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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Has anyone here seen Grave Encounters? It's a really enjoyable horror in the same vein as Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, et all...only that it's much better than the majority of them.


The Perfect Host is also great fun, even if the ending's a little weird. David Hyde Pearce steals the show.

Iv'e seen the trailer for the perfect host but I can't look at DHP without thinking Niles, same as the way I see Kelsey Grammer I guess. He's never done much in the way of films, does he play the part suitably different to watch it as a whole new character? Everything about him, especially his voice screams Niles to me.

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Has anyone here seen Grave Encounters? It's a really enjoyable horror in the same vein as Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, et all...only that it's much better than the majority of them.


The Perfect Host is also great fun, even if the ending's a little weird. David Hyde Pearce steals the show.

Iv'e seen the trailer for the perfect host but I can't look at DHP without thinking Niles, same as the way I see Kelsey Grammer I guess. He's never done much in the way of films, does he play the part suitably different to watch it as a whole new character? Everything about him, especially his voice screams Niles to me.

I get exactly what you mean but, in this instance, imagining him as being psychotic Niles turned up to 11 actually makes the film all the better.

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  • Paid Members
Has anyone here seen Grave Encounters? It's a really enjoyable horror in the same vein as Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, et all...only that it's much better than the majority of them.


The Perfect Host is also great fun, even if the ending's a little weird. David Hyde Pearce steals the show.

Iv'e seen the trailer for the perfect host but I can't look at DHP without thinking Niles, same as the way I see Kelsey Grammer I guess. He's never done much in the way of films, does he play the part suitably different to watch it as a whole new character? Everything about him, especially his voice screams Niles to me.

I get exactly what you mean but, in this instance, imagining him as being psychotic Niles turned up to 11 actually makes the film all the better.

Now I just imagine Niles from the episode where he keeps trying to injure Martin to stop Daphne from leaving :laugh:

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Jurassic Park

I still find this to a be real treat. Granted the characterisation and story are virtually minimal, but, in terms of spectacle and providing a blockbuster ride, it's excellent. There's a range of memorable scenes; the impact tremors in the water, T-Rex's subsequent attack, the two dinosaurs preying on the kids in the kitchen, and more.


Apart from the somewhat cliche and corny moments (Grant with the kids in the tree and Grant later telling Hammond he won't be endorsing the park as he jumps into the getaway car), it's also impressive how well the tone is balanced. As a whole, the film's not too terrifying and it doesn't lose its sense of adventure either.

Edited by Vice
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Robocop 2 Fails at everything the first film did so well, misjudged cartoony action scenes (Robocop on a motorbike), watered down satire (corporate greed, the OCP/Nazi flag) and a rubbish script. The original draft of Frank Millers script is available online / as a graphic novel and is far better than how the film turned out but is far from perfect and a lot of the crap in this can be directly linked back to him, including the shitty subplot with Murphy's ex wife

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Besides for Dark Knight Returns, has Frank Miller done anything that isn't shite? I enjoy Sin City, the film, but that's far more to do with the cast and the sense of style above anything else. I saw a big poster for his new book, Holy Terror, in hmv but haven't heard a single good thing about it.

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  • Paid Members
Besides for Dark Knight Returns, has Frank Miller done anything that isn't shite? I enjoy Sin City, the film, but that's far more to do with the cast and the sense of style above anything else. I saw a big poster for his new book, Holy Terror, in hmv but haven't heard a single good thing about it.


His work on Daredevil was fantastic

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  • Paid Members
Robocop 2 Fails at everything the first film did so well, misjudged cartoony action scenes (Robocop on a motorbike), watered down satire (corporate greed, the OCP/Nazi flag) and a rubbish script. The original draft of Frank Millers script is available online / as a graphic novel and is far better than how the film turned out but is far from perfect and a lot of the crap in this can be directly linked back to him, including the shitty subplot with Murphy's ex wife


I have to say that I still quite liked it for being so completely mental. Plus, the computer games were great.

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All I can remember from RoboCop 2 that I didn't instantly hate, was this.




Funniest Stuff of the film that, the New Robocop's


I liked the film as it happens, its not uber brilliant, but the Stop Motion in general andfight between Kain and Robocop are cool and the Old Man, being completely different to the first film, likeable to heel turning, uber cunt are good, as is the stuff on the Tv Show to save the city from bankruptcy. Generally though, Id recommend it, plus its got Irv Kerschner Sequel director extrodinaire... What more do you need

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Robocop 2 is passable, but not getting Verhoeven back in doesn't help. Considering what a huge success the first one was, I guess there must have been a huge falling out. Nowadays once a director gets a good franchise, they tend to hang onto it.

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