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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I was really looking forward to seeing Machete this weekend..... And it's not fucking on anywhere near me. Fuck you Harry Potter with your 20 screenings a day!!


I'm very surprised (and pleased) that Cineworld on the Isle of Wight has it from Friday. Can't wait to see it.

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I was really looking forward to seeing Machete this weekend..... And it's not fucking on anywhere near me. Fuck you Harry Potter with your 20 screenings a day!!


You can get it by...erm...alternate means as a BDRIP. Not that I'm advocating that kind of thing...

Great movie though. The theme song alone will make you want to pull your jockeys down and bounce your crown off your girlfriends chin.

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I was really looking forward to seeing Machete this weekend..... And it's not fucking on anywhere near me. Fuck you Harry Potter with your 20 screenings a day!!


I'm very surprised (and pleased) that Cineworld on the Isle of Wight has it from Friday. Can't wait to see it.



I've just found it is on reasonably near me but it's a showcase cinema so I'll have to pay

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I was really looking forward to seeing Machete this weekend..... And it's not fucking on anywhere near me. Fuck you Harry Potter with your 20 screenings a day!!

I was off to see jackass 3-D on saturday although the Pott-a-fest has taken almost everything off that is good. So im having to go tonight at 8.40pm. Mainly because before and after this is more harry F'ING potter.


I hate him so.

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I watched The Hot Rock this morning, late film on Channel 4


Nice farce about a botched heist, staring Robert Redford as the Hapless Thief.


Basically hired to steal a Diamond by a United Nations ambassador, the whole thing quickly goes awry and then involves several break ins or outs to uncover where the Diamond is.


I thought it was very good and Zero Mostel, playing one of the thiefs gang's dads really steals the show though, very funny.


Defininately one to recommend



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Got tp the cinema last night, and jackass has been taken off in favour of harry potter.......and i was not watching that. So the mrs suggested this!


Ok, so im a bit funny about this film, as its.......ok, but some parts are slightley rubbish. Basically aliens decied to invade and all hell break loose. They use some strange beam to sort of infect you, which in turn makes you walk towards them so they can abduct you.


This of course revolves around some couple who are on holiday visiting a friend of the guys, (which the friend ends up being Turk from scrubs!), when all this hell kicks off. Basically its ok, and funniely enough as i was watching it, i did think "if this ever happened, everything we do during our life would seem pretty stupid". That aside there are also a few flaws. When everything really kicks in, and the army show up........a huge sky battle erupts. But the problem is that as a view we only see bits from the survivors perspective........inside a hotel room. I personally think that scene could of been 100 times better if a side story had one of the pilots involved and we could see this sky battle all breaking out!


Bar that the CG is amazing, (funniely enough the main charecters,[turk and the main bloke], work as special effects people in hollywood from what i gatherd), and the story is....allright. Bar that some bits of the film are a bit cack, but no where near as bad as some reviews ive read.


So, in summerey even though some parts are a bit pants........i was (like the people in the movie) sucked into it an even enjoyed it.


Id say worth a rent when it comes out, but if you liek CG stuff, get down the cinema as it'll look a million times better on the big screen.



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So Mrs T bought this on DVD the other week and although we'd allready seen it, we thought we'd chuck the dvd on for no real reason. (Also the extra of the animated short "Presto!" is one of the funniest things Pixar have done, ever. And thats saying something considering its a 5+ min short film. I suggest you check it out if you havent!).


Bar that Wall-E is of course the story of a little rubbish collecting robot left behind on earth whilst the rest of the planet leave until its done. For some reason he's the only one left, but is content in his role. Another robot turns up from the human ship in space, called EVE. She is looking for signs of natural life so that the humans may return.


I wont spoil it if you havent seen it, but i will dare say this is the best movie pixar have done, (again i dare say it), even better than toystory. I'll guess you'd have to make up your own mind, but this film is a gem in the pixar history, and in some parts can really make you think about where life is heading, (mainly the fat people in chairs, drinking food from cups and not taking there eyes off the screens in front of them).


totally amazing film, worth a watch/buy and/or rent



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So Mrs T bought this on DVD the other week and although we'd allready seen it, we thought we'd chuck the dvd on for no real reason. (Also the extra of the animated short "Presto!" is one of the funniest things Pixar have done, ever. And thats saying something considering its a 5+ min short film. I suggest you check it out if you havent!).


Bar that Wall-E is of course the story of a little rubbish collecting robot left behind on earth whilst the rest of the planet leave until its done. For some reason he's the only one left, but is content in his role. Another robot turns up from the human ship in space, called EVE. She is looking for signs of natural life so that the humans may return.


I wont spoil it if you havent seen it, but i will dare say this is the best movie pixar have done, (again i dare say it), even better than toystory. I'll guess you'd have to make up your own mind, but this film is a gem in the pixar history, and in some parts can really make you think about where life is heading, (mainly the fat people in chairs, drinking food from cups and not taking there eyes off the screens in front of them).


totally amazing film, worth a watch/buy and/or rent




Still not got round to seeing this yet.


Is it better than Toy Story 3 because I don't see how Pixar can top that?


Either way, it is going on my list, so I will see it soon enough.

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So Mrs T bought this on DVD the other week and although we'd allready seen it, we thought we'd chuck the dvd on for no real reason. (Also the extra of the animated short "Presto!" is one of the funniest things Pixar have done, ever. And thats saying something considering its a 5+ min short film. I suggest you check it out if you havent!).


Bar that Wall-E is of course the story of a little rubbish collecting robot left behind on earth whilst the rest of the planet leave until its done. For some reason he's the only one left, but is content in his role. Another robot turns up from the human ship in space, called EVE. She is looking for signs of natural life so that the humans may return.


I wont spoil it if you havent seen it, but i will dare say this is the best movie pixar have done, (again i dare say it), even better than toystory. I'll guess you'd have to make up your own mind, but this film is a gem in the pixar history, and in some parts can really make you think about where life is heading, (mainly the fat people in chairs, drinking food from cups and not taking there eyes off the screens in front of them).


totally amazing film, worth a watch/buy and/or rent




Still not got round to seeing this yet.


Is it better than Toy Story 3 because I don't see how Pixar can top that?


Either way, it is going on my list, so I will see it soon enough.

I would say that although toy story 3 is amazing, as is the whole series, im going out on a limb and saying wall-e is the best movie pixar have ever made.


DOnt know if anybody else would agree, but i personally think that in the world of pixar this (for some reason to me) seems to be the most realistic. Again im aware its about robots/the future/space travel etc, but the robots behave like robots (if that makes sense) and it all just seems more plausable rather than talking cars/toys/bugs etc.


Give it watch, either way if you watch it, be sure to watch the "presto!" feature, as its also gold.

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Watching the Detectives




2007 Rom-com starring Cillian Murphy and Lucy Liu.


I'm really not one for romantic comedies, apart from a very select few films. This had been on my must watch pile for 3 years before last night, when I needed a Cillian fix and thought I'd finally watch this.




In a nutshell it's about a guy called Neil who runs a small video store, specialising in older movies rather than new releases. Film geek central. He meets a girl called Violet who even though she ruins his life in numerous batshit ways he falls in love with her.

Murphy and Liu are fantastic and you easily empathise with both characters. It's brilliantly written and had me in stitches, very inspiring too. I think I liked it so much because both the characters reminded me of myself in some ways. The film geekery side, and the acting on impulse a little bit hyper side.


I highly recommend it to anyone, but especially if your Mrs wants to watch a rom-com and you don't, this is a good one to go for.


9.5/10 knocked off .5 for it being predictable in places.

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Just came back from seeing Machete


Enjoyed it but I hoped it would be so much more than it was, if it had 40% more action and 40% less Mexican stuff I would've been much happier. It's a shame because I've been so pumped for it for ages and I wanted it to deliver just a bit more than it did.

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, if it had 40% more action and 40% less Mexican stuff


That was my problem with it. I just didn't want to say it in case I offended any gringos...

Lemme tell ya though, Seagal was quality. Almost as good a role as Cock Puncher in the Onion Movie. I'm starting to dig Steve-o when he branches out.

I think Rodriguez and his obsession with satisfying his fanboy/movie buff within is growing a bit tiresome, though.

What annoyed me most about Machete was Lohan. The girls is a renowned yop bucket, yet she gets a body double to stand in for the close up diddy shots. I really wanted to bang one out to Li-Lo too, coz I'd say she's the type who'd let you use her bumhole as a dip for your chips if you gave her a cigarette.


On the subject of 'grindhouse' flicks, I can't fuckin' wait for Rutger Hauer as Hobo With A Shotgun.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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With all the DVDs packed up in boxes, I had to borrow one tonight, as the TV is all disconnected. With little to choose from, I thought I'd give Clash Of The Titans a go.


It's shit. The CGI is unspectacular, the plot is iffy if you're familiar with the Harryhausen version, and it's just generally meh all the way through. Some dodgy accents mixed in there aswell. At one point Perseus is No'thern, and later he's pseudo-cockney. It's like an hour and half long argument against remakes.

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, if it had 40% more action and 40% less Mexican stuff


That was my problem with it. I just didn't want to say it in case I offended any gringos...


I think it was enough of a push for Mexicans to have the hero of the movie be an old hideous Mexican who's really tough and beloved by all women, it should've been him in all out action, the whole Mexican revolutionary theme bored me plus (extremely mild spoiler ahead) SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

there was a scene where Machete stuck a gattling gun to the front of a motorbike and only used it for about 10 seconds! What the fuck? If my hero stuck a badass gun on a badass chopper he'd be shooting people with it for 20 minutes!


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