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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw Due Date yesterday, and as previously mentioned in here, not quite as funny as the Hangover but is still a really fun movie! The 2 lead actors pretty much make the film what it is, and theres a few nice cameo's too! Robert Downy Jr is great as foil for Zach Galafinikas (sp) character (essentailly a camper version of Alan from the Hangover), and they have great chemistry on screen together.


"What are you a girl or something?" had myself and my mates I was with in stitches for ages and was a lot funnier than it really should have been, but the delivery was brilliant.

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Gladstone, we should start a film recommendation thread, based on what's coming up on tv so we can all watch the same film and talk about it afterwards. And lube each other up.


We did this on here quite a long time ago. We got a bunch of people to agree to watch Cube and then we all reviewed and then there was a back and forth between people who like the ending (like me) and people who need every little thing nicely wrapped up and spoon fed to them for them to feel like they've got their money's worth didn't.


Buy plenty of lube though. A mistake we made last time was not buying enough lube.

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Has anyone watched 'The Tortured' yet? I watched it with the missus on the weekend and we enjoyed it apart from two things, both of them being pretty major in the grand scheme of things. Will spoiler protect it below so not to ruin it for everyone. Anyone who's seen it i would appreciate your thoughts or input.


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1) The 'switch' of characters after the prison van crashed. Even in a darkened cellar and plenty facial injuries and makeup plastered on for added effect i was thinking almost immediately that it wasn't the same guy who they were targeting, which then pretty much killed the surprise when it was revealed later in the film. WTF was all that about ?


2) More importantly what was with the ending? Neither of us could figure it out. The police search group caught the peado and then the innocent (?) guy they had tortured then hung himself for a reason we couldn't figure out. If he was a total random then how did he know the name of their child when they started lambasting him to disclose it when he was in the basement? I was going to play back the last 15 minutes or so of the film at the time but we were both watching it in bed and pretty tired - maybe we both missed something - at the time so just switched off and fell asleep.


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Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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The Wasp Woman. A cosmetics queen develops a youth formula from jelly taken from queen wasps. She fails to anticipate the typical hoary side- effects.

Another Poundland buy! Firstly the picture and sound is pretty awful even for a 1959 film bought at Poundland. But the film is actually pretty good. Moving along at a steady pace, that gets more interesting as it goes on. Unfortunately the actual Wasp Woman does look pretty comical now, but that can be forgiven as it was made 50 years ago.

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