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Your 5 (or as many as you like really) policies


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Fog Dude said:

Hence why I never became a teacher.


3 hours ago, Tim Healys Chutney Spoon said:

Hence why I didn't just limit it to sports 

“Hence“ means “for this reason” or “as a consequence”. The word hence covers the “why” so you don’t need to say “why” as well. 

“Hence why” should simply be “hence”.  

“From whence”  is a similar mistake people make, as in “he returned from whence he came”.  “Whence” means “from which” or “from where”. The “from” is baked into the definition of the word, so “from whence” should be “whence”. 




Edited by JLM
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20 hours ago, JLM said:

“Hence“ means “for this reason” or “as a consequence”. The word hence covers the “why” so you don’t need to say “why” as well. 

“Hence why” should simply be “hence”.  

Yeah, I was thinking for a while after posting that something didn't feel quite right about the turn of phrase but it wasn't bothering me enough to check exactly what. It's getting towards being considered acceptable since a fair few people would say it without hesitation nowadays even if it's quite a baseless use of "hence" as you point out. What's the opposite of "hence" though: "whence" or "hither" – a word we here even less these days outside of maybe tabletop gaming? 

Wasn't gonna include education policy but will start with schools to put this thread back on the right subject and appease the Bacon gods, so here we go... 

1. Less analysis of literature, fewer tech/textiles/cooking lessons (kids can always do that in their spare time), more grammar, eSports & film studies classes; less bloody homework too
2. Nationalisation of everything – yes, not just renationalisation but also taking into democratic control things which have always been private like supermarkets
3. A form of PR for the Commons, preferential/ranked voting for the House of Peers (peers as in "equals" not "toffs") & local government 
4. Immediate withdrawal of all British forces from the Six Occupied Counties
5. Confederation of Britain for what's left over: properly decentralised (not just devolved) powers over welfare for Scotland, that plus justice & policing for Wales, and actual Assembly (not just a council) for Cornwall, all funded adequately - yes, this does mean the Nations & Regions could immediately repeal point #1
6. Expropriation of all second homes "owned" by English people at the heart of Welsh communities, to be given to locals and those who've integrated well 
7. New laws to aim for equity of prestige with English to Welsh and BSL, properly enforced
8. Finish what we started over half a century ago by actually completing full metrication so people can stop arguing here about 20 vs 30 mph speed limits.

*Bonus football/overseas policies in an already self-indulgent list*

A. FA Cup semi-finals to be held at neutral venues other than Wembley; replays to be kept/brought back for all prior rounds and if that means millionaires have to play 4x a week, tough
B. We'll hold our own British Cup Winners' Cup if UEFA refuse to bring back their old one
C. Raids on individuals/households suspected of watching live football streams between 14:30 and 17:00 on Saturdays, including unreasonable force if necessary
D. Any sports journalist who's ever referred to Cambridge United as simply "Cambridge" to be blindfolded and placed in front of a firing squad (with non-lethal rounds, natch, but we do need to give them a fright)

For the US - scrap the 2nd amendment so safer gun laws can be brought in, including not overarming cops; PR for the electoral college; abolition of capital punishment
For Japan - less whaling & more gender equality, please; also no death penalty as above for America 

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  • Moderators
Posted (edited)

1) abolish football forever. 

And then I shall retire, my great works complete.




Fog Dude said: fewer tech/textiles/cooking lessons (kids can always do that in their spare time), more grammar, eSports & film studies classes

I feel like I may have missed a joke here but if I haven't this is proper mad this one, of all the ridiculous things I've read in this thread. Let's take away useful practical skills and have kids play computer games and watch movies. 

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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13 minutes ago, Fog Dude said:

fewer tech/textiles/cooking lessons (kids can always do that in their spare time),

They're your policies, but school is often the only time some children are encouraged/get to cook so I wouldn't want to take that away to be honest.

14 minutes ago, Fog Dude said:


Kids can always do that in their spare time :)

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Yeah fair point, like I said, was gonna look at the bigger picture (except when it comes to football, then I'm all about ridiculously petty details) until Chutney Spoon brought "bring back borstals!" into it so best not take that first one too seriously.

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16 minutes ago, Fog Dude said:

. Raids on individuals/households suspected of watching live football streams between 14:30 and 17:00 on Saturdays, including unreasonable force if necessary

Double post don't care but this is the worst one so far so congrats for that 😆

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Just now, SuperBacon said:

Double post don't care but this is the worst one so far so congrats for that 😆

Cheers, but I've gotta live the gimmick in my avatar haven't I?

Also managed to prevent you from double posting by mere seconds!

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Just now, Fog Dude said:

Cheers, but I've gotta live the gimmick in my avatar haven't I?

Also managed to prevent you from double posting by mere seconds!

Your avatar says "Turd 3pm Celes" from where I'm looking!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Paid Members
Posted (edited)

5 more for my list;

1) fully paid year off for both parents following birth, can be taken at any time in any format til the child starts school. Each parent gets 1 day off work per fortnight too. It's the "Get your shit together/rest" day.

2) children are allowed up to two weeks of holiday during term times. Parents are getting robbed blind on holiday prices during school holidays.

3) passports are free.

4) abolish removing citizenship from people born in the UK. Deeply immoral and completely invalidates the concept of citizenship. If you're born in Britain you're British forever and always welcome, regardless if you're a terrorist or not.

5) Golf is illegal. All golf courses to be reclaimed by the state and the land used for the public good. 

Bonus law: limits on the amount of land people are able to own (unless that land is being used for valuable and ethical business purposes).

Edited by LaGoosh
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1. Posting in a UKFF thread in a way contradictory to the topic (I.e. posting 6 or more policies in a thread entitled "Your 5 Policies" or posting a picture of an obviously gorgeous individual in the "Unconventional hotties" thread) to be punishable by immediate deportation to North Korea.

2. The UK's nuclear missile program to be abandoned and the funds used pay for an investigation into which British Fed used a red, blue & black 4 sided ring on 16th January 2010.

3. All forms of media to give equal coverage to all sports (except Rugby Union. Rugby League only).

4. Katy Wix, Tracey Ann Oberman or Susan Wokoma to be on TV at all times.

5. "Don't be a dick" shalt be the whole of the Law.

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