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It's Wrestlemania Season


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33 minutes ago, simonworden said:

Does Bayley have Egyptian heritage? I was perplexed by her entrance a bit otherwise.

No. She’s Mexican-American. They said on comms it was a reference to a park near where she grew up. 

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Posted (edited)

Totes emosh.

On 1/30/2024 at 9:36 AM, air_raid said:

Punk came back at Survivor Series. Cody won the Rumble. Now hear this - Reigns vs Cody at Mania, and Cody wins. I'll stake my reputation on it.

"raid, you haven't got a reputation."

"No, but I'm hoping to acquire one in this escapade."

And who knew, John Cena was the hero we needed all along?



Finally, massive thanks to the efforts of everyone involved in crowning Cody so I never again have to read a shite tweet about the potential for Roman to (not really) break Hogans (not real) record.

Edited by air_raid
Only smoke and mirrors.
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Wrestlemania Night 2

Cool that they got Shane Taylor of Shane Taylor Promotions to sing at the start of the show. Hope to see more AEW/WWE cross-promotion going forward. 

Seth vs Drew was brilliant! It is rare for me to enjoy Seth Rollins, but having Drew hit the Claymore 1 second into the match was an inspired move and it made for fantastic heat for the rest of it. The whole thing felt like a Brock Lesnar match in the best possible way, straight to business with both guys throwing haymakers for the duration. I wanted Drew to win so I was happy with that, but I was not expecting to enjoy the match this much. Punk being largely responsible for Priest's cash in on Drew was tremendous as well. Punk vs Drew is just pure gold. 

Red hot opening to the show, loved all of that. 

I wonder if The final Testament and Timeless Toni Storm exist in a shared cinematic universe. The mind wanders when Kross is on screen. Snoop Dogg having the loveliest time on commentary made this much more fun for me. Fair play to them, they knew how cold this feud is and threw in all possible bells and whistles to make it more entertaining. City-appropriate Dudleys nostalgia, the very unexpected B-Fab/Scarlet Russian leg sweep, Montez's crazy tope with some stellar camera work to catch it. I found this more entertaining than the night one ladder match. Bobby and The Profits need something better than this to do though, Montez Ford is nowhere near where he should be.

Effortlessly brilliant Heyman promo. 

"This is the biggest match of LA Knight's career". He wrestled Roman for the title lads. This is not that. He had a pro wrestling match with AJ Styles here. Just buy some fucking Slim Jims, will you. 

The Bray tribute was lovely, would have liked them not to cut to the plug for the Weeknd so abruptly though. 

Logan Paul's entrance was one of the best worst things I've ever seen. Like I knew it would be something extremely obnoxious but I could never have fully prepared for it. Amazing. This match was good silly fun. Outstanding performance from Logan Paul. KO and Orton also have great chemistry both as a slightly awkward double act and as opponents. Better than I thought it would be. 

Bayley/Sky was a belter. The crowd was already behind Bayley of course, but she was so sympathetic here hobbling on one leg for most of the match that they were at fever pitch by the end of it. We didn't get the inflatable tube guys, but this was definitely original babyface run Bayley in spirit. Phenomenal closing stretch and this was easily one of Iyo's best WWE matches as well. Great action but more importantly a satisfying feel good ending to this story. 

To echo many others, the main event was pure magic. Roman and Cody were both amazing, then in the second half it became the most Wrestlemania event that ever Wrestlemania'd. The callbacks, the revenge of the ghosts of bloodline past, the surprises. Felt like a celebration of Roman's momentous reign as well as, of course, a fist pumping and triumphant ending to The Story. Sensational. 

Aside from AJ vs La Knight I thought everything on night 2 delivered. What a great show. Even the bloody Final Testament match was a fun time, and that main event was exactly what Wrestlemania should be delivering. Wonderful. 

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Cena must’ve gone to the same person who did Rooney’s hair transplant. Sure he’s got a bit more, but that bald spot is never recovering. I feel his pain, I’ve got exactly the same. 

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Wish they’d managed to get Stone Cold instead of Old Man Cracker but otherwise a great crowning. Also love that I get to show my little lad his idol IShowSpeed getting it. If he was upset at Sting getting his then he’ll be inconsolable after seeing what happened to that dufus.

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Nailed it. If they made me feel like a 10 year old, life must have been pretty sweet as a 10 year old watching that. That's where it starts and ends, lads. 

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One of the best and most satisfying main events of all time. The disappointment of last year was hard to get over but to be fair to them they told a better story in the end. This was everything. Well done. 

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Revisiting some of the entrances and finishes... is it my imagination or was that the loudest a stadium crowd has sounded for a Mania in... well, in recent memory?

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I will start off by saying I fucking love The Undertaker but that would have been just a tiny bit more incredible if it was Austin instead. Austin/Rock at a Mania just feels more right.

That’s a minor gripe though as it was still a lot of fun. Great Wrestlemania overall.

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A fantastic end to the main event, and surely the culmination of the "let's get the lads out for run ins" of mania matches. You're unlikely to top that.

It was a great win, but I can't help but be disappointed by Cody's title reign so far. Maybe it's time to take the belt off him.

I also thoroughly enjoyed Cody at the end saying that HHH would never want to come out in front of the people and they'd have to drag him out to get his flowers. Hilarious at the best of times, but even funnier with how much this show was about him.

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Skipped through bits of the show to the main event because I'm impatient. Damien Priest and the Judgement Day as a unit are the absolute drizzling but at the very least it elevated the Drew/Punk feud and Drew at least got his win in front of a crowd finally so now was as good a time as any to get the belt right back off him. Again though, shame it's on Damien Priest. It's like when Damien Sandow or Baron Corbin had it except if somehow they inexplicably won.

That Main Event though was everything it should have been, Just like last night, it was a pure Wrestlemania balls to the wall showcase. Finally Cody got his win and the callbacks to both men's pasts were great, though like others I felt it was a shame they had Taker instead of Austin, but it never diminished anything. I know he was probably backstage too but it was a shame we never had Dustin there for the celebrations.
The emotions from everyone for the Cody win really added to it as well. The wrestlers, friends and family in the ring to celebrate, Michael Cole losing his shit on commentary, Samantha Irvin breaking up announcing the winner. Just a beautiful moment and arguably the greatest ending to a Wrestlemania ever.

I don't start work until 1pm so I'm going to put the show on again and watch through the bits I missed without feeling anxious waiting for the main event.

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Trying to compose myself, Cody bedspread still around my neck like a cape, tears rolling down my cheek.

But, yeah, that was the best thing I've ever seen. Pitch perfect from start to finish. It wasn't a match, it was a coronation, but they got every note right.

Beautiful opening promo video, lovely touch including Matt, Nick and Kenny. The Buck's should steadfastly refuse to get involved with any back and forth bullshit whilst Cody is king.

Started tearing up during Cody's entrance as he was doing that Edge thing of telling you the result with his face.

Roman's entrance was epic, and I started going again when it was clear Heyman was crying when he got in the ring.

The crowd who were shite all night were incredible. Genuine emotion in this feud, that the WWE should remember in the future when they consider trading in pure pro-wrestling emotion for celebrity. They made it work this time, but that won't always be the case. The crowd were so into it, it was so special. Perfect.

The run-ins were the best kind of schmozz, and The Shield/Taker were genuine surprises as it felt like it was going another way.

Roman losing in part because he still can't quite forgive Seth breaking up The Shield was brilliant.

Roman is another level of performer, and this was him at his absolutely imperious best. The Rock's role was perfect, too, as didn't come close to overpowering anything.

Cody is just a wonderful person and seeing the outpouring of emotion when he won was beautiful.

Amazing. Incredible. I'm fucking delighted.

And, for those keeping score, yes I started tearing up the pre-match video, really started wobbling during Cody's entrance when it was clear what was happening, and by the end when he handed his old dear the title I was mess.

It was actually a pretty fun show all round, and the opener was brilliantly put together, but who cares?

I'm a mess.


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