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Bellenda Carlisle

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Not surprised to be honest. It's one of those films that's been in development way too long. I get the feeling it is going to be the first Marvel flop of the post Iron Man era.


It was only in development for so long because they wanted to keep Wright as writer / Director and let him make The Worlds End in the middle of production.


It's all very odd. Anyway this was posted before so god knows what's going on.




Latino Review is saying he's left over disputes about rewrites

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Yesterday, the shocking news dropped that Edgar Wright left Marvel's Ant-Man over creative differences. What exactly were those creative differences?


Well, after talking to sources all afternoon Friday and burning the midnight oil, I got the scoop.


For starters, let's debunk some lies that are currently making the rounds on reddit and other forums.


A) Edgar Wright got fired.


Nope. Not true at all. Get to that in a second.


B) Here is another massive lie I read...


The word from people on the crew is Wright got booted for being REALLY behind schedule and being ineffective at righting the ship and getting it back on track. Production has been bleeding money for a month and Marvel got fed up with him and they lost their confidence in his ability to manage a production of this size.

Bullshit. Not true. AT ALL.


The prep on this film has been forever and it was impossible to be behind schedule because the entire production was out on hiatus by Marvel for duration of the script's rewrite. Families left homes to work on the movie in Atlanta and were now suddenly in limbo.


So about the rewrite...


About 3 months ago, Marvel had notes. The meat of the notes were about the core morality of the piece, must include franchise characters. etc., These notes came from the big four at Marvel. Joe Cornish and Edgar Wright did two drafts to try and answer the notes without compromising their vision.


6 weeks ago Marvel took the script off them and gave the writing assignment to two very low credit writers. One of the writers were from Marvel's in house writing team. Edgar stayed cool, agreed to stay on the project, and read the draft.


The script came in this week and was completely undone. Poorer, homogenized, and not Edgar's vision. Edgar met with Marvel on Friday to formally exit and the announcement went out directly after.


Edgar & Joe were upset by the sudden, out of nowhere lack of faith in them as filmmakers. Fiege had always batted for them but this felt like it came from the higher ups.


Where does this leave the cast? Well, it is believed they don't have the option to walk like Edgar did.


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Not surprised to be honest. It's one of those films that's been in development way too long. I get the feeling it is going to be the first Marvel flop of the post Iron Man era.


It was only in development for so long because they wanted to keep Wright as writer / Director and let him make The Worlds End in the middle of production.


It's all very odd. Anyway this was posted before so god knows what's going on.





Sounds a little plausible, but the fact that the Marvel films are such a big franchise makes me doubt that they would wait while he made another film niggles my suspicions.


Class photo from Joss Whedon though!


I'm really hoping the film us good. I hated the look and thought of the first Thor movie, but it turned out to be my favourite of the first bunch, so who knows.

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Not only is it my fav X-men film, I put it above Avengers. The action and story are far better imo. It was pretty much a soft reboot, and it did a great job, and those end credits, holy shit. It's pretty much the X-men film any fan could dream for. Quicksliver and that scene, well he just shut all the haters up, that's one of the best scenes in any superhero film, it reminded me of how good Nightcrawlers scene in X2 was. Very much looking forward to the next X-men film.

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The Xmen films really play to Singers strength's as a Director and hide his weaknesses. He really does manage a large cast well and has a flare for set pieces (Nightcrawler in X-2, The opening fight scene, especially Blink and the Quicksilver scene in DOFP) I wouldn't quite put it above Avengers, First Class or X2 but it's a great film. I'm still not sure how I feel about ignoring most of Xmen: Last Stand. On the one hand they got rid of all the shit that happened in it but not even mentioning why things had changed led to a few confused faces in the first 20 minutes

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I went to see X-Men:DOFP last night and really liked it. I echo the thoughts of most on here and would place it around the same level as X2 and First Class.


Who would everyone like to see cast as the young Storm, Jean Grey and Cyclops in the next film? Also who should play Nightcrawler and Apocalypse?

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He's everywhere, and people will be sick of him, but probably Tom Hardy for Apocalypse. He's got the balance of muscle and sounding intelligent. If not him, perhaps Paterson Joseph, or Mark Strong (he's not already playing a villain somewhere else in the Marvel Universe, is he?).


If he hadn't already been in Thor, I'd have said Idris Elba would've been a good choice, otherwise.


With her recent acclaim and media jizzing over her looks, I'd say Lupita Nyong'o will probably be cast as Storm, especially in context of that part of her story where Professor X "discovers" her being worshipped in Africa as a goddess.


Nightcrawler, difficult - he's got to be quite young-looking, so probably an unknown. I'm sure there are known, young male actors around who are good enough to play him, but can't think of any right now. Look-wise, Robert Pattinson fits the description (minus the blue skin, obvs), but there's just too much of the Twilight taint there for me. Perhaps the lad who played Glenn in The Walking Dead?

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Nightcrawler, difficult - he's got to be quite young-looking, so probably an unknown. I'm sure there are known, young male actors around who are good enough to play him, but can't think of any right now. Look-wise, Robert Pattinson fits the description (minus the blue skin, obvs), but there's just too much of the Twilight taint there for me. Perhaps the lad who played Glenn in The Walking Dead?


Rupert Grint? He has an odd worldy look, and not completely impossible he'd morph into Alan Cumming once all the make up and hair dye had been applied?

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I've just been to see Days of Future Past for the second time in two days, and I enjoyed it just as much the second time round. Its a great film and holds up well on second viewing. I was an X-Men nut as a kid so I can be hard to please at times but I think the younger set of characters are cast well. Jennifer Lawrence - who I like otherwise - can be a bit wooden at times as Mystique, but everyone else is very well cast, McAvoy and Fassbender are a great pairing as Professor X and Magneto, I really enjoy watching them on screen together.


I haven't thought much about who they will cast as the younger X-Men, I don't want to think about it to much because if they don't pick who I picture I'll be disappointed. One thing I really hope for is that they pick the female cast better this time, Jean Grey is meant to be a strong character but Famke whatever her name is played her very understated, but I could overlook it. Halle Berry on the otherhand was fucking awful as Storm, she turned her in to a meek, simpering mess rather than the fiery Storm I was used to (maybe blame the cartoon for my character expectations), whoever they pick this time needs to have some sass about her, she's an African queen for heavens sake, Berry wasn't far off being afraid of her own shadow. I'm not keen on Lupita Nyong'o, I hope they go for the right choice rather than the popular choice as they did with Berry (by popular I mean to the general public rather than X-Men fans).

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Having had the chance to think about it, if I were to choose someone to play Storm, it would probably be Zoe Saldana. She's great at playing fierce.


Jean Grey, tough choice - Una Chaplin? Bit of a stretch, I know.


Rupert Grint as Nightcrawler? Interesting. Don't know much about his acting outside Potter, though - only saw him in that one-off TV thing with Julie Walters, "Driving Lessons", I think it was called. He was pretty decent in that as a hesitant, nervous lad coming into his own.

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