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When wrestlers show up on other telly!


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17 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Rory McGrath does a "random drugs test" where he tests different substances ?

I always remember the Nick Hancock gag about Rory trying to break into the crisp game with Gary as he's been "seen offering girls a go on his cheesy Wotsit" as being one of my favourite jokes when I was younger.

More innocent days!


Always remember Lee Hurst saying " He lives in a parallel dimension, where our laws do not apply" and instantly Nick replies" I wish you were fucking there". Was a brilliant programme and got plenty of laughs out of me. Bring it back I say!!! 

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7 minutes ago, Olly1984 said:

Always remember Lee Hurst saying " He lives in a parallel dimension, where our laws do not apply" and instantly Nick replies" I wish you were fucking there". Was a brilliant programme and got plenty of laughs out of me. Bring it back I say!!! 

Not ashamed to say I watched it last night.

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I had both of those VHS's thanks to a charity shop. I rewatched that Sports Day bit and it still got some chuckles, which given it involves Lee Hurst AND Rory McGrath is quite an achievement.

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I remember on one show, McGrath getting laughed at for being an Arsenal fan. He looks at the audience and asks “Any Man Utd fans in tonight” and a cheer goes up. “Long drive down from Manchester wasn’t it? *silence* No? Anyone?”


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I'm buggered if I can find it on Youtube, but one that always sticks in my mind (because for me it has permanently replaced the name of the person in question) is a time when the Million Dollar Man was being interviewed on (I think) Soccer AM. Former Blue Peter presenter Simon Thomas introduced him as "Ted Diabass" (pronounced dee-ya-bass), which didn't go down too well. Ted immediately put him right, leading to an embarrassed correction and a slight air of "this lad doesn't know what he's talking about so I no longer give a shit about this interview" on Ted's part, which lasted for the rest of the segment. Great stuff.

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A couple of videos with clips of wrestlers that appeared on Gamesmaster featuring Kendo Nagasaki, British Bulldog, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Marcus Bagwell and The Patriot.



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1 hour ago, Just Some Guy said:

Mentions of Big Daddy & Brian Glover have reminded me of another British Wrestler.

He had his own wish fulfillment show on BBC1 did Top of the Pops and a series about safety in the home.

Oh, what was his name?

The Rock Eye Roll GIF by WWE

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