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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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Get out of it!


Dark Knight Rises was bad because it was just a badly written film. Nothing to do with how "Batman" it was or wasn't.


True enough, an extra 20 minutes of Batman kicking arse and behaving more like Batman wouldn't have gone amiss though.



Am extra twenty minutes off anything would have just made it yet another twenty minutes too long! ...and wouldn't have solved any of the script problems.

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Am I the only one not enthused about a Superman movie purely because of the character? I watched the Superman movies as a kid because it had a bloke flying about and that was fun, I watched the New Adventures series because it was funny in places and was an alright drama with silly bits thrown in. But the character of Superman is just errgh. He's an alien who has one weakness and flies around in a silly costume. That's alright when you're a kid but as an adult its meh, and presenting a serious character based film on what I can't help but see as a really lame hero doesn't really appeal to me. That said I'm sure it'll be visually stunning and maybe I'm wrong and they'll knock it out of the park but I just struggle to see the point of a Superman movie that isn't designed for seven year olds to stare at a TV screen on a Sunday afternoon round their grandparents looking at the guy dressed in really silly colours lifting up buildings or whatever.

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I think that's selling the character of Superman too short, I know lots of adult comic fans who don't like him because he's too powerful or too much of a goodie but that's his charm for me, there's loads of characters who can go toe to toe physically with him in the comics so him being so powerful isn't that much of an issue and the fact that he's such a clean cut character adds to his appeal for me, there are loads of antiheroes in comics and Superman stands out as the ultimate good guy who always wants to do the right thing, when he's written by someone decent there are loads of things you can do with him. Superman/Batman is one of my favourite comic series ever because of the way they play the two personalities off each other, it's great.

Also he's the original Superhero, the perfect first one that started it all, he's one of the most iconic characters of all time, it's fun to see new interpretations of him just because of that if nothing else.

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I'm not having the criticism being leveled at Snyder here over Watchmen.

Who else could have done a better job - as a fan of the novel himself - than what he did?

The inclusion of the most cringeworthy sex scene of all time wasnt necessary and the cgi (fires at the screen) gore was retarded too. You're right about it being a thankless task though. It was way too rushed and really should have been a HBO series or something. As a single film it would have always been impossible.


It was an average at best film though. The Man of Steel trailer looks great but Watchmen's looked even better. I think it'll be a beautiful film with an average script.


Am I the only one not enthused about a Superman movie purely because of the character?

Ive always found Superman to be a horrifically dull character. The trailer shows some possibly interesting origin stuff though and Lois Lane is played by someone attractive so thats another plus. I'll probably wait for a good torrent or DVD though, the Watchmen burn still hurts.

Edited by Rob Lowe
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I always think back to David Caradine's Superman speech in Kill Bill Vol.2, sums it up perfectly.


That sounds absolutely awful. I'm watching Kill Bill soon as well.

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Woah, wait a sec. There are people that didn't like Dark Night Rises? That's blown my mind. I'm no film expert, admittedly, and I've always been more of a Marvel than DC fan, but Dark Night Rises was just an awesome film in its own right, without the comic book link.


I've heard a, hopefully bollocks, rumour today the Robert Downey Jr won't be playing Iron Man in Avengers 2. Can anyone quash this quickly, please?

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Last time I looked. I've just never encountered anyone who's seen it that didn't like it. I have, however, met many people that wouldn't even considered watching it.


What is your issue with me?


Actually, apologies, it was Chest Rockwell that last gave me shit. I get you mixed up.

Edited by summerslam1990
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