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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw a screening of The Last Stand and it was a very enjoyable flick. Kind of like, Walking Tall crossed with High Plains Drifter by way of Smokey and the Bandit and Tremors done in a grindhouse/exploitation manner, if that makes any sense. Very violent, very funny and even Knoxville is the bollox in it. Good solid 4/5 and would have easily have turned back around for a second viewing straight after had it been offered.


Foul Play with Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. Good flick and easy to see who was Ryan Reynolds' initial influence in acting.

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Same, i absolutely cannot wait. Headed up to London the weekend it's out, so plan on heading into Leicester Sq to catch it.


Been reading his book since Christmas, and having caught the holy trinity over the holidays (Twins, Jingle, T2) i'm chomping at the bit for some new Arnie.

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I'm just about to start the book to get me further hyped! Got it off a friend as a gift but I've had other things ahead in my reading queue up until now.



Uncle Buck was on TV last night. Damn that film is great. John Candy's facial expressions are just... ah man. Dude was a comic genius.

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I'm just about to start the book to get me further hyped! Got it off a friend as a gift but I've had other things ahead in my reading queue up until now.


I really recommend it mate. I've never read a book from cover to cover in my life but i cant put it down. I've done three quarters of it since Christmas Day which is good going for me.


Lots of focus on his bodybuilding career as you'd expect, i'm currently in the thick of some of his movie tales. It's very honest, and i think people will either read it and think "What an arrogant prick" or be inspired by it. Count me in with the latter.

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Count me in on that book. Going to buy it after work as I've been flirting with it most lunch times in the book shop. I'm highly skeptical of autobiographies ever since Chuck Liddell's, I'm Chevy Chase and You're Not, My Shit Life So Far and Mein Kampf, but I'll trust your judgement Mr.Matrix, sir, and take the plunge on Big Arnie's.

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Good lad. Slight disclaimer though - as my user name, avatar and sig suggest it should come as no surprise to hear that i'd likely be fascinated by it were it nothing more than a blot painting fashioned out of his own shit.


I used to feel the same about Kevin Smith until I went to see Jay and Silent Bob Get Old. Now I despise the man...

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He's certainly done worse things to piss me off than that show. Like Clerks 2.


I didn't think it was awful but it came nowhere close to the Q&A I went to a few years back. It mostly seemed to be an excuse to try and keep Jay on the straight and narrow which is no bad thing really, I suppose.

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We got a dreadful show in Dublin. I was genuinely excited going in coz I got front row/table but after talking about Liam Neeson's junk for five minutes, it quickly went onto the subject of Mewes' dental work. And stayed on that topic for the next 3 hours. Seriously, that was it. Then they finished the show with 'Let Us Fuck' and the audience was so bored rigid at this point that nobody was even poxed to chuckle.

It's not my fault Mewes snorted and jabbed his fortune away so why I had to pay 30 bob to contribute to him getting a new home that he'll eventually sell to start the snorting and jabbing cycle again is beyond me.

I never wanted to open somebody up as much in all my days, as Smith & Mewes, when that show finished.

I'm not bitter though. I watched Mallrats recently.

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