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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Cheers, CL. I'm not really after genre-specific stuff like Starburst and SFX and all that stuff (have most of them died now too?). I was just surprised the other day in WH Smith to see such a lack of film mags, specifically DVD review mags as there used to be a fair few of them on the shelves.

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Starburst recently went back into print and it's a pretty good read, covering anything that fits into the horror/sci-fi/fantasy sort of area. It's not strictly for DVDs and films but there's plenty of that in there, as well as TV, comics and games. All the usual reviews and interviews and stuff like that. The new issue's pretty heavy on Prometheus and the history of the Alien franchise but the last few were more TV-based, centred around The Walking Dead and Game Of Thrones. I think they did an Avengers issue as well, but I skipped that one. www.starburstmagazine.com if you fancy having a look.


Anyone off to see Prometheus tonight? It's my first night off work for almost two weeks so I thought I'd spend it at the pictures.

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I just watched Haywire the Gina Carano action vehicle.


I heard Gina was wooden and unconvincing and that was the downfall of the film


Having seen it I can really say that for me that was NOT the problem, she was indeed quite wooden but the problem was her fighting should've been the focus.


No one cared that Arnie was wooden because his films were all action and it didn't matter,

Gina Carano kicking loads of arse all the way through with a minimal (but engaging) storyline would've been great, instead they tried too hard to make it a "proper thriller" complete with convoluted plot and out of chronological order storytelling (which is one of my worst devices used in movies like this). Also there were a few fights that weren't even well shot which was really annoying including one that was almost entirely in the darkness -and we were deprived of seeing a fight that should've been shown.


Instead of awkwardly transplanting her into an ok thriller if they really wanted to make a movie with her (which I'm all for as she's decent looking, can fight and I love action movies) they should've played a lot more to her strengths and focused more on fighting.


Hopefully this will springboard her into starring in more movies and I'll eventually get the action led one I think she could do really well.

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I went to see Moonrise Kingdom. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside and it was also very funny. Go and see it you cold hearted bastards.


Was undecided about that one but that's all I needed!

Watched the Ides of March today, it was brilliantly acted, absolutely engrossing, but ended a little abruptly.


I love Wes Anderson films so I've been dying to see Moonrise Kingdom since release, I just don't have the funds right now for such things. I think I'll end up going to see it next week or soon after.


I am utterly skint myself, but luckily for me it was showing at our local arthouse-y cinema that has cheap tickets *and* they recognise Orange Wednesdays, so it cost me

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Watched Avengers on Weds with the missus. Really enjoyed it, but almost despite the truly absurd plot.


Now, I'm not a comic book geek, so I don't know about universes and alt realities and all that shit, but both Mrs Loki and I thought the whole "alienzzz" addition to the Marvel film universe sucked bigtime. I haven't seen Thor yet, but I didn't hugely mind his character, or Loki for that matter. I don't mind them being "practically" gods from another dimension, as that's very Eathbound still.


But the alien invasion felt like someone had been watching Highlander 2 waaay to much. It was laughable in fact.


So the only thing that really made the film was that (thank God) it didn't take itself too seriously. Tony Stark's quips and The Hulk's antics were definitely the best bits of the film, in fact The Hulk was the best character by far. The couple of scenes with Banner and Stark in particular were so well acted they only emphasised the clunkiness of some of the other bits.


Overall 7/10. Like the main crew, like the concept, quite happy to see another but hold the aliens, please.

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Watched Avengers on Weds with the missus. Really enjoyed it, but almost despite the truly absurd plot.


Now, I'm not a comic book geek, so I don't know about universes and alt realities and all that shit, but both Mrs Loki and I thought the whole "alienzzz" addition to the Marvel film universe sucked bigtime. I haven't seen Thor yet, but I didn't hugely mind his character, or Loki for that matter. I don't mind them being "practically" gods from another dimension, as that's very Eathbound still.


But the alien invasion felt like someone had been watching Highlander 2 waaay to much. It was laughable in fact.


So the only thing that really made the film was that (thank God) it didn't take itself too seriously. Tony Stark's quips and The Hulk's antics were definitely the best bits of the film, in fact The Hulk was the best character by far. The couple of scenes with Banner and Stark in particular were so well acted they only emphasised the clunkiness of some of the other bits.


Overall 7/10. Like the main crew, like the concept, quite happy to see another but hold the aliens, please.


Thor does a good job of bridging the gap between the 'real world' of Iron Man and the more out there / Aliens / Other Worlds reality.


After re-reading Ultimates and some of the older Captain Americas I love how good some of the little throwaway lines for his character are. Im hoping they do include some of his deleted scenes in the alternative opening for the DVD because he does get lost in the shuffle slightly.

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The couple of scenes with Banner and Stark in particular were so well acted they only emphasised the clunkiness of some of the other bits.


Yeah, Ruffalo was especially good - we all know that Downey Jr. can do showy in his sleep, but Ruffalo really put his character over.

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Ruffalo nailed that character in one scene, more completely than either of the previous actors did. It was an inspired piece of casting, and performance. It's all about Dr Banner, once he greens up it's only ever going to be CGI.

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