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Honestly I'd throw two teams of women together and get an all women's Stadium Stampede out of it, you can have Willow & Stat head the teams and give others like Thunder Rosa, Nyla, Purazzo etc a spot at the big one.

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Terrified by the prospect of The Acclaimed getting the Tag Title shot at Wembley. Fuck that. Do a Tag Team Casino Gauntlet. You’ve already perfected the concept, now . Double down. Any mad free agent Tag Teams out there?

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9 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Terrified by the prospect of The Acclaimed getting the Tag Title shot at Wembley. Fuck that. Do a Tag Team Casino Gauntlet. You’ve already perfected the concept, now . Double down. Any mad free agent Tag Teams out there?

Motor City Machine Guns are free agents, have been since April.

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I've actually been not watching enough recently so I must ask, what exactly has happened to make the Acclaimed so utterly disliked at the moment. Is it just the act running it's course or are we in Max Caster has done something daft season before he weirdly usually turns it around again, they've done that before.

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On 7/18/2024 at 12:06 PM, Merzbow said:

I'm tempted by the EVE & TJPW joint show alone, the Tokyo Joshi girls are always great fun and I hope they play up the daftness.

Although it's only a few due to the weekend clashing with the Princess Cup semi-finals, I'm pleased to see that it's almost sold out with extra space being made available within a day of it going on sale. Hopefully the good response will make TJPW decide to try something over here like they did with the US following how popular their Mania weekend shows were.

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Saw a suggestion online that during Jack Perry vs. Darby Allin at this year’s All In, the action should spill backstage, and they should cut to the same camera angle as the CM Punk security footage, showing them brawling in Gorilla Position.

Would it be a laugh? A fun, cute reference? Or would it be another example of obsessive man-children, refusing to let it go? I don’t know, but I’d pop huge if they flew Chris Hero in, just to walk into shot, recreating this.


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On 7/18/2024 at 8:43 PM, Supremo said:

Terrified by the prospect of The Acclaimed getting the Tag Title shot at Wembley. Fuck that. Do a Tag Team Casino Gauntlet. You’ve already perfected the concept, now . Double down. Any mad free agent Tag Teams out there?

I can just about accept it if they use the platform of their biggest PPV to have the team lose, then split. Whether that comes in the form of a stipulation; a heel turn or just a mutual agreement that becomes apparent post-match, I really don’t care. But it’s long past time to send Bowens and Caster in separate directions.

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After being stuck at 40k for the past few months tickets seem to be moving again. Presumably if they keep at the current pace or increase they should probably hit around the 51k set up. And if they don't I imagine they'll give out enough comps to get them there.


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It’s mad to me that anyone not WWE is getting 50000 people out to watch wrestling let alone in this country. For all the terrible tribalism that goes on it’s a great time for wrestling. 

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Just had my mate on the phone, and it looks like we're going again, but it'll be a much easier trip this time. No fannying about with youth hostels. I reckon I'll just get the coach down overnight Saturday, then back up overnight Sunday. I'm losing weight at a decent rate, so might even stand a fighting chance of being able to steal a disco nap on the coach without succumbing to the terrors of sleep apnoea. I should probably start watching AEW again now. Is it still on ITVX? 

Edited by Jazzy G
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I thought we'd get a big blowoff Stadium Stampede match on this show between The Elite and Team AEW, but it seems most of the Elite are tied up doing their own thing. So, assuming they have one, what do we reckon the Stadium Stampede match will be?

The only thing I can think of that fits the bill is some combination of Don Callis Family & The Kingdom vs Orange Cassidy & Friends, which sounds fun enough. But someone on here mentioned a Womens Stadium Stampede which sounds great to me. Team Stat vs Team Willow would be right up my street, considering how good they are in gimmick matches.

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BCC/Conglomoration v CMLL all-star team maybe? 


Or a 4-way Tornado trio tag team special -

Claudio/Wheeler/Mox v NJPW all star v CMLL all star v UK all-star team OR AEW all star team. As  a 'thank you' to all those that have been part of AEW so far 



Reading it back, that sounds shit.

Edited by Tim Healys Chutney Spoon
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