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Astro Hollywood

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Has this been posted in here before? A nutnut wrote a song about 9/11 and made a music video of himself singing it:

My favourite 9/11 song is 'Mr Wrong' by utter space cadet Ace Baker. In fact its one of my favourite things on the internet. It begins at about 26:15 on this video, but requires a bit of backstory to fully understand.


Baker is a gigging musician with an apparent interest in video production. He's been pushing no planer 9/11 theories for years, and was admirably rebuked by Steve Wright on

. Wright is an actual video expert and politely makes Baker look an absolute loon.


Baker is extraordinarily butthurt about it and has uploaded several videos since taking shots at Wright, the most remarkable among them being 'Mr Wrong.' An incredibly amateur, self-produced, 3 minute music video about how Steve Wright is a liar who thinks Jurassic Park is real (you have to watch the full video linked above to get the implication).


Its fantastic, I keep finding myself singing it round the house.

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He's been pushing no planer 9/11 theories for years, and was admirably rebuked by Steve Wright on
. Wright is an actual video expert and politely makes Baker look an absolute loon.

Weird reaction from Baker when he's introduced. Instead of looking confident, or outraged, or focussed, he just gives a apathetic head twitch as if he may as well give it a go while he's there.


He also has that "stay emotionless so he can't tell I've no idea what he's talking about" look on his face when Wright starts his analysis.


Part 2 is brilliant, when Ace confronts the host over calling him insane.


Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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That was great to watch, really highlights how the conspiracy mindset works. It's shocking how they piece together these flimsy things but when faced with anything else just go "well you haven't proven anything to me". My biggest issue with them is always that they co-opt the word "truth" so much. They couldn't be further from the truth and certainly have no interest in finding it unless the truth matches their theory.

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Has there ever been a verifiable 'false flag' occurrence or is it entirely in the tinfoil alternative reality?


I would have thought Marinus van der Lubbe's situation was one, but apparently most historians think he did set the fire at the Reichstag, and it's only the aftermath that was seized on by the narzees.


EDIT  - Ah... there's the UK and the US (especially the US) role in the 1953 coup in Iran, taking out Mossedegh, sticking the Shah in full control, and generally fucking everyone over in increments.

Edited by Bill Diarrhea
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Astronomers have a mystery on their hands. Two large radio telescopes, on opposite sides of the planet, have detected very brief, very powerful bursts of radio waves.



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Has there ever been a verifiable 'false flag' occurrence or is it entirely in the tinfoil alternative reality?

I think Operation Northwoods and the Gulf of Tonkin incident are the main two which have documents in the public domain supporting evidence of them been false flag attacks.

I'm also of the opinion that Pearl Harbour was a pretty clear cut false flag too in so much as the American's had forewarning of the attack and intercepted (and decoded) many communications from the Japanese prior to the attack, yet allowed it to happen to galvanise public support for US involvement in Europe so that a few people, as with most conflicts, can get very rich.

I'm not sure if there are official documents which support this as with the two mentioned above, rather Pearl Harbour, like 9/11, is more a case of who you choose to believe based on your own independent research and historical examples of similar instances such as those 2 mentioned above which are perhaps easier to verify.

I think the easiest way to look in to these things is to follow the money and it soon becomes clear what motivates the decisions which ultimately become a false flag.

Another thing the majority of people have a problem with accepting is that people in power are capable of putting profit people peoples lives but when you understand some of the basic traits associated with psychopaths, primarily a lack of empathy, then it becomes much easier to understand how they are able to do it.

I watched a good series on Youtube recently by Thomas Sheridan called Labrinyth of the Psychopath which i'd definitely recommend. One interesting part of it was how the mainstream media has cultivated the perception that to be a psychopath, you have to go on a gun rampage in a school or whatever when this is just not the case, and they have done this so that the general public don't associate psycopathic traits with people they are taught to respect e.g. politicians. Like many things, there are different degrees of psychopathic bevaviour, whether it is war mongers like politicians or a guy who has several women on the go at the same time or someone who wants to get the top of the company by any means necessary, not caring who they have to step on in the process. Fundamentally all of these people have pyscopathic traits to some degree or another, as by definition, a psycopath is someone lacking in empathy, remorse or compassion.

Edited by icke83
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