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Off-Topic Questions Thread - closed. Open new threads for specific questions please.


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How come this topic comes up...


BT or Talk Talk


and the guy gets shit all over by Chest Rockwell and closed by Tiger Rick


Then one day later this comes up


I need help lap top shit


Chest Rockwell not following up on this one but helping the guy out and offering sound advice.


This thread is hard to find and I have fallen victim to posting a question in a wrong thread. The thread that is pinned is not clear enough to say it is not for normal off topic questions.


So is the paidos really a special place where everyone gets away with everything and you all go around licking each others arses. If not Rick shut the thread and remind old Bono its the wrong fucking place.




WHERE'S THE CONSISTENCY THO MODS? THE CONSISTENCY? WHERE IS IT? fuck this I'm off the pub. Something something wales something beers and darts something yeah 1980s. I'm gonna go fucking Ole Anderson on this shit later.



so anyway I shagged her.


From the name-change thread.

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I do have a real answer to that though, whilst I'm killing time on this train journey -


1) Flash was pretty much asking a one line yes/no qustion, whereas Bono's thread is more of a subjective question.


2) Flash has done it repeatedly


3) I'm more inclined to help someone who can actually string a fucking sentence together because they might actually take responses on instead of just not reply and then make a new thread a week later asking another shit question.


So you're kinda half right. I'm biased against Flash, but not showing any favouritism cos I can't even remember who Bono was before the name change.

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I do have a real answer to that though, whilst I'm killing time on this train journey -


1) Flash was pretty much asking a one line yes/no qustion, whereas Bono's thread is more of a subjective question.


2) Flash has done it repeatedly


3) I'm more inclined to help someone who can actually string a fucking sentence together because they might actually take responses on instead of just not reply and then make a new thread a week later asking another shit question.


So you're kinda half right. I'm biased against Flash, but not showing any favouritism cos I can't even remember who Bono was before the name change.



Fair enough that makes sense. In the first thread I just read it as for fuck sake not another idiot posting a question in a thread and not the right place. If he has previous he got everything he deserved.


Now that's cleared up and the UKFF is one again i shall go watch the best of Mysterio box set. Featuring over two whole minutes of unmissable action.

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The last couple of weeks when I've been trying to download shit from Fileserve I keep getting met with the message "Your IP has failed the captcha too many times, please try later", it's lying though, I'll go days without even going on the site, let alone failing the "captcha" thingy.



How do I go about fixing it?. Cheers.



Any advice given will not be used to stalk girls on dating sites, honest.

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The last couple of weeks when I've been trying to download shit from Fileserve I keep getting met with the message "Your IP has failed the captcha too many times, please try later", it's lying though, I'll go days without even going on the site, let alone failing the "captcha" thingy.



How do I go about fixing it?. Cheers.


You don't, unfortunately. A bunch of British ISPs have put Fileserve on their list of banned sites. Be and BT, for sure, and I think AOL too. Supposedly it's because of the fear of noncey stuff being available on there, but I think the block only runs to free Fileserve membership, so who the fuck knows. I don't even want to think about if they start cracking down on sites like Megaupload, as a fan of TV that isn't shit and therefore doesn't air on UK television. I'm not going back to torrents like some fucking medieval peasant.


Actually, did a bit of Googling and found this post which explains it better:


This is a problem caused by a lot of UK ISPs routing all url requests via the Internet Watch Federation, as we're all clearly involved in criminal activity.


when you request a file from Fileserve it checks your IP to see if you're already downloading something. the problem is it's not your IP they see, but the IP of the IWF proxy. if there are several requests to fileserve being routed through IWF at the same time (which there inevitably will be since most UK ISPs use it), it appears that you're sending multiple requests.


the upshot being that fileserve is no longer accessible to anyone who's ISP subscribes to IWF.


ISPs should be a lot clearer on this issue so people can make an informed choice of whether accept what is, essentially, web censorship, or to switch supplier


Though they are legally obliged to block any site containing child porn, IPs are taking it much further and are filtering sites suspected of containing 'illegal content'. this includes file hosts such as fileserve.


Another post in that thread I've just pasted from, dated today, says Fileserve now works, as it's been removed from the list.


Just gave it a try and it appears to be true. BOO YA!

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There were ways to get around it, be they are squashed quicky and the eggheads have to come up with new ways for us to get our free shit. There was a code in which you wrote instead of "www.fileserver.com" and it got it working, but thats been put to bed as well. Shame.

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I know the grey area of file sharing is such a tiresomely well trodden path, but is it really such a huge fucking crime for a man in 2011 to want to watch Conan O'Brien, from a country in which it doesn't air? The amount of fucking rage I've had trying to keep on top of American TV without Fileserve has been ungodly. Hopefully it keeps working from this point on, because it's a super retarded way of dealing with things. The genie is not going back in the bottle.

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