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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Watched the third episode of True Detective.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

It's not as good as the first two, but I think that was a necessity as they focused more on the crimes this time, rather than the people investigating them. Not that they didn't focus on them of course a great deal. Cohle seemed to up the intensity a few thousand notches, and the relationship is clearly strained BIG time when they go to the church, with his attitude REALLY grating on Hart, who seems to have heard enough of his pish. But the focus on the murderer was a lot of fun too, and when they finally go and get their man, Hart's not even close to begrudging in his respect for Cohle being right, which was a nice touch.


Hart's clearly repressed anger isn't so repressed anymore, and you get the sense that the man is clearly unhinged. He looks a lot more at peace in the modern day interview and I hope we get to see what has led to that particular set of circumstances. So yeah, it was still a belting episode, and in most TV shows it'd be a highlight of the season. For True Detective's first season, it's not quite.


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I thought it was the best episode yet personally. This show is incredible. The ending image was one of those "What the fuck am I looking at" moments that so rarely work but was really effective. I love this show but it's so nihilistic and grim I feel like I need a shower after each episode. It's like they are putting a magnifying glass on everything that makes the world a bad place with no moments of levity or anything resembling happiness at all.

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Watched the first couple of episodes of Benefits Street. I feel like the bell-ends complaining about it (both the "dolescum should be shot, dirty bastards" and the "it's all propaganda" types) haven't even seen it. It's a fun show, and very reminiscent of a lot of people I know or grew up around.

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Just watched the first episode of Comic Book Men on Netflix (US). After 10 minutes, I wanted to punch a couple of them in the face repeatedly. There's been nerdy-geeks and then theres been nerdy-knobheads, and these guys are firmly rooted in the latter. Just the sheer level of posturing is ridiculous

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Finally got around to getting on to Parks and Rec. Been rinsing through it whilst I've been ill... Tell you what, I probably would have got on to this well before if people hadn't continually compared it to the Office. It's loads better. Glad I'm finally on it though... Does it stay good all the way through?

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No, series 2 is the peak, by season 4 I found it unwatchable.


Unwatchable? Really? It doesn't hit the highs, for sure, but I'm on S5 and it's still fine.



Actually I just looked at the series' synopses on Wikipedia and it was indeed season 5 I found unwatchable, for me it started to deteriorate by season 4 but I had to stop watching halfway through season 5. Loved seasons 1 and 2 though. I'm always the cunt that complains everything gets shit after a few series so take from that what you will (although I do stand by my comments)

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We just got up to date on Parks & Rec for the first time this weekend (well, give or take a couple of episodes) after starting when BBC4 showed it early last year. It's definitely grown to be a favourite. I've never not enjoyed it, but the first time I've really felt like it was going downhill has been the most recent season (season 6). Didn't have any problem with season 5 but I'm a bit worried about where they'll go from the point they're at now.


It's still more enjoyable than pretty much any other comedy right now, though, and I still really enjoy it.

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Yeah iv'e said it before I still really enjoy Parks and Rec and have since the first season when it was kind of finding it's feet. It's got a great cast, not one person in it I don't like. Is both warm and really funny. Nice show

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I feel like the bell-ends complaining about it (both the "dolescum should be shot, dirty bastards" and the "it's all propaganda" types) haven't even seen it. It's a fun show, and very reminiscent of a lot of people I know or grew up around.


That falls down when it is called BENEFITS STREET. Call it 'The Road' or anything. The conotations are obvious.

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I feel like the bell-ends complaining about it (both the "dolescum should be shot, dirty bastards" and the "it's all propaganda" types) haven't even seen it. It's a fun show, and very reminiscent of a lot of people I know or grew up around.


That falls down when it is called BENEFITS STREET. Call it 'The Road' or anything. The conotations are obvious.

The connotation that it's a community of people on benefits? That's the whole point of the show. Calling it 'The Road' would be pointless, like calling Airport 'The Building.' The most apt title for it would be 'Wring Your Hands, Divs' but the title they went with conveyed that information anyway. Its brilliance is in how it has trolled both Guardian morons and Daily Mail morons without being anything more than a funny little character-driven docusoap.


I found out yesterday that there was some Katie Hopkins vs White Dee debate show on the other day. I must watch that. Two of the best TV personalities, and on paper, an absolutely brilliant combination. I'm expecting it to be a massive letdown, but surely it can't go far wrong with those two. I'm just worried that White Dee wouldn't be as good out of her natural habitat.

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It's the presence of 'benefits' in the title that put me off watching it, that and the tidal wave of indignant rage about it on social media. TV companies seem to have a massive hard on for sticking that word in the title of things at the moment, and it generally flashes a big warning sign to me that I'm about to be preached at by muppets like Alan Sugar's sidekicks from The Apprentice, so that was enough for me to swerve it. I avoided that Benefits Row programme for the same reason. Fair play if you can sit back and enjoy it for the pantomime it is, but listening to reanimated Spitting Image puppets like Hopkins and Edwina Currie scoff at proles is too much for me.

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