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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I'm thinking of watching Burn After Reading.. can anyone recommend it?. Bare in mind that I didn't 'get' the awesomeness of A Serious Man by the Coens. It left me with a bit of a meh feeling.

If your after a "HAHAHAHAHAHAH" comedy, then no. If your after a dark, very dry, "Sort of nothing actually happens" sort of comedy, then this is for you. I found myself not laughing for much of the film, only to explode with laughter at odd jokes, which for me made it all worth it.


Again if your a fan of "gag every second" comedy movies, give this a miss.


I concur. I fucking love the film.

I really liked Burn After Reading and thought Serious Man was a bag of shite so I'd say go for it.


Also watched Home Alone 1 & 2 in the last few days. Tremendous films, Culkin has to be the best child actor there has ever been, shame where its all gone. Must watch and if youve seen them before, must watch again.

Saw Home Alone 2 for the millionth time at the weekend. Still outstanding.

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I watched Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland yesterday. I'd seen it at the cinema before and i like it. I don't understand the criticism it got. It looks great on Blu-ray aswell.


Ive also been watching lots of Christmas films. Gremlins, still great. Fred Claus(Fred Claus, Santa's bitter older brother, is forced to move to the North Pole.), i like it almost as much as Elf. The Family Stone(An uptight, conservative, businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.) started off badly but did get better. Some very unlikeable people in it, who i think you are suppose to like! The Children(A relaxing Christmas vacation turns into a terrifying fight for survival as the children begin to turn on their parents.) A surprisingly good British horror film starring hannah Tointon of Hollyoaks and Inbetweeners fame. And finally A Christmas Story(Ralphie has to convince his parents, teachers, and Santa that a Red Ryder BB gun really is the perfect gift for the 1940's.) Very American but good. Kept me smiling and laughing throughout.

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I watched Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland yesterday. I'd seen it at the cinema before and i like it. I don't understand the criticism it got. It looks great on Blu-ray aswell.


Ive also been watching lots of Christmas films. Gremlins, still great. Fred Claus(Fred Claus, Santa's bitter older brother, is forced to move to the North Pole.), i like it almost as much as Elf. The Family Stone(An uptight, conservative, businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.) started off badly but did get better. Some very unlikeable people in it, who i think you are suppose to like! The Children(A relaxing Christmas vacation turns into a terrifying fight for survival as the children begin to turn on their parents.) A surprisingly good British horror film starring hannah Tointon of Hollyoaks and Inbetweeners fame. And finally A Christmas Story(Ralphie has to convince his parents, teachers, and Santa that a Red Ryder BB gun really is the perfect gift for the 1940's.) Very American but good. Kept me smiling and laughing throughout.


Is that the one where he drops the Christmas cake or something and says "oh fudge", much to the disgust of his father. And also, when he gets the BB gun, he fires it and recoils into his face and he runs off crying? I believe the boys name is Homer?


I've only seen that film once yeeeeeeeears ago. It amazes me that I remember it just from your BB gun reference. If I'm right that is.

Edited by Steve Justice
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The Family Stone[/b](An uptight, conservative, businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.) started off badly but did get better. Some very unlikeable people in it, who i think you are suppose to like!


Yes! An excuse to recycle one of my old posts for the benefit of someone who has experienced The Family Stone:


Back once again with the ill behaviour with the ill behaviour...


The Family Stone





OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) plays a newly engaged lady who is going to her fianc

Edited by JLM
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I watched Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland yesterday. I'd seen it at the cinema before and i like it. I don't understand the criticism it got. It looks great on Blu-ray aswell.


Ive also been watching lots of Christmas films. Gremlins, still great. Fred Claus(Fred Claus, Santa's bitter older brother, is forced to move to the North Pole.), i like it almost as much as Elf. The Family Stone(An uptight, conservative, businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.) started off badly but did get better. Some very unlikeable people in it, who i think you are suppose to like! The Children(A relaxing Christmas vacation turns into a terrifying fight for survival as the children begin to turn on their parents.) A surprisingly good British horror film starring hannah Tointon of Hollyoaks and Inbetweeners fame. And finally A Christmas Story(Ralphie has to convince his parents, teachers, and Santa that a Red Ryder BB gun really is the perfect gift for the 1940's.) Very American but good. Kept me smiling and laughing throughout.


Is that the one where he drops the Christmas cake or something and says "oh fudge", much to the disgust of his father. And also, when he gets the BB gun, he fires it and recoils into his face and he runs off crying? I believe the boys name is Homer?


I've only seen that film once yeeeeeeeears ago. It amazes me that I remember it just from your BB gun reference. If I'm right that is.


That is indeed the one!


The Family Stone[/b](An uptight, conservative, businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.) started off badly but did get better. Some very unlikeable people in it, who i think you are suppose to like!


Yes! An excuse to recycle one of my old posts for the benefit of someone who has experienced The Family Stone:




I agree with everything you wrote pretty much, i just wouldn't of been so harsh. I was hating SJP's character all the way through, but she was slightly saved by (as you've said) several other unlikeable people in the family! And yes Luke Wilson's character was pretty much the only one i liked.

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This evening the wife and I viewed Friday the 13th part 2 on Blu Ray. I'm a big Slasher movie fan and have made it my mission to collect Slashers on Blu Ray. So far I've racked up 27. F13 part 2 is great fun if your a fan of the series.


It picks up 5 years after the original. Essentially little Jason Voorhees has grown up and is unpleased with his late mothers demise and precedes to dispatch some new camp counsellors. As they made the mistake of setting up shop round the corner from Camp Crystal Lake. Apparently over a minute was cut of gore by the MPAA in America to grant it a R Rating. Its a real shame because the one thing it sadly lacks is a bit of splatter. But its still a cracker for the series, more or less sticking exactly to the formula of the 1st film.


The Blu Ray is pretty cool. Its a old low budget grainy film so that's exactly the way it looks. Don't go in thinking it'll suddenly have demo reel Hollywood gloss like Avatar but its certainly the best its ever looked and is ever likely to look. There's a clarity and detail in the image that I imagine hasn't been present since opening night in cinemas in the 80's. I'd be surprised if its ever given a first class restoration much like most Slashers. If it ever was to have the gore reinstated then I'd be all over it.


There's a few extras which are all entertaining but seem to be the same as those found on the Friday the 13th Blu. Several 10 min docs on the series, fan conventions and a panel Q&A featuring all the Jason actors, the theatrical trailer and a short film Lost Tales from Camp Blood part 1. Which is slightly annoying because the US version contains part 2 of Lost Tales.


Is it worth the upgrade? I'd say so, at least from the old DVD I have. If your a fan and it has a special place in your heart. Although I will say the box art is rubbish. If I bought it again I'd probably have imported the region free US version as its far more faithful than the horrid SAW inspired mess the UK version has and also features the correct instalment of Lost Tales.

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I just watched a Japanese film called Big Man Japan anyone seen it?


Holy shit, it's absolutely mental. I really recommend it to anyone who wants to see a film that's totally insane but fairly slow moving in parts.

It's also hilarious, I'm purposefully not revealing much because I think the less you know going in the more fun it would be.


I'm not really into Japanese culture or world cinema and I hearted it.


I'm sure most people wouldn't see a film on that write up but if there are any unemployed stoners reading this who want to watch a crazy film late at night and not know what to expect this is a good un.

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Harry Potter


I thought this was cracking. They got a lot of stuff in without making it feel rushed (like with HBP). I usually find Emma Watsons performances a little cringeworthy sometimes (she overacts) but I thought everyone including her was fantastic. Rupert Grint has put on some pounds too, the boys buff.


Can't wait for part 2.

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Yesterday I watched Centurion. Quite a decent film, funded by the Lottery Fund. Worth a look.


JUST finished watching Takers with Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Rappers T.I. & Chris Brown (not sure if he is a rapper). Good little bank heist type movie, maybe it's the Heat (DeNiro/Pachino) of 2010. Deffo worth a look.


Other films I have to watch:





Grown ups

The Town



Edited by Ez Money
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Just watched MEGAMIND, maybe im becoming more easily pleased but this is another awesome film IMO.


Similar idea to 'Dispicable me' of having a super villain as the main character although id say the D-M is the better of the 2.

Not much adult humour in this but then it is a kids film i guess, still well worth a look.


* We had the whole screen to ourselves which was cool and it ment we could shout out random shit and not worry about annoying anyone.

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Watched Tropic Thunder last night.


It will not will be a a great review,


It wasnt very good the pace was off and the film didnt really want to know what it was


Tom Cruise was funny in places ( yup dont shout it about) Jack black was pointless Robert Downey Jr was excellent and Ben Stiller was well Ben Stiller as well as directing himself


Was shit some funny bits but lack of any direction and a mish mash of mish mashes meant it just felt well, shoddy

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I found the comedy in it to be a bit forced, pretty much like all Ben Stiller films. Having said that, I saw it in the cinema on release and it was packed and got some of the loudest laughs ive heard in a cinema, so I guess most people founf it funny, pretty much like all Ben Stiller films.

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