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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

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Sabu & Rob Van Dam v Ulf Hermann & Michael Kovac from Hannover Germany 1998


A young Undertaker and Papa Shango/The Godfather in the USWA. 1989. Check out Taker's haircut! http://youtu.be/CamPpCBI0nU


Still one of my favourite returns - Undertaker at Judgment Day 2000. I didn't much like The American Bad-Ass character in the long rung but here, with the hot crowd and the creepy '....he's here!' it still gives me chills as a fantastic return/debut of a new gimmick.

Edited by Snitsky's back acne
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AAA upload AAA shows themselves so just search for 'AAA Lucha Libre' on YouTube. Google 'luchablog' for CMLL and IWRG videos. Or search for that channel on YouTube.


Thank you, i used to watch it before, not regularly however tried to keep up with it and as such i'm going to attempt to do it again

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