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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I've just battled through Dexter 7 which was awful, just so I can burn through 8 over the weekend. Deb's new boss looks like Dean Ambrose.


I'm certain this is going to be a chore but somehow I need to know how it pans out. Why do I do this to myself?

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That's insane, man. It's a sitcom! The same rules do not apply.

I take your point but iv'e been watching it since I was about 15 and the whole premise of the show originally was the lead up to this guy meeting his wife which is only just happening now. Only a season to go so I reckon I might aswell stick it out.

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I just finished season 1 of Arrow which I decided to watch mostly because of Manu Bennett aka Crixus, it's a typical CW show with models playing every part and they are all wealthy yet so conflicted, it had ok action but I don't see what all the fuss is about.

It's awful. The main guy is the absolute pits, terrible actor. I think I once called him 'Chris O'Donnell with guyliner', but I retract that. He's even worse than Chris O'Donnell.


Bellend Steve loves it, though.

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Anyone watching season 4 of Boardwalk Empire? It's really good. It doesn't have the insanity/see-what-madness-happens-this-week vibe that last season had but it's a lot more subtle, grim, claustrophobic and grim. It's not clear how everything is going to tie up together or where this season is going but there's this huge feeling of dread and darkness building each week. Terrible, awful things are going to happen to these characters by the end of it.

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I'm watching but I find myself not enjoying it as much as the last 3 seasons. It's still well acted and has great characters but everyone's going in different directions and I cannot see how this will all tie up. It's become more like a soap opera I guess with too many individual stories and not enough of a clear season story line like the last 3 seasons.


I also get the feeling they are going to replace Jimmy with Nuckys nephew who just dropped out of college.


I am very much enjoying Jeffrey Wrights character though, whenever he's on screen I'm hooked on every line he says.

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That's insane, man. It's a sitcom! The same rules do not apply.


We've disagreed about this before Chest (Parks and Rec, The Office?) but you're FUCKING WRONG, friend.


Modern sitcoms, (possibly due to the success of Ross and Rachel but nobody hold me to that because there's probably a billion better and earlier examples) have always made a point to throw in two or three overarching story lines in between the gag-of-the-week stuff that either contribute to the cliffhangers or other big payoffs, or give long term fans something to stick with during inevitably barren runs for the show. These big character moments are basically the same as those in a drama - you want a resolution wherever possible, so just because this weeks episode of the sitcom is 'character A gets a dog', it doesn't mean at some point a plot point about the thing you REALLY care about isn't covered too.

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I know they try to do that but ultimately most of the time they fail and I don't care about the shoehorned drama. If it's not setting up comedic situations it doesn't belong there and is probably some saccharine shite I could do without. Rather than being something you stick around for even when the show is not funny anymore it should be recognised and condemned as the reason the show isn't funny anymore, most probably.

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