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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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This has boggled my mind this morning.


Most Haunted has been making a return:-




Out of interest, I had a look round to see what the 'cast' had been up to since it finished, and this is really not what I expected at all of any of them:-




Stuart is most known for his involvement in the popular TV series Most Haunted. He has since gone on to develop a range of motoring safety notices.


It's one of those career shifts that my brain just, simply, won't accept. And besides, aren't road and motoring safety signs always pretty much the same?!

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scares the shit out of me due to the fact I probably bumped into him two days ago.


He's supposed to be a paralyzed Polish sailor who missed the boat back home in the 70s. Sad story really.

just googled that, there's vague details around but that's the kind of creepy little story that i love, i love those urban local myths. Is the mobile phone footage genuine or is it a hoax?


Not related whatsoever, but i had to give a boy a life home from work last night and on the way he pointed out a bridge which apparently has a very high suicide rate (a lady last jumped to her death about 2 months ago), next to the bridge is a little grassy area with a load of memorials to the people who have jumped. It was around midnight when i saw it...it's not paranormal related but it was very creepy.

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scares the shit out of me due to the fact I probably bumped into him two days ago.


He's supposed to be a paralyzed Polish sailor who missed the boat back home in the 70s. Sad story really.

just googled that, there's vague details around but that's the kind of creepy little story that i love, i love those urban local myths. Is the mobile phone footage genuine or is it a hoax?

Supposedly genuine. Made the newspapers.

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So regarding this, I've been contacted by a guy who lived with Hydrick for 8 months, worked out at his dojo, and who recorded "dozens of hours of tapes" for a biography that he later cancelled. He even travelled with him to the Randi appearance. It's legit, as he contacted me over Facebook too, an he's got a pretty lengthy wiki bio himself.




That's great news Astro. Are you guys gonna meet up or work on something together? Looks like you could really tie the whole story together and produce a book/documentary of some sort? I'm sure something like that would be sell-able as it's such as great story. :thumbsup:

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Read back over the last few pages and enjoyed immensely, so thought I'd add a story of my own.


This was back in around 2000, and I was living in North Yorkshire with my then girlfriend. We were having to drive late at night between Leeds and Thirsk, which was a long and dark drive. It was the early hours of the morning - between 1am-3am.


We started seeing strange lights in the sky, so we pulled over and got out. They were round, and looked a bit like a helicopter or something. But smaller, and there was only one light for each of them. They were moving across the sky smoothly and quickly in straight lines. If you imagine looking up, and drawing a line in your field of vision from the bottom left to the top right, they were moving that far in the sky in around five seconds or so.


There were three of them, constantly moving. They weren't quite in formation, but they were all moving at roughly the same speed and looked to be all about the same distance away.


After about five minutes of trying to work out what the hell was going on, we got back in the car and drove away. A few minutes later, a light started following us.


This light wasn't like the others. It was rectangular and about the size of a motorbike light - maybe a little larger. It was very bright, to the point of easily and clearly lighting the road ahead of us. We could have driven without our own lights and clearly been able to see the road. Because we'd seen the lights, we were weirded out, but not panicking.


She was driving and I was looking behind us, and while it was bright, I could see the size and shape of the light fairly clearly. We thought it was probably a motorcycle with its main headlamp on full and we were just getting paranoid. When we took a corner, I watched carefully.


We weren't going stupidly fast, but we were going fast enough that if a bike was going to take a tight corner, it'd have to lean in. So I was watching the light to see if it leaned into the road.


It didn't. It took the corner as smoothly and as steadily as if it was on rails. At this point, we were getting really quite scared. We took another corner and the light vanished.


We drove home really quite shaken.

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Edit: found the Reddit thread, which had a link to this amazing site of mental insanity.




Anyone else scroll through all of this this, going from chuckling to shaking their head, then absolutely DIE laughing when they reach the bottom and saw the link to "next page"?

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Read back over the last few pages and enjoyed immensely, so thought I'd add a story of my own.


Stories like this, where there are no obvious rational explanations to throw at it, are the best. Generally, 'weird balls of light' stuff can be played off as ball lightning, which is so little understood, it's basically an unexplained Fortean event that's been vouched for with a scientific label. "It's cool, everyone. That football-sized ball of light that floated in through the wall of your house then drifted down the hallway and up a flight of stairs -- just ball lightning. Nothing to see here." Like if poltergeists were just 'air-based static', and nobody batted an eyelid when the forks started flying, because science got dat shit.


This though, where it seems to have a sentience; no idea. Excellent story though.

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Actually, I think I have an explanation for it. I'd figured out some bits and pieces, but I've only very recently worked out the lights in the sky.


I think they were drones back in the testing days. Where we stopped realistically was really quite close to Menwith Hill, a US/UK RAF base and alleged part of Project ECHELON. This was only a couple of years before drones started being used in warfare, and it's been alleged that Menwith Hill is involved with drones.


That's why the lights were so small - because they were smaller aircrafts, and why they moved in straight lines and sharp corners like they were remote controlled.


The rectangular light that followed us? A searchlight on a jeep. That's why it didn't lean on going round a corner, and why it was so bright.


I reckon that we were seen getting out of the car and watching. Drones are partially surveillance machines, after all. And then they sent out a jeep with a searchlight, either to check that we were harmless, or to verify that it was correctly picking up heat signatures.


A friend suggested the jeep bit a while ago, and I already knew about the ECHELON thing. I hadn't thought about the event in ages, so drones had never occurred to me before.

Edited by Chris B
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I don't know how many of you will be interested in this, but I've been doing some reading on Fringe Science (thanks to the tv series) and came across this really interesting theory:


Abiogenic Petroleum Origin


Essentially, we're all taught in school that oil is created by dead sea creatures laid down millions of years ago and then compressed geologically to create oil, but there's not a huge amount of proof for this. The abiogenic theory is that oil comes from carbon deposits way, way down in the earth's crust that is pushed up into oil deposits nearer the surface. This would explain the presence of things like methane on other planets in the solar system where there's no life.


If the theory is true, it would mean that there's probably a LOT more oil than we thought, practically an infinite supply.


The main proponent is a chap called Thomas Gold, who was an incredibly respected scientist and not to be dismissed lightly.

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I don't know how many of you will be interested in this, but I've been doing some reading on Fringe Science (thanks to the tv series) and came across this really interesting theory:


Abiogenic Petroleum Origin


Essentially, we're all taught in school that oil is created by dead sea creatures laid down millions of years ago and then compressed geologically to create oil, but there's not a huge amount of proof for this. The abiogenic theory is that oil comes from carbon deposits way, way down in the earth's crust that is pushed up into oil deposits nearer the surface. This would explain the presence of things like methane on other planets in the solar system where there's no life.


If the theory is true, it would mean that there's probably a LOT more oil than we thought, practically an infinite supply.


The main proponent is a chap called Thomas Gold, who was an incredibly respected scientist and not to be dismissed lightly.

The very article you linked to says "The weight of evidence currently shows that petroleum is derived from ancient biomass."

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