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UKFF Census 2024

Frankie Crisp

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  • Awards Moderator
Posted (edited)

Hello! So, I floated the idea of this around awards season and enough people seemed on board for me to crack on with the first UKFF Census.

The intention is to learn more about what makes up our wonderful corner of the internet; it's got the boring stuff like age, height, ethnicity plus a few more varied questions to understand our interests, habits and lifestyles. 

Where possible, I've used validated drop-downs to help with the consistency of the results, but in those cases there's also an 'other' option so not to restrict more obscure or rare responses. There are also plenty of free-text answer types as the drop-downs would have been too long or impossible to create. For gender, I've gone with a free-text option as I don't want anyone to feel marginalised if their identified gender isn't on the list. For questions where the response options will vary from country to country, I've also used free-text so we don't exclude Irish, Australian and Vietnamese members.

I would ask that for free-text questions, you use correct spelling and avoid abbreviations, as it'll help massively when I'm putting the responses and results together.

For the 'favourites', your responses don't need to be related, so you can have Tom Cruise even if you went with an Alfred Hitchcock film.

It's completely anonymous (you don't need to give your name or even username), there's no IP tracking and there are no mandatory questions, so you can skip anything that's not relevant or you don't feel comfortable sharing. It's important to note that individual responses won't be shared - just the collective results - and once those have been shared, the underlying data will be digitally torched. 

There were originally 100+ questions but some may have been seen as intrusive and it would have turned people off given how long it would have taken to complete, so the final version should only take 5-7 minutes to complete. Again, feel free to skip anything you'd rather not share but hopefully we'll get enough responses to give us some interesting results. There'll be interactive charts and everything.

So, if you fancy it, you can access the form using the below link or QR code (it's laptop and mobile friendly):

UKFF Census 2024


I appreciate we might get the odd berk try to ruin it with stupid answers; I'll try to spot and ignore them but if not, hopefully the genuine responses will outweigh them enough to give us an accurate representation of those who take part.

Hope enough people take part for us to look back on this in ten years when we absolutely, definitely won't still be posting on here.


Edited by Frankie Crisp
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  • Awards Moderator
34 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

For willy size, it's not giving me the option of over 12 inches Frankie. Please advise.

I’ll use your answer for ‘how long do you spend on the forum each week’ and will buy you a wheelbarrow for when you need to go out.

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@Frankie Crisp this is a great idea.

 But honestly you’re asking for too much info.  I’m on page two and already you could easily identify me (type of car lol) and therefore know my salary, home town, age and all sorts of stuff.

I appreciate we can skip some questions but I’m instinctively not comfortable with this amount of personal info and I think that might dissuade people from finishing the form.

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5 minutes ago, King Coconut said:

Obviously we'll all be skipping salary, etc. I marked out big when the fry-up question dropped.

You’ll be skipping hair colour as well I imagine…

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  • Awards Moderator
Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Loki said:

@Frankie Crisp this is a great idea.

 But honestly you’re asking for too much info.  I’m on page two and already you could easily identify me (type of car lol) and therefore know my salary, home town, age and all sorts of stuff.

I appreciate we can skip some questions but I’m instinctively not comfortable with this amount of personal info and I think that might dissuade people from finishing the form.

Appreciate that, Loki. I’m not going to hunt you down in your Rolls Royce and none of the info will be shared, but I 100% get your concerns. I tried to balance it so we can know more about the community but yeah, some of the questions may not feel appropriate to some.

I’m pleasantly surprised at the response rate so far - just under 30 in a few hours - but there’s a mixed bag of questions answered and left blank. That said, there’s already enough of a mix to give us a good set of data.

Feel free to skip the serious ones and just fill in the more generic/interest-related stuff.

I know the internet can always be the grenade under the bed, but hopefully forum users have enough trust in me that I’ll never share the data nor use it for anything other than the collective results.

Edited by Frankie Crisp
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Initially misread "Do you have a Will?" as "Do you have a Wii?" and wondered where the questions about other consoles had gone.

Hope the questions about homes is all-time and not current number of addresses else it'll sound like I'm some kind of feudal landowner. 

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  • Paid Members
33 minutes ago, Frankie Crisp said:

I know the internet can always be the grenade under the bed, but hopefully forum users have enough trust in me that I’ll never share the data nor use it for anything other than the collective results.

Between Facebook, TikTok, and no doubt being followed intensely by whoever mans the central hub for CCTV when I visit London that's three countries who have more data on me than they'd ever need. Think you'll have more fun with my survey answers than any of them will.

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  • Members
49 minutes ago, Loki said:

info.  I’m on page two and already you could easily identify me (type of car lol) and therefore know my salary, home town, age and all sorts of stuff.

I wouldn't worry. The home counties are full of nobheads in sports cars. You'll be fine.

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