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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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If you like your wrestling, you can do a lot worse than this channel -



Watching some of the episodes of All American Wrestling from 1993 on this channel, came across a WWF commentator I'd never heard of called "Wizard". Didn't take long to realise it was Bruce Pritchard. That led me to discover "Reo Rodgers", a very short lived character which was pretty much Bruce doing a bad Dusty Rhodes impression. Terrible stuff. No idea how I've not heard of it before.


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If you like your wrestling, you can do a lot worse than this channel -



Watching some of the episodes of All American Wrestling from 1993 on this channel, came across a WWF commentator I'd never heard of called "Wizard". Didn't take long to realise it was Bruce Pritchard. That led me to discover "Reo Rodgers", a very short lived character which was pretty much Bruce doing a bad Dusty Rhodes impression. Terrible stuff. No idea how I've not heard of it before.



Reo's Roundup only had 2 episodes before the charachter was canned. The other one was with Shawn too. This one is a bit more famous as it was in the pre match promos for the WM10 ladder match.  http://www.popscreen.com/v/75v43/Reos-Roundup-with-Shawn-Michaels-Razor-Ramon

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Why Memphis Wrestling is the best wrestling part 9297247.


The 1990 angle where Snowman accuses Jerry Lawler of racism.




It came about because The Snowman (Eddie Crawford) actually went on local radio accusing Lawler and Jarrett of racist working practices, and because Personal Issues Draw Money (something too often forgotten these days), they brought The Snowman in to make a programme out of it. Enjoy

Edited by PowerButchi
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