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All in 2024

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I enjoyed the show as a whole. Didn’t really care too much for the pre show except the mixed tag. Stokley got a great reaction for that spinebuster.

I can’t get invested in any match involving Sammy Guevara as I hate his face so much. The most punchable face in the biz. 

Ladder match was fine. Nice to see PAC get his moment. 

May and Storm was probably the match I was most invested in besides the main event. I really enjoyed this. Mariah May has been great ever since that turn. Didn’t know that was her mum who she slapped until after the show. My friend thought it was Toni’s mum. 

Didn’t care for a Jericho match. Nice to see Taz get physical. It was what it was. Get Hook away from Jericho now please.

Three way tag match was fun. Usual fair where the rules just go out the window and you don’t know who’s the legal man. Standard for that match type. Acclaimed are still so over with the crowd.

Casino Gauntlet was one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had at a wrestling show. Like HG, this is probably the closet I’ll get to a Royal Rumble. A lot of excitement during the countdowns. Nigel McGuinness coming out completely shocked me. I do love a bit of Nigel and hope to see more of him in the ring. A lot of disappointed fans in my section that Moxley didn’t come out. I expected him to return here. But also glad he didn’t. Hangman sold the guitar shot like a champ. Double J getting one of the best reactions of the night.

Ospreay is a great wrestler. Just can’t stand him as a person… but he nearly got me joining in with the singing during his entrance. A perfectly fine match. I think I’m just over MJF to care for his matches now. 

Not only did I go for a piss break for the Mone-Baker match, I just stayed in the foyer until it was finished. No interest in either one of them. Seems like I didn’t miss out on much. I watched a mother and her teenage son argue instead. 

I get they were stretched for time, but I was really disappointed by Perry and Allin. I just expected more. Sting coming out and Seek and Destroy playing was a brilliant moment though. 

Danielson. What a man. The greatest wrestler ever. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him again. And glad it’s not over. The entrance was great. As were the celebration after. Perfect. Swerve will be back on top again, as he should be. People throw around the whole “WWE dropped the ball on so and so”. But they really did with Swerve. He has a great aura about him. 

I doubt I’ll go to Forbidden Door as I’m not invested in New Japan anymore.

Forgot to mention Ricochet. He made his debut and then had a completely meltdown on Twitter for the length of his flight home because one person said they’d only watch clips of his matches now as they don’t enjoy AEW. He spent the whole time arguing with people. The man’s a complete idiot and so thin skinned it’s unreal. Every now and then, someone puts 50p in the idiot and he makes a fool of himself online. 

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I don't think anyone really knows what to expect from Forbidden Door now, even with it still billed as AEW x NJPW. This year it was main evented with Swerve v. Ospreay and had CMLL & Stardom involved. Wrestle Dynasty in January is going to have to use up a lot of the interesting match ups that are left. The G1 might be moved, but it has settled back into its mid-July to mid-August slot as well.

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Had a blast at All In. This show may have had a smaller crowd than last year, but it eclipsed the previous event in quality. We had 3rd row packages so got a little backstage tour, photos on the aisle and ringside etc as part of that. But the highlight had to be standing backstage and having Sting walking past with Darby before the show started, realising he's suddenly surrounded by fans who aren't supposed to know he's there. Sting put his hand over the lower portion of his face and was corpsing, while Darby was laughing. The show itself was fantastic, we ended up sat directly behind Simon Miller, central to the ring. So sadly the world got to see my glorious bald spot for the duration of the show as i just didnt have time to shave my head before leaving for Cardiff a few days before. I've been to a lot of shows, but moments like the Danielson win, or Nigel's return, are few and far between. As experiences go this was really special.

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5 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:


* Pre-show - I saw the last couple of minutes of the Willow Nightingale match. Why was Ishii in this? Why was Willow Nightingale only on the pre-show? She should be in the main event.  Why wasn't Maria with Mike Bennett?


Yeah Willow and Statlander only making the pre-show was one of the bigger disappointments with the card for me. It's a consequence of them running All In and All Out so close to each other; some of the blow off matches have to be saved for the latter. They'll be having a Chicago Street Fight on that show and it'll be a belter. 

Ishii was Willow's partner because they're both members of The Conglomeration, the informal stable of babyface non-shitheads,

Mike Bennett and Matt Taven were separated from Maria and she's been left to languish in ROH doing the most pointless shit while they moved to the main roster to team up with Adam Cole/Roddy etc.. She recently gave an interview saying she was devastated by the decision to split them and that being separated from her husband after being able to work alongside him for 13 years put a massive strain on their marriage. She also said she is creatively unfulfilled, doesn't feel like she fits in AEW any more and  seems very likely to leave when her contract is up in November. Don't understand why she's been relegated to ROH hell and I'm not surprised she's fed up with it. 

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17 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

The chants coming from @Onyx2's block of "turn the screen on / turn the lights off / we can't see" were justified.

Thoroughly ruined the night for us. Alright I've paid for the gods, fair enough. But no screen was just an insult, and to make it worse to surround them with spots rendering it unwatchable is a mound of salt. 

Had insufferable drunken bellends in front of us too. Had at least 8 pints each during the show. Constantly chanting whatever would get them over, passing round vapes, sloshing drinks everywhere... Props to the lady behind who screamed "sit down you CUNTS" eventually. 

A great event absolutely ruined by awful production for our entire area of the stadium. Very much enjoyed Foreigner karaoke though. 

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Last years show just felt special in a way you could never replicate but this year’s was definitely a better show match wise. A brief collection of my thoughts:

- 50,000 people is obviously a great turnout, but the bright red seats at Wembley really highlighted the empty ones.

- why are so many wrestling fans weirdos, annoying failed comedians or smelly twats? I felt ready to fight everyone around me after a couple of hours.

- pre show was breezy fun. Hilarious how far Sammy Guevara has rightly fallen. Fucking useless that lad. Pre-show multi man's is where he belongs.

- the mixed tag was a joy and should have been on the main card. Preferably in the Jericho spot.

- why did they bring a clearly terrified Martha Hart out there to say absolutely nothing of note?

- ladders was tons of fun and perfect opener. Christian Cage is the best and his sneakiness really elevated this and held it all together. 

- Mariah/Toni was excellent. They leathered the shit out of eachother! Also, crucially, this was a very satisfying match but it still felt like they left a lot on the table so now I'm desperate to see them run the rematch. 10/10.

- Jericho vs Hook: the queue for the bogs was longer than the queue to get in the stadium. No one cares about this shit. Saying that though the match was short and had so much nonsense in it that it was actually a pretty easy watch.

- 3 way tag - perfectly fine but with no heat going in it felt completely inconsequential. 

- Casino Gauntlet was incredible. Probably the most purely fun experience I've ever had at a wrestling show ever. Brilliantly put together all the way through. From Orange Cassidy's inspired entrance to the end. Personally, I would have had Orange Cassidy win this over Christian. I want a big time OC vs BD main event!

- Ospreay/MJF was ace and Ospreay felt like a huge star so job done.

- Baker/Mercedes was as bad as I expected. Baker is just not good. The audience reaction to this was worse than silence, it was the loud murmur of everyone having conversations and not paying any attention to what was going on in the ring.

- with Darby/Perry in such a high spot I was expecting something insane but this felt more like an angle than a match really. Kinda weird to squash Darby when he's got a World title match in a few weeks. 

- the main event is the best match I've ever seen live by far. Watching it back afterwards it's one of the best main events ever. Incredible scenes that ticked every emotional box a wrestling match can. Danielson is the best wrestler of all time. Perfection.

- interference is so expected but Hangman's run in was the first time it's felt believable and real. Something so regular seemed shocking and dangerous when done by these absolute masters.

- Swerve Strickland was a brilliant Champion and I can't wait for him to get it back. He was a true heel here but he's so talented he can be babyface on the next Dynamite and it totally works from a character and performance stand point. Next level guy.

- one thing that regularly struck me throughout the show is how incredibly stacked with what feels like real major stars and acts who aren't really being used week to week to anywhere near their maximum potential. If WWE can sell out huge arenas regularly with their thin and mostly weak roster AEW have no excuse not to be doing better business. At every level: House of Black, Bang Bang Gang, Hook, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, Willow...the list goes on and on really. AEW is the best wrestling promotion in years but for the roster they've got it's still not good enough

Edited by LaGoosh
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It truly was a special week of wrestling. Me and a couple of mates decided pretty much last minute to get tickets to Dynamite, Collision and All In. Dynamite was a fun 2 hours with the highlight being the Castagnoli and Okada match. Collision felt a lot less important although the crazy reaction for Big Bill made it worth it. 

It’s taken me a while to get into AEW but All In definitely converted me. That main event was obviously fantastic but the entire card was filled with great matches and fun surprises. AEW just feels like a fun place to work(sorry Phil) and that’s reflected in the big shows like this.

We also got tickets afterwards for a show in a club just around the corner from Wembley which featured a Max Caster rap set(Was fun but it went on a bit) and a DJ Set from Prince Nana who then brought out Swerve, Mercedes and a few other AEW and NJPW guys. Such a fantastic weekend! 

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28 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

why are so many wrestling fans weirdos, annoying failed comedians or smelly twats? I felt ready to fight everyone around me after a couple of hours.

That’s one of the reasons we didn’t go back this year. All the excitement and feel good of having AEW in the UK last year was quickly knocked back when we realised just how weird and intense a lot of the fans are. Along with not really being able to see anything worth paying that amount of money for the tickets.

Enjoyed a lot more this year from the comfort of living room, able to see & appreciate the production package, quick toilet access, affordable beer in the fridge and a take away. 

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43 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

- pre show was breezy fun. Hilarious how far Sammy Guevara has rightly fallen. Fucking useless that lad. Pre-show multi man's is where he belongs.

I reckon I’m the only person on here who is still beating the drum for the guy -  but while he’s not been booked well for a while, he’s undeniably been the architect of his own downfall by making some bad decisions. Never mind Ricky Starks, Guevara might benefit from a stint in NXT to smooth out his rough edges and help him fulfil the potential (I believe) he clearly has. 


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2 minutes ago, RedTwoster said:

I reckon I’m the only person on here who is still beating the drum for the guy -  but while he’s not been booked well for a while, he’s undeniably been the architect of his own downfall by making some bad decisions. Never mind Ricky Starks, Guevara might benefit from a stint in NXT to smooth out his rough edges and help him fulfil the potential (I believe) he clearly has. 


He's 31 years old. If he hasn't worked it out yet I doubt he ever will. I don't think there's anything there that you can't get from anyone else.

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6 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

He's 31 years old. If he hasn't worked it out yet I doubt he ever will. I don't think there's anything there that you can't get from anyone else.

31 is hardly past it in modern wrestling - LA Knight had his breakout year at 39/40, Ethan Page is 34, AJ Styles made his WWE debut at 39(ish) - if you want to look further back, Batista was still in developmental at Guevara’s age and PCO didn’t find his breakout gimmick until he was 51.

In AEW, Tony Khan doesn’t really need to develop talent, but in WWE, that’s pretty much essential - it’s a brutally thin roster right now. Since Ricochet departed, I’d suggest that they don’t really have anyone who does what Guevara can do; and you can build into this the cache he built up in AEW, and his ‘pillar’ status (which has long expired) as a reason to place value on him over a complete unknown with a similar skillset.

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Sounds like I got lucky with my seat. I had 3 lads to one side who were just there to enjoy the show and had a great time, and the other fella next to me was an AEW die-hard who had travelled in from Chicago for the show and was a really nice bloke. My view was pretty shite and I was on the side with no screen, but luckily I was at the back of my section so could turn around and watch the big-screen from time to time without obstructing anyone. 

Anyway, I thought it was a great time for the second year in a row. Really enjoyed myself, loved the show. All of the incredible moments have been discussed by people much more eloquent than me but fair to say by the end of it my voice had gone through cheering for Bryan.

Bit disappointed that we're getting Forbidden Door instead next year but I'll likely still go as it usually delivers on the night.

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Yeah the people in my immediate vicinity were all just having a great time with no infuriating smarky/edgelord crap. Turned around a few times during the main event and saw some of the people behind me were also crying, it was lovely. 

Lucked out both years for All In, feel extremely fortunate, and all of you sat near the arseholes have my deepest condolences.

Whenever I’d been to shows in the past it would be 100% guaranteed I’d have the worst people around me. The type who wished they were in a 90s ECW audience, except they were chanting “she’s a crack whore” with families and kids sat next to them. Both years at All In I’d been bracing for that and/or some smells that would make me retch. I even briefed my casual fan friend and sort of apologised in advance, but thankfully two Wembley Shows without incident on that front. 

Edited by JLM
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6 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

If you are not sat next to someone who smells of piss then is it even a real wrestling show? Just another thing poor old Tony can't get right. 

Serious lack of meat raffle at Wembley too #notmyaew

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