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Word Starter 2010?


Select black background, type it out, insert your pictures, right click and add a hyperlink to any text or image you want as a link.


Then just save as a webpage and it'll create the html file for you to upload.


I don't have that, no. I'm an OpenOffice guy.


I'm so difficult :(


"Do you have a computer?"

"No! :angry: "


You can do the same in OpenOffice writer.

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PDF to iPhone help.


Could somebody link me to (PM if necessary) where I can download PDF's of books so I can put them on my iPhone? There are a few books I've just bought (Keith Richards - Life being the main one) that I could do with being on my phone as I can't take the physical books into work and yet find myself with spare time there where I could read if it were on my phone.


Obviously I could buy them off the iBook store but I don't really want to pay again for something I've already bought.


Googleing things to do with downloading always scares me because most of the sites look dirty and riddled.

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For someone who has been on the internet as long as you this revelation of your novice skills is mindblowing.


I never had the need for it. Blogger/Wordpress/whatever just let you paste whatever you're posting up in a little form, and it's not like I've ever worked in IT.

You type with your index finger don't you :(

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For someone who has been on the internet as long as you this revelation of your novice skills is mindblowing.


I never had the need for it. Blogger/Wordpress/whatever just let you paste whatever you're posting up in a little form, and it's not like I've ever worked in IT.

You type with your index finger don't you :(


I type like a motherfucking demon. You IT nerds just need to recognise not everyone's spent a decade building websites.


And that OpenOffice thing didn't work at all. Apparently there's some House of Leaves bullshit with pixel sizes vs cm size, so images are actually random fucking bullshit blurry sizEHJTETHJKLTKLJH HKLKLG


*smashes up the house*

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Websites are like some fucking arcane magic to me. I know I should be heading in that direction, but I'm afraid that when they send the last magazines off the top of Victoria Falls, or blast them off into space to show aliens that we just went humanity 2.0, or bury them in a fucking time capsule so that future generations can learn that Tit Bits wasn't some sort of sick fucking jazz rag about cutting women up, I'm going to be left clinging to the last yellowing copy of Sudoku TIME LIFE International Boobs begging it to "take me with you!". I do lots of technical work, but the minute someone points me at a CMS or somethink like Frontpage or Dreamweaver (see, this problem goes back a loooong way) I simultaneously metaphorically shit AND piss myself at the same time, and quit whilst I'm ahead, which means before I do anything. I'm absolutely going to render myself unemployable before long.

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Word Starter 2010?


Select black background, type it out, insert your pictures, right click and add a hyperlink to any text or image you want as a link.


Then just save as a webpage and it'll create the html file for you to upload.


I don't have that, no. I'm an OpenOffice guy.


I'm so difficult :(


"Do you have a computer?"

"No! :angry: "


Give this one a try.



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For someone who has been on the internet as long as you this revelation of your novice skills is mindblowing.


I never had the need for it. Blogger/Wordpress/whatever just let you paste whatever you're posting up in a little form, and it's not like I've ever worked in IT.

You type with your index finger don't you :(


I type like a motherfucking demon. You IT nerds just need to recognise not everyone's spent a decade building websites.


And that OpenOffice thing didn't work at all. Apparently there's some House of Leaves bullshit with pixel sizes vs cm size, so images are actually random fucking bullshit blurry sizEHJTETHJKLTKLJH HKLKLG


*smashes up the house*



What you playing at you clown? Check your tweets.. Au offered to build the page for you. It's such a simple design, it'll take him no time at all; he's a pro at that shit.

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What you playing at you clown? Check your tweets.. Au offered to build the page for you. It's such a simple design, it'll take him no time at all; he's a pro at that shit.


I stopped following Au a while ago :blush: One too many birds n' clubs tweets in a row.


He's private, I think, and @s from locked Twitters don't show up, so I didn't see that. BURNED by my own puritanism. Curse mine eyes.



Surf, I'll check that out over the weekend, cheers.

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Does anybody no how i can get a online code for Uncharted 3?


I sold the game on Ebay saying the online code was working because i never used it. On the day i went to post it though my nephew came in and took it and must of gone online on it using the code. Now the guy rightly wants a code but i have no clue where to buy it from.

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What you playing at you clown? Check your tweets.. Au offered to build the page for you. It's such a simple design, it'll take him no time at all; he's a pro at that shit.


I stopped following Au a while ago :blush: One too many birds n' clubs tweets in a row.


He's private, I think, and @s from locked Twitters don't show up, so I didn't see that. BURNED by my own puritanism. Curse mine eyes.



Surf, I'll check that out over the weekend, cheers.

Well... Fine.


I'll still build it for you if you like though.

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Like a complete twat, I've misplaced my counterpart paper licence, and I've got my driving test on Wednesday morning. There's only one other place I can think it will be and that's in my draw at work which I can't check until tomorrow morning. We have a DVLA office in Northampton, will they issue me with a replacement at the office if I go tomorrow? I fully understand I will have to pay.

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