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The UKFF Betting Topic

John Amos

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Bets placed.


Tournament Winners - Spain 13/2. Think they're are being underrated this time round. Yes it's an ageing squad, but in a tournament where ball retention is so important in the expected heat, there's nobody better. Brazil are a ridiculous price - they're midfield isn't fantastic and they rely a lot on Neymar. Argentina worry me, but at 4/1 they aren't quite value. I expect the winner of the Spain/Argentina semi final to lift the trophy. I looked at France at 25/1 as they have an easy part of the draw, but because you have to reach the final to get paid out in each way terms then it isn't for me.


Top Scorer - Firstly, a word of warning. If you back someone to be top scorer then dead heat rules apply, but if you back someone to be Golden Boot, then assists count in the event of a tie. This bit me on the arse in the Euros.


There are two angles to look at in this; firstly you look for a player in a team that will go all the way, or secondly you look for a good player who's in a shithouse group who could score a hat trick or two in the group matches. With this in mind I was firstly torn between Aguero and Higuain as both of the above applies to the Argies. I've leant towards Higuain though, as I don't trust Aguero's fitness. He's 22/1 with Coral. I toyed with the idea or Diego Costa at 25/1, but again don't trust his fitness. Plus Spain tend to win 1-0 and 2-0, rather than goals galore.


The other bets in this involved good players in shit groups. Benzema is 33/1 and France should have no problems in their group. The final two selections are a bit left field - both from Colombia. Bacca has done well for Valencia this year and at 125/1 is worth a shilling or two. The same applies for Gutierrez at 66/1 who did well in qualifying. I'll be looking for goals galore and Colomibia to top the group - if they do so, then they'll probably play England in the round of 16, and we know our defence.


My final few bets are a bit Scattergun. I'm doing Group F to be the top scoring group at 6/1, Argentina should smash teams. I've also done Costa Rica to be the lowest scoring team at 6/1. I don't think they'll score a goal in our group. My final darts are doubles of the above, Spain/Higuain at 175/1 and Spain/Benzema 200/1.





Spain 13/2


Top Scorer

Higuain 22/1

Benzema 33/1 e/w

Gutierrez 66/1 e/w

Bacca 125/1 e/w


Group F top scoring group - 5/1


Costa Rica lowest scoring team - 6/1


Winner/top scorer double

Spain/Higuain - 175/1

Spain/Benzema - 200/1


Total outlay

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Is it really? Well I never knew that. I didn't do it, it was TWS who posted above - and congrats by the way on that. My thirty quid down is a running total from bets posted at the start of the tournament. I made twenty quid last night on Brazil.

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I'm doing alright. I've been on over 2.5 goals in most games. Only one I've lost on was Mexico vs. Cameroon and I don't really know how, there were that many chances.


I backed Switzerland to win at 0-1 yesterday. That was a few quid for old rope.


11 games no draws so far tells me there has to be one soon. I think I'm going to go for a couple tonight, probably the Iran/Nigeria and USA/Ghana games.

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