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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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This is the thing, I've tried getting on at the basement level but I just can't be arsed with the original series. It's rubbish.


Yeah, don't bother with that. Aside from the Tribbles episode, it's crap, stupid, badly acted and boring.


And even as regards that Tribbles episode, DS9 does a tribute episode which is far better and funnier anyway. The first couple of series of TNG are quite badly dated now, save for a few episodes, but if you can muddle through to series 3 it's well worth it. Even if you don't like it, try DS9 anyway because it's a much different show.

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The films can be watched as a stand alone, without too much background knowledge. Undiscovered Country and First Contact are my favourite ones


The only original eps I can think of (bearing in mind I've not seen it for ages) that are worth watching are:- The Cage, the one where Sulu goes mental for comedy value, the time travel one and the two parter where Christopher Pike reappears.


DS9 From The Way of The Warrior onwards is fantastic.

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Finished Season 1 of Spartacus yesterday, and thought it was outstanding. Ill chuck the rest in spoilers to be safe:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Considering the blood and gore-heavy start of the season, by the end, they had woven about 8 different storylines together, and gave them all a fitting climax. This was obviously highlighted by the finale, but maybe even moreso in the penultimate episode, which will go down as one of the best episodes of anything Ive ever seen. I usually think a sign of a good show is when I watch multiple episodes in a row, but because Spartacus built up EVERY episode to a great climax, it would almost be a disservice to watch two episodes back-to-back. How could you start the next episode straight away after just seeing Spartacus kill Varro, for example. I dont think Ive seen any show have a good a strike-rate of "Holy Shit" endings/moments as this season has. A big part of this was that it had a 24-like undertone, where you genuinely thought any character (with two exceptions) could get killed at any moment.


John Hannah is unbelievably good, as is Lucy Lawless. Batiatus will go down as one of my all time favourate characters, and Im hoping there's a website or forum topic that lists all his one liners from the show. "The man shits gold" was one of the better ones I remember. They are backed up by a bunch of well acted characters, all of which are given layers throughout the season. They could have been lazy and had a bunch of stereotypical good guys and bad guys, but they put much more thought into it.


Someone like Crixus could have been a bland main rival/villan to Spartacus, but they flesh out his character to make him much more than that. They have him save Spartacus after he got jumped, give him principles about honour, and even make him a Rocky from Rocky III figure during the middle episodes, trying to get his eye of the tiger back. It would have been easy to make him a bland bullying arsehole, and nothing more, but they didnt. They even had Spartacus, the ultimate babyface, be a dick to him and throw some insults his way.



Doctore, Ashur, Ilithyia, Varro, all a bunch of great characters. Throw in a bunch of gore, sex, and a load of varied storylines (political, revenge, love, friendship, etc), and you have an extremely well-rounded show.



As said before, the penultimate episode was one of the best episodes of TV Ive seen. The last 10 minutes alone had the following storylines, all of which had been built throughout the entire season:


1) Ashur revealing hes sleeping with Naevia, getting revenge for Crixus fucking up his leg

2) Crixus exposing his affair with Naevia

3) Lucretia's showdown with Naevia

4) Batiatus revealing Ilithyia's murder, therefore...

5) ...finally getting the patronage

6) Batiatus casually displaying the severed head of the guard who had his key nicked.

7) Batiatus revealing he knew about his wife's affair.

8) Doctore finding out about Barca being murdered.

9) Spartacus gaining allies for his escape attempt.



Throw in the decapitation of Solonius, Ashur's rise of status, and Spartacus destorying some Romans before the final 10 minutes, and you have quite an episode of TV. Ive rambled for too long already, so will stop.


[close spoiler]

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I never finished DS9, I must admit, I missed the last series and a half. But at its best it really was a tremendous show. Garak is one of the best TV characters I've ever seen.

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Here are the American Inbetweeners.


Before people start sulking about the Americans ruining a great series can I just say that it can't happen because Inbetweeners was shit anyway? That's probably not a popular opinion is it? Oh well.

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