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Seemed like a real breakthrough day for him, I like him, he's a bit of a character and a very good player to watch. For all his playing up to crowd he seems like a decent chap in his interviews, although a little odd.


I enjoyed the rapid tournament as a whole but I think it should be a bit longer. Two people in 3 games in ones day is a bit much

He comes across pretty unnatural when trying to portray the bad guy gimmick, it just doesnt suit him. I remember when I first saw him at the Grand Slam, and it appeared he was originally just trying to show a bit of personality/character, but misjudged things, and the crowd was on his back almost instantly. From his interviews he just seems a decent, pleasant chap.


Agree about the format. Quarters, Semis and Final in one day was too much. As a viewer I was struggling, so it must have been doubly tough for the players.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, who's been keeping up with the Premier League so far? Been good, but last night was by far the best. Some cracking performances. Big check-outs and loads of 180s, with some unlikely winners too


It's gotten really tight now, amazing that Taylor is ahead by 2 considering he hasn't been playing anywhere near his best. He faced a poor Whitlock and Wade and Baxter crumbled after he had a big lead. Whitlock seems to be really finding his form now after a dodgy start, the doubling last night was unreal.


Barney and Wade don't seem to be at the races. Neither look like they can be arsed to be honest. The rest can and have been inconsistent, with some brilliant performances and form, followed by some poor stuff, especially Lewis. He was a different player last night compared to the one that demolished Barney, although Jenkins played very well. It does make for exciting games and league table though, when they swapping wins and losses with each other.

Edited by Baz Windham
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Did they not say last night that Whitlock's hand was still giving him bother ? If that's him playing with a dodgy hand, I can't wait to see what he does in the PL with it at 100%. Whitlock just unloaded last night, but he dipped a bit after the break before finding his feet again eventually.


Lewis vs. Jenkins was superb darts from both men, although Lewis was much better than that last week. Barney just isn't there anymore. I hope he can sort his head out, because if he does, he's more than capable of being a challenge for Taylor. As for Wade, he's a bit of a waste.

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  • 2 months later...

A decent little darts-related piece by Tam Cowan;


While feeling a wee bit sorry for the Dunfermline woman who was given a life ban from her local for accidentally puncturing a radiator with a wayward dart, I'd still vote for any political party that promises to ban women from playing the popular pub game.


Sorry, girls, but that's because I still suffer Vietnam-style flashbacks about a women's darts match that took place in the Motherwell Town Snooker Club some 20 years ago.


Now, we all know that women are rubbish at darts. And that's a fact. Terrific with a needle and thread, sure, but rubbish at darts.


Let's be honest, folks, on the odd occasion a "professional" female player chucked the charity arrows on Bullseye, you just knew there was absolutely no danger of her getting 101 or more with six darts.


Throw a hedgehog at the board and she still wouldn't have scored 101. Nope, all she would have scored was a direct hit on poor old Tony Green's coupon.


Anyway, the women who played that memorable match in my local snooker club all those years ago certainly looked the part.


They had the spangly shirts with their names emblazoned across the back (Agnes, Kathy, Betty, etc), they were knocking back pints of lager a la Jocky Wilson and, whisper it, but one of the bigger gals actually bore an uncanny resemblance to Cliff Lazarenko.


However, I'm afraid that's where the similarity with the men's game ended and, well, if the object of darts was to land each arrow as far as possible from the board, every single one of these dames could have been the world champion.


As the deadly darts flew here, there and everywhere, innocent passers-by en route to the snooker room had to dive for cover beneath the pool table and behind the puggy.


I can't recall the total number of casualties, but let's just say the carnage caused by one female darts match was on a par with the first 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.


Anybody walking past the club would probably have looked in and thought: "Oh, the women's darts isn't on tonight - they're holding an acupuncture class instead..."


They basically hit everything except the board - the lights, the telly, the waitress - and then, after what already seemed like an eternity for one soddin' game of darts... DISASTER!


They both ended up needing double one. Aw naw!!!


After about another three hours and 357 attempts each - one of the players actually stopped for a shave - a wise (but extremely brave) male spectator said: "Thwat aboud neareth da blull?" He'd actually meant to say: "What about nearest the bull?" But he'd been hit in the mouth with a stray dart five minutes earlier and his tongue was swelling up...


It was a very sensible suggestion and, if both players hadn't agreed, I reckon the game that got underway one night way back in 1990 would still be on the go right now.


Anyway, no prizes for guessing what happened. The first female walked up to the oche... aimed for the bull... and got a double one!


But it was enough to win the longest game in history as it was closer to the bull than her opponent's dart.


And I've got a 20-year-old scar on my shin to prove it...

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  • 3 weeks later...

An old friend of mine, Scott Rand, made a return to darts after a lay off of 12 years. He was easily the most naturally gifted player I've ever seen and in his first season back he was winning a few MOM awards for Warwickshire (after being called up after only a few games in Super League). He's now started on the PDC circuit after getting some sponsorship and at the weekend he beat Terry Jenkins, Steve Hine and Steve Beaton.


He has already made enough prize money to qualify for the UK open (after only three tournaments) and although I can't see him winning it this time, I think this time next year he'll have a PDC title win under his belt and will go from strength to strength. I've probably just cursed his career but there you go!

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  • Paid Members

And he almost got a third.


Even though Wade's joke wasnt received well at the end.. he did have a point. Taylor needed 2 9 darters to beat him.


Great night.. worth the extra day's wait!

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone watching the World Matchplay? Great comeback from Painter, 8-2 down against Colin Lloyd and he came back to win 11-9. Hard to say when he lost after being so far ahead but I wouldn't say Lloyd threw it away, Painter just started hitting more trebles and finally hitting doubles. He shouldn't even have been 8-2 down but missed lots of doubles. Great match.


I'm supporting Barney, who already hit the first 9 darter of this tournament the other night.

Edited by hbk4life
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Anyone watching the World Matchplay? Great comeback from Painter, 8-2 down against Colin Lloyd and he came back to win 11-9. Hard to say when he lost after being so far ahead but I wouldn't say Lloyd threw it away, Painter just started hitting more trebles and finally hitting doubles. He shouldn't even have been 8-2 down but missed lots of doubles. Great match.


I'm supporting Barney, who already hit the first 9 darter of this tournament the other night.


Amazing comeback by Painter just now.


The first round has had some good matches so far.

Jenkins out in the first round!

Whitlock looked good yesterday too, as did Anderson with a 10-0 win.


Taylor is on in a bit, lets see what record he can smash tonight :)

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