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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Pathology A group of medical students devise a deadly game: to see which one of them can commit the perfect murder.

I only bought this (from Poundland) because it was written by Neveldine and Taylor, the guys that did Crank and Crank 2. It has a Fight Club feel to it, as the medical students have this secret group committing the murders. It was pretty good, nothing like the Crank movies though. It was very graphic and not something you want to watch while eating dinner. Michael Weston, who i'd previuosly seen in Scrubs, puts in a decent performance and the last 15 minutes or so were great.

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Anyone seen Let Me In?


Not seen the original or know anything about it before watching so was pleasantly suprised as I thought it was a full on horror. Few boys in the cinema shat themselves a few times mind you. The kids in the lead are very good in their parts and it's all held together nicely.

I can't recommend the original to you enough. It is a fantastic, wonderful film. :love:


I only just saw the original, and it is very good. Haunting in fact. I can't quite put my finger on why I enjoyed it so much, but I did. There were so many subtle touches, that if I had not been paying attention to, i'd have missed. Good performances too.


The climax scene, reminded me of the feeling I got during the brief shot of the Joker in TDK when he has his head out of the car and there is no (or a very quiet) soundtrack in the background. I won't spoil it or anything, but there is a certain calm to one shot while all around is chaos that you only get glimpses of. Its the same as in Resevoir Dogs, where you don't see the ear bit, but its your imagination that makes you think you see it, kinda.


If anyone has seen both, is 'Let me In' worth watching. From seeing the orginal I can see 1,000 & 1 ways they could fuck it up. Such as the kids age (have they made them slightly older?), or the slow methodical pace. Please tell me they haven't twilighted it and sexed it all up?

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Anyone seen Let Me In?


Not seen the original or know anything about it before watching so was pleasantly suprised as I thought it was a full on horror. Few boys in the cinema shat themselves a few times mind you. The kids in the lead are very good in their parts and it's all held together nicely.

I can't recommend the original to you enough. It is a fantastic, wonderful film. :love:


I only just saw the original, and it is very good. Haunting in fact. I can't quite put my finger on why I enjoyed it so much, but I did. There were so many subtle touches, that if I had not been paying attention to, i'd have missed. Good performances too.


The climax scene, reminded me of the feeling I got during the brief shot of the Joker in TDK when he has his head out of the car and there is no (or a very quiet) soundtrack in the background. I won't spoil it or anything, but there is a certain calm to one shot while all around is chaos that you only get glimpses of. Its the same as in Resevoir Dogs, where you don't see the ear bit, but its your imagination that makes you think you see it, kinda.


If anyone has seen both, is 'Let me In' worth watching. From seeing the orginal I can see 1,000 & 1 ways they could fuck it up. Such as the kids age (have they made them slightly older?), or the slow methodical pace. Please tell me they haven't twilighted it and sexed it all up?


I've only seen the original, but my flatmate has seen both and he liked Let Me In (and was a big fan of the original). He said he probably would of enjoyed it alot more if he hadn't seen Let The Right One In though. He also said both leads were good BUT they did mess up that final scene a bit and it wasn't half as powerful as the original.

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Pathology A group of medical students devise a deadly game: to see which one of them can commit the perfect murder.

I only bought this (from Poundland) because it was written by Neveldine and Taylor, the guys that did Crank and Crank 2. It has a Fight Club feel to it, as the medical students have this secret group committing the murders. It was pretty good, nothing like the Crank movies though. It was very graphic and not something you want to watch while eating dinner. Michael Weston, who i'd previuosly seen in Scrubs, puts in a decent performance and the last 15 minutes or so were great.


:thumbsup: yeh, good movie.

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Yeah I liked Let Me In, saw Let the Right One In in the cinema when it came out so get me I'm all cool, and loved it, so obviously the remake syndrome kicked in, its good, but it really fails when you ask what is the point to remaking a beautiful- perfect film a year or two later? It looks really similar to LTROI and it really only is worthwhile to people who hate watching movies with subtitles..

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So add me to the list of people who've now see Let Me In. I enjoyed it, but not as good the original Swedish film.


In fact I loved the original film so much I went and bought the book. Now the book was *really* good and you realize how much the movie omitted. The book was a lot darker, gave more life to some of the minor characters, and had people that the movie didn't include at all.


Now after reading the book and seeing the original, the American remake then goes further in dropping stuff from both book and previous film. And I also wasn't keen on how they introduced a character from the book but in using him downgraded another character as they had him play a very similiar part.


In fact I'm just going to spoiler tag it here:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

The cop. Decent size role in the book, non-existant in the Swedish film, but here he ends up in Lacke's shoes of the guy searching for Abbey/Eli. In both book and original, Lacke is after revenge after Jock's death and so Eli protecting herself by killing him is justifiable. Here, an innocent copper doing is job is killed and Owen helps.


Also the ending had none of the originals power. That scene where Eli drags Oskar out of the water and they smile at each other. Here, Owen is helped out, you don't see Abbey, and he has this goofy look on his face. And both films had the same last scene so I was able to get my coat on before anyone else in the cinema reacted.


But the one thought I had at the end of the original film was this depressing thought that Eli must befriend young boys who protect and kill for her, and then as they got older, she'd start another cycle of befriending another young boy over and over. Now that was a pretty depressing thought.


In the book, the "Father" was a peadophile who was helping Eli because he had a thing for young boys - Yes, Eli was a boy originally. And the "Father" doesn't die from the fall, he comes back as a brainless vampire with a permanent erection hunting for Eli and Thomas (the son of the woman the cop is dating) has a much larger role as he has to kill the zombie vampire - I was slightly pleased in this film tho when he was mentioned as the Swedish film ignores him entirely.


In this film, my depressing notion was all but confirmed when you see the pictures of Abbey with the old man from back when he was a kid.





A lot of the scenes were basically shot for shot remakes, but the two lead kid roles were good.


Ultimately tho, this was a film for those who can't be arsed to watch subtitles.

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Was very much like a cross between Transformers, Independence Day, Cloverfield and the Matrix (the alien space ships were carbon copies of them wiggly metal thingys from the Matrix)

I enjoyed the opening, but thought the middle was shit due to some shoddy thespianship. The final third was fantastic and despite opinions to the contrary, I found the ending to be a hair on the necker backer stander upper...some serious goosebumps. A good, stiff 6/10, all in all...

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Was very much like a cross between Transformers, Independence Day, Cloverfield and the Matrix (the alien space ships were carbon copies of them wiggly metal thingys from the Matrix)

I enjoyed the opening, but thought the middle was shit due to some shoddy thespianship. The final third was fantastic and despite opinions to the contrary, I found the ending to be a hair on the necker backer stander upper...some serious goosebumps. A good, stiff 6/10, all in all...



I just saw it to and honestly feel like I saw a different movie to you. Its not the worst film I've ever seen, but pretty dismal. Seemed like a straight to dvd movie that was given a bit extra budget that they spunked on CGI. It does however feature some of the worst, and hilarious, over acting of any movie I've seen in a while. The plot is pretty nonexistant, as is the ending, just all around pretty poor. On the plus side, it had Milo from 24 seasons 1 and 6, and Angel Batista from Dexter in it.

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Get Him To The Greek:


I'd heard that this wasn't very good in comparison to Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which it spins off from), but I found myself enjoying it more. There was a time when I couldn't stand Russell Brand but I've slowly grown to like him, and he's not bad in this at all. Definitely worth a viewing if you've got 90 minutes spare. Hell, just watch it for P. Diddy or whatever he's calling himself now.

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Day: Yesterday

Time: Evening

Audience: The good lady and I

Film: The butterfly Effect

Rating: 4.5 stars

Comments: I love this film so very, very much. The shining moment of Ashton Kuthcer's career in my opinion. Great story, moving scenes and I didn't even realise that on DVD you don't get the original ending!! I think I like the ending we get better than what I have read is the theatrical ending.

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Gladstone, was it the "Director's Cut" of Dark City? That at least was a little more comprehendible than the original theatrical edit. I think it's a great idea, and the Wachowski brothers should be paying them royalties, but the casting is all a bit weird. Connelly is hot though.

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I don't think it was the Director's Cut although I'm not surprised that such a version exists. In places it really was quite clear that it had been clipped down quite badly. I think any film that wastes William Hurt being on board though is doing something grossly wrong.


Also, Jennifer Connelly is always hot.

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