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The Metal/Punk/Rock Thread

Egg Shen

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It's the absolute worst. There is however plenty of good stuff to be found if you look in the right places. I find the Metal Archives recommendation forum an absolute gold mine for finding brilliant underground black, death, thrash and doom. As is pretty much always the case though, the mainstream stuff is terrible.

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the perils of getting old.


Thing is, im not some kind of old school music lover that dismisses anything new, i love a lot of new bands and ive always supported new bands and keep upto date, it's just this new style of metal coming around, its complete and utter pish...and don't get me started on fucking deathcore.



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There are some really good modern bands hiding away in the corners of the internet though, I've recently gotten really into Vestiges.


YES! This man talks sense. Vestiges are excellent. Downloaded their 'The Descent of Man' album months ago. Should listen to it alot more. Definitely recommended if you like stuff like Fall of Efrafa.


As for deathcore...the less said about that sorry excuse for a genre the better. I found it to be thoroughly wank when I actually tried to get into it years ago when my mates where in some deathcore bands. I assumed it was dead by now and I think i'll be fine carrying on that way..

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i dunno if im getting old or what, but im watching Scuzz's Top 10 Bands to Watch in 2013 and it's fucking abysmal...heavy music has to be going in the worst direction it's ever gone in right now, here's an example:



seriously, what the fuck is that? Metalcore meets the fucking Backstreet Boys. Shocking.


Ive heard alot of that type of stuff coming through at local gigs over the last 6-8 months. Cant say it bothers me. It's like a logical progression of Nu Metal, meets boybander does metal (Fightstar, etc) fusion of styles ( previously the likes of Rap Metal, Folk Metal) etc. Some of the screaming, melodies and harmonies are actually pretty good overall. Cant say I love it to bits but im not going to go it's aural mass murder either

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It's music for the masses really, isn't it? A section of the "alternative scene" is basically the pop scene with fringes and tight jeans these days, so it stands to reason that the music by numbers bands that we see on the pop scene would infiltrate into "metal" as well.


Fuck knows. I don't concern myself with it. If the kids like it, then batter in. I'll stick with Down, Slayer, classic Metallica and Sabbath.

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There's something fishy about Issues, though.


They've got more than a whiff of 'manufactured' about them; a bunch of blokes with no discernible prior connection to one another who got signed to a major label subsidiary after three weeks of being a ban with no original tracks or demo.

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Anyone heard of a band called The Rotted?


Got their album on now, quite enjoying. Reminds me a bit of Satyricon mixed with Discharge.



I've seen them live a couple of times, pretty good. They were called Gorerotted for a long time before, if that name rings any bells.

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Anyone heard of a band called The Rotted?


Got their album on now, quite enjoying. Reminds me a bit of Satyricon mixed with Discharge.



I've seen them live a couple of times, pretty good. They were called Gorerotted for a long time before, if that name rings any bells.


Not really, but will check them out.

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