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22 minutes ago, Matthew said:

Managed to get a last minute ticket. 

Question is, it’s one of them tickets that was given out to blue light holders. Will I be asked to prove I am a blue light card holder upon entry, or simply slip on by, scan my QR code with the rest of you legends?

I would go in full Doctors get up just to be safe.

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1 hour ago, Matthew said:

Managed to get a last minute ticket. 

Question is, it’s one of them tickets that was given out to blue light holders. Will I be asked to prove I am a blue light card holder upon entry, or simply slip on by, scan my QR code with the rest of you legends?

Have you sorted transport this year ? 

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10 hours ago, Jazzy G said:

That's the one. Great price and a really good location as well. I stayed there last year as well. 

You guys didn’t happen to go out for a drink with a Canadian lass, American guy and a Scotsman after? ?

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Posted (edited)

Idea unashamedly stolen from @LaGoosh’s brilliant post. A quick rundown of my excitement levels. Apologies for the length. I’m like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Mixed Tag should be perfect pre-show fun. Despite everything else on the card, not being there to see the love of my life Willow Nightingale might be the most heartbreaking thing about not being there live. She is the best. I look forward to them delivering some quality banter here, before bringing the violence at All Out in the inevitable Bonkers Women’s Deathmatch. Sky Blue there in spirit.

I don’t really care about the Trios Ladder Match, but there’s some amazing talent in there, Christian is a genius at this stuff, and in the stadium setting I’m sure everyone will be willing to put on a show and/or die. Should be good.

Couldn't give a flying fuck about the Triple Threat Tag Match. It’s a real indictment of how shit their tag division currently is that this is what they’ve got for their version of Wrestlemania. I’ll tell you what though; hearing the reaction FTR got in Cardiff, with everyone singing their song? Maybe it’s me (hi, I’m the problem, it’s me), being a terminally-online curmudgeon. People clearly still love them, so if The Young Bucks are going to wrestle the Lesnar schedule maybe just switch the belts back to old Dax and Cash and see if they can save the division. Bring in the Motor City Machine Guns and give Maximum Male Models the big push they clearly deserve. Maybe team Hologram with Ricochet, too.

In my head, Casino Gauntlet is legitimate Match of the Year Contender material. Go mental. Give it forty five minutes to an hour. Bring in some daft Legends. Treat it like your Royal Rumble in every manner possible. I saw someone suggest Nigel McGuinness competing in this, which would be brilliant. Get Shane McMahon in to tear some quads. So many possibilities. Biggest open goal on the show. Can’t see how it could fail.

Hangman to win the Gauntlet, only for Swerve to lose in the Main event, ruining Hangman’s plan. Hangman becomes London’s Maddest Man, his head exploding in anger.

Toni Storm vs. Maria May will almost certainly deliver on the night, they’re both great and seem willing to knock shite out of each other. Just a shame the angle fell off a cliff so quickly after that initial masterpiece. I don’t think it’s hyperbole at all. That is one of the best angles and best heel turns I’ve ever seen. It’s such a shame it became just another pro-wrestling storyline with everything that followed. Remember Wrestlemania 20, when Kane feuded with nobody and The Undertaker didn’t actually return until the Pay Per View itself? They should have done that here with Toni. Imagine if we hadn’t seen her since Mariah took her head off. Would feel massive.

I haven’t liked much of Ospreay and MJF’s feud, especially that awful promo battle on Wednesday. But then MJF delivered that one line that completely exposed his vulnerabilities and the prick sucked me right back in. I know I’m a mug. I know I’m allowing him to both have his cake and eat it. But I can’t help it. Whenever he drops little subtextual nuggets like that I’m instantly able to forgive all the edge lord shit, all the unfocussed nonsense, because in my head canon it’s all just a frightened, flawed loser trying to be a heel. Trying to win promo battles. Trying to be the tough guy. Trying to be the All-American Baddie. It’s almost a new version of Cheap Heat. Be as shit as you want and then pretend it’s all shit on purpose to build subtext. Fair play. It’s all about the game, and how you play it.

One thing’s for certain though; I’m excited to see Ospreay get his flowers. It wasn’t the same last year. An exhibition that essentially just existed for Tony Khan to suck Will off and convince him to sign the contract. However, this time Will’s coming in off the back of an absolutely phenomenal run, as a proper AEW talent. Incredible matches. Ridiculously surprising promos. And an overall refreshing sense of someone earnestly loving being here. I hope the crowd go fucking mental when he hits the Tiger Driver. Man deserves the world. Hope the local Nando’s stays open for him afterwards. Buy his mum a car.

I can give or take Britt Baker vs. Mercedes. Match should be fine, but neither can be relied upon to carry a feud on the mic. One of those matches that was at its most exciting when it was made clear it was happening, then got progressively less interesting the more they tried to build it. That contract signing on Wednesday was dog shit. Like an episode of fucking Sesame Street, badly arguing which acronym was better. Save_us.Rebecca-Knox.

Chris Jericho vs. HOOK is an absolute fucking joke. Even by Chris Jericho’s standards in 2024. What the fuck are we even doing. They started feuding in March. Even then, when everyone was already eulogising HOOK’s career as it entered the Vortex, accepting this would go on for months, it still seemed beyond any type of reason to joke they’d still be feuding and have a match here, on the biggest show of the year, in fucking late August. HOOK feuded with Samoa Joe for two weeks, lost, and was the most over he’s ever been. Fucker has feuded with Chris Jericho for five months, will probably win here and his career is dead and buried. Poor bastard. I’d give anything to read HOOK and Ricky Starks’ DMs.

Sidenote; whilst this is almost certainly the piss break match, I do want to see if they can shine the HOOK Bat Signal into the actual London sky. And - as always - all will be forgiven if Danhausen runs in for the save. Hookhausen 4 LIFE.

Darby vs. Jack Perry should be pure, delicious insanity. I’m sure they’ll come up with a bunch of crazy spots, I’m fully expecting REAL GLASS, but @BomberPat’s idea of Sting appearing in the coffin is so great that nothing else will top it. I saw the below images on Twitter earlier, and for a second I thought it was an actual tease of Sting. It ended up just being an advertisement for some action figures. Tell me Sting popping out the coffin dressed like this wouldn’t be the greatest thing ever though. It’s Show Time!



It’s crazy how quickly the Main Event has become the biggest thing imaginable. Even as late as Bryan winning the shot in the finals of the Owen Tournament, he felt like the wrong guy at the wrong time and I wasn’t particularly fussed. It’s a testament to everyone involved how quickly this became white hot. The Career vs. Title stipulation was a master stroke, both guys have been phenomenal, and the supplemental work they’ve done, “leaking reports,” and having Danielson talk like it’s the end in press interviews, I have absolutely no idea how this is going to go, but cannot wait to find out. Praying for a Danielson win, entirely for selfish reasons. He’s the best ever. In every sense. Best at everything. Most likeable, normal man in the industry. The best of us. Just a top bloke. I’m even charmed just watching the man eat a vegan sausage roll on Ladbible.

That final shot from Dynamite is one of the all-time great Go-Home visuals. Bryan doing the, “Yes,” chant again, with everyone doing it in unison? Flashbacks to the cage match with Bray Wyatt. I’m so fucking jealous of everyone with a ticket. You’re essentially gonna re-live Wrestlemania 30! 

He has to win. Swerve can win it back. He’s proven how invaluable he is. This won’t feel like a transitional reign at all. He’s elevated both the belt and himself massively.

But yeah. Edge of your seat stuff. Cannot wait. Feels like a Wrestlemania main event. Still hoping that if all else fails we get the Reverse Montreal Screwjob, but hoping it doesn’t come to that and we just get the Reverse Beyond the Mat instead. Kids in the front row. Their Dad doesn’t get smashed to absolute fuck with a chair. Their Dad doesn’t bleed everywhere. Their Dad doesn’t leave unconscious, almost certainly brain damaged. No. Their Dad just wins a World Title in front of 50,000 people, safe as houses, top of the industry, everyone doing the, “Yes!” chants. And the kids still get dragged out crying. Not yet, Birdie! I get it, Bryan. We all want to be a good Dad. But not when you’re the best ever, and are seemingly the best you’ve ever been! Fucking retirement year and he’s having matches like that Strap Match with Starks, all the stuff in the Continental Classic and that belter with Ospreay. He has a gift! It’s like Good Will Hunting. He owes it to the Universe!

Bryan, if you've got to go away

Don't think I could take the pain (Stay now)

Won't you stay another day? 

Stay now. Stay now. 

Edited by Supremo
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38 minutes ago, Bettencourt said:

You guys didn’t happen to go out for a drink with a Canadian lass, American guy and a Scotsman after? ?

No. I got my friend onto his train at Paddington, then just crawled into my pod to sleep. 

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41 minutes ago, Jazzy G said:

No. I got my friend onto his train at Paddington, then just crawled into my pod to sleep. 

Ah! Met a couple guys that were there for All In last year. I'm doing it all again this year. Got to be "up" in 4.5 hours for my flight but can't sleep. sigh.

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I might have seen you in passing. I'll be there Sunday night, checking out and heading to the coach station on Monday morning. 

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I like to think of this place as being like a conversation in a pub. In that context it's hilarious that we get that fantastic, 7star FTR preview post by Supremo, and then there's just a pause, a quiet cough and then everyone just goes back to discussing their travel and what pubs to go to. 

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Had a dream last night that Keith Lee replaced Ishii in the pre-show match. I knew it wasn’t realistic because (I) we had seats in the fourth row somehow and (II) Willow Nightingale and I were friends and she gave me a hug and we had a chat afterwards.

Woke up wishing Willow and I were friends but also wondering what time the Zero Hour actually is? I’ve seen 4pm and I’ve seen 5pm.

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8 hours ago, Supremo said:

Couldn't give a flying fuck about the Triple Threat Tag Match. It’s a real indictment of how shit their tag division currently is that this is what they’ve got for their version of Wrestlemania

For me, it’s the trios division which has killed their tag scene. Dissolve the trios division, and you immediately free up bodies and teams to bolster the tag roster. At various points AEW had the best tag division of any company ever, in my opinion. Given the depth of their roster, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that they have the ingredients in place to make that the case once again. 

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