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Mistico to WWE


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He will need to speak English to get over in the Anglosphere, I imagine WWE will be sorting out English lessons for the guy pronto.


Not sure about the name but it will grow on me I guess.


I don't think having him face Rey at Mania is the way to get him over, since presumably he's a face.

Tag team with rey first? Im guessing if anything they will hype him up for a while and have him debut during the RAW/Smackdown Mexico tapings? that might be a while off but for the reaction he would get, he would instantly be over there after.

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His Hurricanrana arm-breaker is a thing of beauty to behold, and the way he works the finish on the following video (@2:20) is something I would love to see worked in the WWE. I'm no CMLL expert, or much straying from WWE for that matter but if they can turn Del Rio into gold then there really is no limit for this guy.


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His Hurricanrana arm-breaker is a thing of beauty to behold, and the way he works the finish on the following video (@2:20) is something I would love to see worked in the WWE. I'm no CMLL expert, or much straying from WWE for that matter but if they can turn Del Rio into gold then there really is no limit for this guy.


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I would think that finisher will be the 1st thing to go (apart from his name) as it's too close to Del Rios finisher. Some stereotypes are ok like all Japanese people know karate and come from Tokyo,and all the Russians are cheats but others like using the same finisher are just crazy.

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I thought Mistico/Sin Cara had that other finisher - sort of a huracanrana into a Code Red/YoshiTonic?


It's No.9 on this clip

His big move has always been that headscissors into a fujiwari armbar, but he's used dozens of other spots like that for finishers over the years, usually in the 1st or 2nd caida of matches.


I don't think keeping his old finisher will be a problem, it's not that similar to Alberto's, has great visual impact, is what he's famous for in Mexico, and if it was considered to be too alike, he could easily modify it to turn the armbar into a rings of saturn or crossface or something.


I just hope he's in good condition and can work with the sort of motivation he did from '04 - 07. He's only been around for 7 or 8 years, but he's worked such an intense, high impact style that he must be feeling it. He was never economical in his work - as much as he was the top star in the country he was pretty spotty and probably averaged about 3 dives every televised match.


He was incredibly spectacular and innovative for a while, but In recent years he got a bit lazy - not so much in terms of physical effort, but creatively. Most of his matches eventually ended up becoming pretty formulaic and by the numbers. I hope this move invigorates him a bit, if he's still healthy i'm sure it will.

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Likes his arm drags, doesn't he?


You can't wrestle in Mexico without doing 40 billion arm drags per match, it's like, the law or something. And everyone's got to do a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker too.


That's pretty much what I remember of most Mexican wrestling that I've seen too. I liked La Parka though or whatever the fuck he was called.


One more thing I will say about Mistico is that his 619 actually looks like it has some impact to it unlike Mysterio.

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