually choose to do a presentation on pro wrestling for a school project is beyond me.


Unless they were either 10 years old or a bit soft in the head of course.


I did when I was 11 - showed of my Wrestling magazines, videos and most embarrasingly my figures


We had to do a presentation in our drama class and our teacher stupidly divided us into boys and girls. We ended up doing a play based on the upcoming Wrestlemania 7. I was Sgt Slaughter. It was ok until a mass fight broke up and then one guy farted on another kids face whilst he was laid on the floor.


I also did an English project on WWF Main Events (Wrestlemania, Summerslam etc.) which I gor an A on (mainly cos I ripped off the text from the WWF magazine) we also got an English project in Year 7 where we had to write about us getting on Jim'll Fix It and what happened etc. I wrote that I got to be a guest on the Brother Love show with Jake Roberts and then there was a mass brawl with about 15 other Wrestlers. Fuck me! How I never got bullied at school is beyond me!

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When I was in year 7 in '98 I was obsessed with Shawn Michaels. I remember once coming into my form class and, being a bit of an attention seeker, doing the HBK entrance pose in front of my classmates. No wonder the chavs used to pin me down and fart on my head. I also fashioned a HBK ring outfit together. I made the gay biker hat out of a child size Navy hat and wrote 'HBK' with a glitter pen. I also made a waistcoat out of an old tshirt. I'm fairly sure I wrote 'sexy boy' on it. I was 12.


One time, in an attempt to show off my self-believed athletic prowess (I was a skinny nerd) to a girl I fancied, I performed a superkick that missed her head my cm's. No idea what I was thinking when I did that.


I once made a collage out of pictures from wrestling magazines and wrote the names of all the major WWF events on including the typo 'King or The Ring'. I still get ripped for that one.


My best friend and I loved wrestling back in the late 90s and decided to make a video in his garage where we re-enacted wrestlers trademark entrances. That was horrific. Also on this tape were several matches between us that we filmed. We used to plan spots then set the camera down and go for it. Once we had a ladder match (with a REAL LADDER). The belt was hooked to the washing line in the garden. For the match's big spot, the plan involved me climbing the ladder to deliver a double axe handle only for him to catch me and chokeslam me to the lawn. As the smaller guy, I was big on selling moves to make him look good (he was a hefty kid). The spot went as planned until I got a little over zealous with my selling and shifted my weight mid-chokeslam resulting in him accidentely dropping me on my head. I literally had a headache for a week and had to tell my parents what had happened. Luckily I was okay but the sound of my head hitting the ground on the tape was sickening. My other friends got hold of the tape once and had a right laugh at me so I (regrettably) erased my copy. My friend still has all the footage we shot except we edited the infamous chokeslam spot out of his copy as he was pretty traumatised by it.

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Uhh nothing too bad. My year in I think Year 7 used to divide in nWo Hollywood or Wolfpac and have mass brawls. I defected back and forth a couple times. I was forever swerving people. We kept reenacting the fingerpoke of doom the whole Tuesday after that Nitro.

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Back in 1992 when I was 13 years old, we had a school cricket match a few days after I got my first pair of Bret Hart neon pink wrap-around sunglassses.


I thought it would be cool as fuck to go out and bat wearing my shades, despite my team-mates taking the piss.


I was then bowled out for a golden duck by a girl.


Never wore them on the cricket field again, but as recently as last Summer - EIGHTEEN years later - I still had team-mates (we play for the club in the same town we went to school) were asking as I put my pads on "Have you brought your Hitman glasses? Ha ha".

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After a heavy all day session once, a group of us ended up in a nightclub quite early. Anyways, me and a mate were having a little fake brawl and he ended up on the ground. As I was pissed I thought it'd be funny to do plant a People's Elbow on him. Did the whole amazing build up for it and at the very moment I was about to drop the elbow, a bouncer grabbed me, dragged me away and threw me out the club. Fun times.


About 3 years ago I was in a club and my mate was wearing a black wristband with a Taker symbol on it, someone noticed it and in the next 2/3 hours of drunkeness became our new friend.

Long story short, in the middle of a packed rock club, I gave him the People's Elbow. Probably looked like twats but I don't care, it was fun. :)


"Metalingus" by Alter Bridge came on and people were spearing each other so I think we were ok!



At school when people wanted to do wrestling moves at dinner I was always happy to oblige taking them. I was pretty good at taking the Stunner.


Another time, I tried to do a Rock Bottom to a guy who later became my best friend and still is, however he didn't jump at all and I managed to dislocate my shoulder. :rolleyes:


Finally, on Halloween a couple of years ago, me and my friend decided to go as John Morrison & The Miz. I have the long hair, he had the short hair.. that was all that was needed really. We were too lazy to make any costumes and I certainly wasn't going to be buy a fur coat. So i just got my long black leather jacket out of hibernation (it's a cool jacket to be fair) put on some shades, black skinny jeans and wore a plain white shirt (i dont know why i picked white). My mate just gelled his hair to match Miz's.

Probably the most pathetic costumes ever, but hey, I got 3 phone numbers that night. A lifetime record for me that has yet to be broken!


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

One of those numbers was my friend who had just got a new phone...


[close spoiler]



This thread is brilliant though, had a few legit LOL moments.

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there is probbaly more. I was a total d**k until i hit 30!


You are a brave man for admitting all that. Ironically, your life would probably be better if you were Jake Robert's Parole Officer.


Why anyone would actually choose to do a presentation on pro wrestling for a school project is beyond me.


Unless they were either 10 years old or a bit soft in the head of course.

I love that you seem to think you are cooler than everyone else.

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