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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Meant to say, on a completely unrelated note, I just thought of Chokey when an invite to a Grindhouse night in a wee cinema in Dublin for a Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from New York and Assault on Precinct 13 triple header next month, popped up on my Facebook.

I don't know why they aren't showing The Thing instead of Precinct 13, but I won't complain.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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What a week it looks to be for both Marvel and DC on TV. Tonight Marvel are preceding the 2 hour premiere of Agent Carter season 2 with an hour long documentary celebrating 75 years of Captain America while DC have the second half of Flash season 2 starting, tomorrow the second half of Arrow season 4 starts then Thursday its the premiere of Legends of Tomorrow preceded by a Justice League documentary. 7 hours of comic book goodness over three nights

Is this happening in the UK or the states?

I haven't noticed any adverts on SKY. Despite watching the SKY Superhero Movie channel pretty much non-stop this past week.

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Bo Rhap and going neon have made this suddenly look pretty good. Courtney channeling Bronson looks great fun, and Harley bending over is getting giffed. Loads of rumours swirling about the big bad and handsome bastard Scott Eastwood's role, too.

Agreed on the 'going neon', I like how much colour there was in there. Don't suppose you have proof of this gif?

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What a week it looks to be for both Marvel and DC on TV. Tonight Marvel are preceding the 2 hour premiere of Agent Carter season 2 with an hour long documentary celebrating 75 years of Captain America while DC have the second half of Flash season 2 starting, tomorrow the second half of Arrow season 4 starts then Thursday its the premiere of Legends of Tomorrow preceded by a Justice League documentary. 7 hours of comic book goodness over three nights

Is this happening in the UK or the states?

I haven't noticed any adverts on SKY. Despite watching the SKY Superhero Movie channel pretty much non-stop this past week.

The US, the UK don't get Flash and Arrow till next week I think on Sky 1, Agent Carter starts on Fox the same week while Legends doesn't start over here till March 3rd on Sky 1. We don't get the documentaries which is a shame as the Cap one was great

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Lot of absolute fucking idiots being negative emptying their bowels all over the place because Harley Quinn's accent isn't as strong as it "should be", though. Can't please them all.


That's typical. My main takeaway from that trailer was that for mannerisms and all-round sass, Margot is totally pulling it off as Harley. Pedantic bellsniffs everywhere.


I quite like telling the comic wankers complaining about the differences with the comics, "Yeah, that's the comics. This is the film. There's no point doing the comics again, because you already have the comics. Nobody's going to force you to watch the film if it's too different from the comics for you. Shut up and read your comics." As a gigantic X-Men comics fan, fans of a comic ragging on a film purely for the differences is a major pet hate because it tars us all with the same brush - a brush that was definitely different in the comic. Or any cross-medium re-imagining for that matter. YES, Targaryens are meant to have purple eyes and Bumblebee is meant to be a VW Beetle. Get over it.

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