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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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If it was 2003, it might have been the period where Matt was going to get the main event push and Johnny Ace said "give it to A-Train instead". Ace also diddled Matt out of attacking Rey Mysterio on Smackdown once. Weirdly enough, A-Train got his place as well. Its either he really hated Matt or he really loved Albert.


I'm thinking Final Battle 2013, Albert vs Matt Hardy off the back of this. 10 years in the making.

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That wasn't the official Horsemen logo either. That was his own version of it which he'd put on his tights and t-shirts.


Benoit and Malenko used it as well. It's a cool design.


Did you end up with a tattoo of that in a bet or did you make some one else get one in a bet.


Or have I made all that up?

That rings a bell with me too.

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I have a question spurned from the C/D show thread. Back in 2000 and i'm sure around xmas holiday time (would have been Jan/Feb of 2000) I recall seeing WCW on ITV I think. Now at the time I have no idea what show it was or why it was on but I assume it was WCW Nitro or Thunder. All I remeber is them showing Hogan in red and yellow getting a kicking by some people and then not be able to make the main event. However during the main event he marches out and helps clear house.


I know that could be any Hulk Hogan moment but it was the only time I saw WCW on a terrestrial channel and it couldnt have been channel 5 as we didnt get it here back then.


Any ideas what it was or why it was randomly on ITV during the day?

Could have it been on one of those clip shows ITV love like Tarrant on TV or something? Seems the most likely explanation.

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Trevor McDonald did a special on wrestling featuring clips from WWF and WCW. Might have been that. It also had Dixon on talking about using tributes and a woman complaining that a few lads on the estate gave her son a good hiding so it must have been wrestlings fault.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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That wasn't the official Horsemen logo either. That was his own version of it which he'd put on his tights and t-shirts.


Benoit and Malenko used it as well. It's a cool design.


Did you end up with a tattoo of that in a bet or did you make some one else get one in a bet.


Who knows!

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Just watching Lesnar v Taker from Brock's Bluray, and Matt Hardy did a run-in and tried to attack Taker. Can barely remember anything about this time period any more, so what was the story there? I don't remember Hardy and Taker ever feuding, what was their beef?


It was after SummerSlam 2002.


Matt had just launched the Mattitude character and decided to show how great he was by attacking the biggest name on SmackDown and got into a mini-feud with Undertaker.


Lesnar's first attack on Undertaker came during an Undertaker/Hardy match on SmackDown, then it must have continued after Unforgiven (where they had a screwy finish) because I remember the angle where Lesnar broke Undertaker's hand just before the Hell In A Cell rematch at No Mercy, the Deadman was chasing Hardy backstage at the time.


Lesnar smacked Undertaker's hand with a fire extinguisher against a mesh fence. Hardy was on top of the fence at the time.

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One thing Ive always wondered is about Test. Looking back at his career when Stone Cold got written out of the storylines why did Test never get booked in the Survivor Series to win the WWE Championship? He was obviously the most over choice how storylines had gone to feud with the game yet they gave Big Show the belt. Nothing against Show but Test was the better wrestler and very over and with Austin gone they could of easily pushed the guy into a Championship match at Wrestlemania if they wanted but just stuck him in a European title match at mania instead.


Why do fans always label Steve Blackman as boring and not a good wrestler? Been working through the attitude era lately and didnt think he was that bad in the ring as he had some entertaining matched with Ken Shamrock and others. From memory his match with Shane at Summerslam was pretty good.


Final question whats this X-Pac heat all about? Personally I loved the guy thought he was awesome in the ring ever since his Lightning Kid days and could always crack a pretty entertaining promo. Dunno why people label a guy X-Pac heat if the guy sucks as really they should call it A-Train heat if thats what it means. Maybe someone could clear it up.

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I found Blackman's match with McMahon the only good match he participated in. A brief run with the Hardcore title was good but that was short lived. Other than that I can really struggle to think of anything good Blackman did during his run in the WWF. Of course it was fantastic to see him make an appearence in 2007.


If I remember rightly he debuted around Survivor Series 1997? So he was with the WWF for a good 3 and a half years

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