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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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I love reading about how much of a mega fuck up Fantastic Four was. Mainly for Baz's benefit because he's just seen it here's a couple of links from when we were discussing it last year.






With the way the director is already trying to distance himself it'll be interesting to see if any details are leaked of what the original cut of the film involved.


Things have got pretty nasty between Trank and Fox, his tweet opened the floodgates for dirty laundry to come out. He sounds like a complete twat, I think he bit off way more than he could chew, he'd only made one smallish film and now he's given over a hundred million to make a superhero blockbuster and the studio want heavy involvement. He just couldn't handle it.


More details about the nightmare that was the making of the new Fantastic Four film. Crazy stuff, I can't imagine where Josh Trank goes from here.



The Thing free falling isn't even in the final film? That's one of the main hooks used in the trailer! "State of your marketing market mate!"



There's at least 12 scenes from just the trailers that aren't even in the final cut. 12! http://www.hitfix.com/harpy/12-scenes-from-the-fantastic-four-trailers-that-arent-in-the-film (film spoilers obviously)

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Are they cut scenes or would they have been shot just for the trailer? I don't know how common it is, but the trailer for Highlander 4 had various random shots in it that were never in the film. Blokes jumping through portals, controlling swords telepathically, etc. None of it was ever in any script for the film, they just shot them for the trailer. They had quite late reshoots on that, I think they were shooting stuff a few weeks before release. The studio must have known they had a turkey then and just gone "throw some magic powers in the trailer!"

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Are they cut scenes or would they have been shot just for the trailer?

From reading up on it it's a mix of them changing the film during production ( pretty much scrapping the final third and redoing it from scratch) and picking a cheaper vfx studio to save money who couldn't cope with the sheer volume of fx shots they needed. It looks like all those scenes were originally part of the film, plus unfinished scenes like them having the fantasticar that appeared in a behind the scenes photo. On the link from the original discussion before there's at least 3 big action scenes that were scrapped at various points of completion.

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The main one , from the trailer, is where they drop Thing from a plane like a bomb....that was supposed to big a big part of the story (these powered individuals being used as weapons) but got dropped/reshot or they couldn't afford it.

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The director claims there's a cut of the film that's really good but will never see the light of day.


Yeah but he would say that, wouldn't he (To be fair his version can't be any worse.)


His original script included:




1. The released film takes broad strokes from the original script. 2. The first act of the original draft is the first 2/3rds of the final movie. 3. The original script is closer to the MCU in tone. 4. The script features the origins of the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom, Galactus, Mole Man, Herbie the Robot, and the FantastiCar. 5. Ben is still Reed's muscle, keeping him safe from bullies. This aspect makes Reed's decision to bring Ben along on the trip to the Negative Zone make more sense. 6. Reed goes to the Baxter Building as part of a science scholarship; there he meets Sue, who is working with a Dr. Elder, who is on the cutting edge of his biology field making "moloids". Reed also meets Victor Von Doom, who takes the nerdy Reed to parties, where he meets and falls for Sue. Meanwhile Ben has become sad as Reed has stopped calling him, and he has made a choice - he's skipping college and has enlisted in the army. 7. There's no older Dr. Storm character. Sue calls her brother, Johnny, as a last resort when they're about to take their trip to the Negative Zone. 8. Victor Von Doom is actually a spy for his homeland of Latveria and is leaking Reed's research to them. 9. When the team uses their Quantum Gate, it's because their school refuses to let them use it, which causes the team to use it under the cover of night. Reed calls in Ben, the person he trusts the most, even if their relationship is strained. Sue is staying behind, Johnny helping her man the controls from this side of the portal. Ben gets promised that he'll be the first human to step foot on the other side of the portal. 10. When they go into the Negative Zone, they find an alien city with its entire population dead. They also find their destroyer: Galactus. 11. Galactus seemingly kills Victor with Dark Matter, while Reed and Ben make it to the module, but it's not working; on the other side of the portal Sue is working feverishly to fix the circuitry that won't allow the module to return home. Galactus nears as Sue finally fixes the machine, and he blasts the module with Dark Matter - but the Dark Matter hits the Quantum Gate and there's a reaction and the entire team - the two in the module and the two in the lab - are pelted with some kind of cosmic madness. 12. The scene of the team waking up in the wreckage is similar here with Johnny on fire, screaming, and Ben trapped in stone. Sue's condition is more obvious though, with the skin on her face disappearing and showing her musculature. 13. The script jumps ahead four years instead of one, where Johnny becomes a reality TV star, Sue goes back to medicine and uses her invisibility powers to look inside of patients suffering from serious cancers (Dr. Elder wants her to come work on the Moloid program, but Sue won't - she thinks it'll be weaponized), Reed is in hiding because he blames himself for the destruction caused at the Baxter Building where he has built a Herbie robot while trying to sell the FantastiCar to Toyota, and Ben is working for the military. 14. Meanwhile, Lavteria creates their own Quantum Gate thanks to the information that Victor sent them. They sends a team through. Only Doom returns, however, and takes over the country with his powers, now acting as Galactus' herald. 15. Sue has been trying to cure Ben, using her cancer research, but it isn't working. 16. Victor's people, called Shock Troopers who are armed with futuristic weapons, attack Reed in Indonesia. When he notices that the weapons are based on his designs, Reed realizes that this has to be Victor's work and that he's still alive. After failing to contact Sue, he uses a FantastiCar and flies to the Baxter Building, bringing Herbie along as well. At the same time, Shock Troopers attack Sue and Johnny at the Baxter Building. During the fight, Dr. Elder is accidently transformed into the Mole Man. 17. While Johnny and Sue fight the soldiers, a Moloid comes into contact with dark matter and becomes a giant creature. When Reed finally arrives, the giant creature bursts out of the ground. Ben, who happens to be nearby looking at puppies in a pet shop window, hears the commotion and runs over. The team engage the giant Moloid and the battle ends when Ben gets swallowed and tries to fight his way out; when he finally gets to the Moloids mouth he sees that Reed has slingshotted a bus at the creature and Johnny has set it on fire and it is heading right towards the mouth - and Ben. 18. The rest of the script has the team coming together to go to Latveria, now the center of an international incident because Victor has built a giant Dark Energy cannon. He intends to use it to destroy Galactus; it seems that Victor's only chance at survival in the Negative Zone was to act as Galactus' herald and help him find a new world to eat - Earth. But Von Doom intends to destroy the Destroyer before that can happen. 19. The team uses their powers in more ways in the script, and Sue especially gets a lot to do. She helps Reed escape from government captivity after the Moloid battle and she's able to create a force shield that reduces wind resistance on the FantastiCar and allows it to reach incredible speeds. Reed uses his powers to become a living airbag in a crash, he survives a grenade attack, and in the end his biggest contribution to the final fight is Herbie. 20. The final battle is in Latveria, but it is revealed the shapeshifting Doom there is a Doombot; Victor is actually physically attached to the planet in the Negative Zone and has sent tendrils of his being to Earth. The film ends with him trapped in the Negative Zone, the Fantastic Four telling the government Galactus is coming and the retooling of the Baxter Building as their home base and a school for smart kids who can help defeat the coming menace of Galactus.


Quite a few bits of that were changed in the rewrites before production but i would imagine his original version would have included at least a few of those elements.


Its been mentioned by a few separate sources that he wanted to go full Cronoberg and make it into a body horror film with each of them not being able to cope with how it was changing them

Edited by chokeout
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Dont know where else to put this so i will stick it in here rather than starting a new topic


So i have been eyeing up new batman vs superman merch..I really like the mucho £££ figures. However at £150 each it wasnt going to happen...
So i had a spare day and figured i would go to the toy store by a cheap batman and custom it.
Started with this..........14.99!
Took it apart and began to dull the gray
Repainted the face and added stubble.
Repainted the brass and then weathered them down leaving this
Now all thats left is to find a nice bit of leather and make a new cape...I will attach it where its supposed to go.
I have also just finished the superman from the same company if anyone is interested
Edited by quote the raven
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Awful skin tone, and look at them eyebrows!




Used a clear glossy red on the boots and badge



and hes done.......until cape...




Again i have not done the cape as i have to find the right stuff to do it with.


Im also eyeing up the Wonder Women from the same line, however shes a bit more ££ so will have to wait till next month

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Deadpool is out on DVD & Bluray today and I just found out what extras come on the bluray. I think Malbranque may drown in his own cum once he finds out:

* Deleted & Extended Scenes with Optional Commentary by Director Tim Miller

* Commentary by Ryan Reynolds and Screenwriters Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick

* Commentary by Director Tim Miller and Deadpool Co-Creator Rob Liefield

* Concept Art Gallery

* From Comics To Screen...To Screen

* Outakes

* Deadpool's Fun Sack

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Now all thats left is to find a nice bit of leather and make a new cape...I will attach it where its supposed to go.
I have also just finished the superman from the same company if anyone is interested



Those are really good. 


I really need to finish this bust that I started when I was trying to teach myself how to airbrush




It takes a lot of getting used to and is nothing like traditional painting but is fun.


Although my dad picked it straight up and did this....I hate him



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Deadpool is out on DVD & Bluray today and I just found out what extras come on the bluray. I think Malbranque may drown in his own cum once he finds out:

* Deleted & Extended Scenes with Optional Commentary by Director Tim Miller

* Commentary by Ryan Reynolds and Screenwriters Rhett Reese & Paul Wernick

* Commentary by Director Tim Miller and Deadpool Co-Creator Rob Liefield

* Concept Art Gallery

* From Comics To Screen...To Screen

* Outakes

* Deadpool's Fun Sack

Been waiting in all day on mine being delivered, fuck amazon

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