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What you have learnt through watching old wrestling back


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Ive been watching some old wrestling back on Youtube the past few days as ive had a bad cold thats kept me grounded and have learnt to appreciate wrestlers who I maybe liked but didnt appreciate as much as I should, being only a toddler when some of these were in there peak a lot of them past me by, god bless Youtube here is what ive learnt


Jake Roberts - What a true great he was, one of the few wrestlers who could play a face and a heel effectively, he was better a heel of course it would be hard to find a heel as white hot as Roberts was in 1991-1992 when he was feuding Savage and Undertaker. What a underated match that was with Undertaker and Roberts truly was a awesome promo, one of the best


Rick Rude - Another wrestler from that era I now appreciate more and another superb heel, that cracking feud with Roberts and that tremendous carry job of Warrior in the cage, I remember Warrior telling me and a friend at Wrestleslam that was his favorite match I can see why. He was also great in WCW and had quite a good run there as well. One of the best never to be WWE/F Champion


Billionaire Ted - I may be in the minority but I found these segments to be mildly amusing, the one with Larry Fling interviewing The Huckster and The Nacho Man espicially made me chuckle. Maybe a waste of time that could have been used better back in the day and when I was young I used to fast forward them on the Wrestlemania 12 tape not knowing who the hell Billionaire Ted was meant to be, and not knowing Hogan and Savage were in WCW.


Over to you guys, it doesnt have to be youtube can be old tapes or dvds or whatever

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Youtube is incredible for finding the stuff you never knew about, or never saw. My personal favourites are things like the Rockers vs Legion of Doom from Prime Time, Bret Hart vs Macho Man WWF title match from Yokohama, squash matches from guys you never saw win on PPV (like Repo Man) or even never made it onto PPV (like Widowmaker Barry Windham), debuts, vignettes and so on.


It deserves its own thread, I'd say.

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Youtube and Filestube have saved me money of Nitros, current and old PPVs, WCW Saturday Nights, PDF books, shoot interviews old matches, new DVDs and all kinds of other shit. The internet in 2011 is brilliant for gems like that. No wonder the wrestling business isnt what it once was. No fucker wants to pay for it anymore.

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How great Prime Time Wrestling was with the round table stuff. Just bought a whole year's worth (PM me if you want to know where) of episodes from 1992, and they're are fantastic. The roster was really stacked back then too.

Bobby Heenan really was fucking brilliant.

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How great Prime Time Wrestling was with the round table stuff. Just bought a whole year's worth (PM me if you want to know where) of episodes from 1992, and they are brilliant.

Bobby Heenan really was fucking brilliant.

Ahh yes I knew I left someone out


Truly one of the best managers ever, I watched the WWE documenatry and some other stuff on him, made me fondly remember his parnership with Monsoon. The banter they had at Wrestlemania 8 was priceless

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I learned that despite not having a "proper wrestler's body", and not having any flashy moves, Ted DiBiase was actually awesome. The same could be said of most of the heels I really didn't appreciate as a kid. IRS, Earthquake, Rick Rude, etc...

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To echo Ian, Filestube is a great invention. WCW D-shows on there and all sorts. Brilliant thing.


No doubt. I've nabbed years worth of Saturday Night off there. And on that note, I've learned that WCW B and C level shows are better than 95% of other promotions A shows.



If Roadblock's not appearing, I riot.

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Unfortuantely I have learnt that, although The Rock was amazing and he nearly always had the crowd in the palm of his hand, much of his material was almost as childish, if not more so, than some of John Cena's. I do wish Cena was able to have had his career mostly as a heel in a non-PG era.

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Billionaire Ted - I may be in the minority but I found these segments to be mildly amusing, the one with Larry Fling interviewing The Huckster and The Nacho Man espicially made me chuckle. Maybe a waste of time that could have been used better back in the day and when I was young I used to fast forward them on the Wrestlemania 12 tape not knowing who the hell Billionaire Ted was meant to be, and not knowing Hogan and Savage were in WCW.


I see where you're coming from about those segments. I found them to be pretty funny but of course the real Ted Turner was a great thing to have happened to wrestling. I knew this at the time but looking back and when you realise the state of the industry now (it's been worse but it's also been a lot better), you really see how his money helped improve wrestling in North America. I remember the old three weeks worth of taped Monday Night Raws with jobber matches, bored crowds and fake crowd noise. Turner well and truly raised the bar by giving Eric Bishoff so much money and allowing him to put a live Nitro up against Raw every week. That really gave WWE and wrestling in general the kick up the arse it really needed. Several of the mid to late 90s guys from WCW are still on the go in WWE today.


I think when talking about individual wrestlers though, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat and Scott Hall seem to be performers I rate even more highly now than I did back then.

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Unfortuantely I have learnt that, although The Rock was amazing and he nearly always had the crowd in the palm of his hand, much of his material was almost as childish, if not more so, than some of John Cena's.

It's amazing that more people haven't noticed this. Rock's material in 1999-2002 was every bit as cringeworthy as Cena's, it just seemed cool because we were kids. It's like the way people convince themselves that pre-Monday Night Wars wrestling was better than Monday Night Wars wrestling and beyond. It's all down to the rose tints.

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I think its more the 2003 Rock that people pine for, because he was brilliant. The Rock was dead on his arse by late 2001 and early 2002. The Rock had sort of dropped all the childish crap in early 2001 when he feuded with Austin but when he returned to feud with Booker T, he was likely Daffy Duck on crack. It made you wish it was a real hammer than the nWo twatted him in the head with. Rock used to get a lot of the same grief Cena gets, just obviously not to that extent. The Sharpshooter being a criticism in particular people hated.

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