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The UKFF Retro Gaming Thread


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I might have mentioned this before, but the first time I played Metal Gear Solid, it was a Dutch copy. My Dad used to go to Rotterdam for work, and there was a massive games shop there, that a lot of my old PS and PC games used to come from. The games were always in English, so it was only ever cover art and manuals that might have been different, usually no big deal. 

Except, that is, for Metal Gear Solid, when you're told that Meryl's Codec number is on the back of the box/CD case. Like presumably everyone else, I thought it meant the in-game cardboard box or CD and faffed about with that for far too long before realising what it meant, and checking the case of the game itself. Except none of the screenshots on my copy showed a Codec number, so I just had to brute force it and dial every number until I got the right one. 


I've recently started my umpteenth playthrough of Dungeon Keeper, having played through all of DK, Deeper Dungeons, DK2, and War For The Overworld a couple of years ago. Probably not going to work through the whole thing, but I wanted something to play without much thought on my laptop, and realised it's probably my ultimate comfort game, as far as strategy games go.

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Posted (edited)

Biohazard is the Japanese title. Presumably they changed the name for the English language release for fear of upsetting the band. Although as a nod the Japanese version of Resident Evil VII: Biohazard is called Biohazard VII: Resident Evil.

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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Didn’t know that matey! Thanks!
Did anyone ever chip their PlayStation themselves? I heard loads of random stuff the years about how you could use I spring or something to stop the lid closing properly, booting a normal game, then dropping the dodgy one in? Not sure if that was for playing imports or something?

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, TibBo said:

Did anyone ever chip their PlayStation themselves?

It was only 4 wires to solder, fairly straightforward.  Optical drives were also really easy to replace in the original Playstation.

Edited by johnnyboy
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43 minutes of pro Street Fighter 2 strats from a 1993 VHS.

If you want genuinely impressive combos, a radical gnarly dude hosting and getting character names wrong while also putting on racist voices for them, you’re in the right place.


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Another trip to High Score today pre football and had a blast.

Started off on the dual snowboard game (won one each) and then on to this game.


Can't remember the name, but a fairly simple shoot em up against Egyptian skeletons or the like.

Next up was this, Crossy Road, which really was a lot of fun. Simple Frogger style game but I was surprised at how tricky it was, the zooming trains taking me out several times.


Then some of the virtual bowling, bit of air hockey, couple of go's on Mario Kart (which I actually find a bit shit in the arcade) and then this simulator, which I refused to do as you have to lay down and it shakes you about and I didn't fancy my Taco Bell coming back up. 10yo loved it though. 


Panic Park was brilliant fun. You each take a handle and have to push or bash against each others handle in various mini games (one where you are catching chickens, one where you have to avoid being abducted by spaceship spotlights) Its very much a test of strength and obviously I smashed her as she's 10 and I wasn't giving any quarter. She must learn.


This fishing game Pirates Hook was by far my favourite. Pretty simple as you press the button to lower your hook and then physically reel in the first fish your hook hits. But you have to time it right as the big ones are at the bottom and I waited ages to hook the shark as he was pissing me off and I got the fucker.


This was good. Basically Snake on a massive screen., simple as that.


and then a new dance one where every song was seemingly a K pop song. I think it's called Pump It Up 2017 Prime 2. Sounds about right.


Also played a Fast and Furious bike game (shit) and Terminator Salavation on a massive screen (also shit and the guns were super heavy) before our traditional game of Tekken where I play as the kangaroo and win.

Fantastic place and always worth the money. Its our favourite thing to do. Top place. spacer.png

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39 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

An obligatory WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade VHS post. I'm guessing a fair few have seen this one before.


I’ve seen it before but it never stops being fantastic.

Don’t get me wrong, Youtube and ease of access to information today is obviously better but having to learn all your gaming knowledge from word of mouth, practice and VHS tapes really was fun. 

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I’m down the rabbithole.

Virgin Games and MC Tunes. Absolutely bonkers. Makes the Game Awards and E3 look so small time.


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Posted (edited)
46 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

VHS tapes were great. I also remember getting various cards similar to these that I'd take along to the arcades thinking they'd help. That was a costly way of practicing. I was not good.


I had these exact cards!! They were for the Master System version of course, came with a magazine. Fucking hell, seeing these again is a trip. I remember them being absolutely essential for me completing the game.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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3 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

I had these exact cards!! They were for the Master System version of course, came with a magazine. Fucking hell, seeing these again is a trip. I remember them being absolutely essential for me completely the game.

It's one of those things I remember so clearly. I'd bought a magazine on holiday in Broadstairs in Kent with my mum. There was a single set of amusements there as the place is fairly small. Wonder if it's still open now.

One of my favourite childhood memories that. I remember a lovely second hand bookshop and a cinema. I'd love to go back one day. Probably doesn't have Mortal Kombat anymore though..

.. and I'd probably still be rubbish!

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