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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Watched the first episode of Arrow, the new TV series based on the DC comics character The Green Arrow. This review contains very mild spoilers.


Green Arrow is one of my all time faves so for me it's awesome for me that this is happening, I knew obviously there would be changes made from the source material which doesn't always sit well with me but I certainly wasn't going to let it bother me. They did a good job of fitting as much as possible in the pilot which is always the problem with pilots, having to introduce everyone plus backstories plus action and also give you a reason to tune in next week. It did feel a little cheap at times, almost soap opera like but whatever, I wasn't expecting it to be The Avengers anyway. The action was cool and there was lots of acrobatics and parkour stuff. The guy actually becoming "The Arrow" and getting the special arrows and costume and stuff seemed a bit rushed but that's understandable as they had to fit everything in 42 minutes, I'm not complaining as that's the part I was anxiously awaiting. I also thought they did good at having his happy playboy personality be an obvious facade and the intense hunter from the island be the new "real him". Colin Salmon is a touch of class too and I look forward to seeing how that all develops. I'd be tuning in every week even if it was shit but I actually thought it was enjoyable and after getting into a rhythm it could turn out to be a pretty cool TV show.


It seems that it was pretty popular too, over 4 million viewers, the CW's best premiere since Vampire Diaries and it's most watched single show in 3 years. I hope it has a long successful run progressively getting more and more like the comics like Smallville did.

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Anybody catch the new episode of Fresh Meat looks to have picked up from season 1. Jack Whitehall is doing a big fat U-turn in my book his great in F.M.

I never would have imagined that Jack Whitehall would have been my favourite character in anything, but he is superb as JP. This weeks episode was much funnier than the first series. JP teaching Giles how to act Northern was the highlight.EDIT: Sons of Anarchy: Onto the last few episodes of series 3. Watching on Netflix and realise that series 4 isn't on there so just been out and bought series 4 for Edited by Nick James
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Anyone been watching Metal Evolution on Sky Arts?


its class, well worth watching. I've watched 3 episodes so far and plan on watching the rest on the internet as they are so good. Its well researched, pretty balanced and the main narrator is so enthusiastic its hard not to like.

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I'm up to date with Homeland now, and quite into it. Can't decide whether I fancy Claire Danes, the wife or the daughter more.


The Wife, by the widest of margins, though that might just be residual effects from Firefly. I watched the new series of "V" for that sexy thing!





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University Challenge


I like to see how many questions I can actually answer. I did not bad tonight, managed a good dozen.


Got two the whole show. They were the Leiber-Stoller/Holland-Dozier-Holland ones though so I win. Enjoyed the bollocking the Exeter bloke got for conferring too.

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Only Connect is a good show, it would be a great show if that midden Victoria Coren had nothing to do with it, they should get her better half in.


Paging Keith Houchen.

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