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Black2, I don't think anyone has Admin access to the forum at that level any more.


Ugh. So if the DB crashes (as it used to A LOT), no-one can reset it? And if it gets hacked, again screwed?


So where is Simon now? AWOL?


Over on another forum, we've got a mobile skin that basically forces the forum into a more smartphone friendly scale, and it's clever enough to automatically detect that you're viewing on a mobile. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than this place looks. But that requires an admin with enough rights to both add skins and to edit the board header to put in the javascript that does the detection.


Exactly the sort of thing I'd suggest. Unfortunately all these sort of things require admin server access.

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Black2, I don't think anyone has Admin access to the forum at that level any more.


Ugh. So if the DB crashes (as it used to A LOT), no-one can reset it? And if it gets hacked, again screwed?

Moo does have admin access (as does Junkman). The hosting bills are still paid and so Moo would still have server access via FTP and shell. I think Loki probably meant "no person who actually visits the forum has access to the ACP".

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I think Loki probably meant "no person who actually visits the forum has access to the ACP".

Not quite true. I do. I just can't do much in it. If I did you'd see a sub-forum for morons and they'd be banished to it.

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What's the barrier to you persuading Moo to give you full access, neil? Is it simply that he's not around to do it?

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What's the barrier to you persuading Moo to give you full access, neil? Is it simply that he's not around to do it?

I've asked before, it's his forum tho, so he can do as he pleases.

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It's not the most stupid idea in the world to create an alternative UKFF messageboard - at some point Moo will decide to pull the plug and then it'll just be over

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It's not the most stupid idea in the world to create an alternative UKFF messageboard - at some point Moo will decide to pull the plug and then it'll just be over


'Otter' long since gone then?

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Without pulling the mods' teeny tiny willies too much, any such backup forum should be set up and run by them, not another member. Depending on what neil can see in the Admin forum he could even potentially copy across some members info, even posts. Make a copy of this forum just in case.


Then if Moomageddon ever happens, the survivors can hole up in their perfect replica.

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If this forum dies I'm just going to go sign up on the TWCF forum and let them unleash years of pent-up (sexual) aggression towards me. My username will be changed to "TALL CUNT" within minutes.

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Break away, like the Wolfpac. Then we can all follow you and no longer live in fear that our work colleagues think we're supporting the BNP.

What's stopping the UKFF from sorting that out? It really does bother me. Can we not run a competition on the forum to create a new logo?


Running a Google image search for 'ukff logo' is hilarious by the way. Brings up all the entries from the previous thread about the logo.

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