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Some amazing finds from News broadcasts around the time of Wrestlemania 1




That was brilliant, i had seen half of that before but could never find the second part. Theres nobody ever in the history of wrestling, or possibly on TV ever that looks as good as hogan does in his prime. When hes getting interviewed on the street with T, he looks almost superhuman. What a man.

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Leading on from that WrestleMania I stuff and inspired by Stone Cold's podcast with Josh Barnett, I dug out the Hogan Belzer chokeout. I'd heard so much about it I thought I'd seen it, but I hadn't - Hogan is a complete bad ass!



There is also a longer version around with Mr T grumbling all through it, and Hogan giving an excellent Kayfabe explanation of turning face. Quality's pretty poor though.

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If Shawn isn't high on pills in that promo I'm Jack Duckworth.


That was during the period where Shawn was trying to whore his students out of loads of different promotions to try and get them experience. Bryan said on the Wrestling Road Diaries the only reason WWF signed them to developmental deals was because Shawn had threatened to get WCW to take them. I remember he was going to do a talent swap with ECW where TWA would get Sandman, Justin Credible, RVD and the likes in exchange for the keeper from the Tampa Bay Rowdies and Daniel Bryan and his mates who would work matches in ECW. I remember Power Slam saying Shawn was even going to make a few appearances on ECW's TNN show when they were desperate for names. That would have been a pretty fun thing actually.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If Shawn isn't high on pills in that promo I'm Jack Duckworth.

I remember Power Slam saying Shawn was even going to make a few appearances on ECW's TNN show when they were desperate for names. That would have been a pretty fun thing actually.



That would have been very fun indeed, and after a few months, say his 6th or 7th appearance... Judge Jones walked out.

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