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It's Wrestlemania Season


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I've been a big proponent of them sticking with 2 nights after covid as the first two years presented a pair of easily digestible 3hr shows on consecutive days (excusing the lightning delay). But now here we are with a 4.5hr night one. 

It was a decent but not spectacular opening night, IMO. Zayn vs Gunther (including entrances, more on that in a moment) was best thing of the night by a country mile.

Uso vs Uso was a massive letdown as I've loved those boys for years. The main event was pretty good for what it was but 60 minutes from Cody's entrance to the fade out was not what I needed in my 22nd hour of being awake. That's on me I guess. 

Everything else I felt was 'fine'. Nothing offensive but nothing I'll remember too much. 

Entrances - when someone made that lovely best entrances thread a month or so ago I said I was pretty sure I liked wrestling entrances more than I like wrestling matches, and there were some decent ones last night. Sami's was the best though for the relative normality of it all. Given that entrances tend to be designed to make people look like superheroes, Sami's stood out through showing the humanity of the father & husband with his family, the nervous athlete getting the pep talk from his (recent) coach, & the final pump up from his best mate. All lovely "sports" stuff. 

On that front, I'm really starting to see the influence of Lee Fitting (the bloke who took over from Kevin Dunne, formerly of ESPN) on some of this stuff. In particular the pre-show was even more heavily influenced by College Gameday than ever before with the pre-tape sitdowns, reporters in different locales across the stadium etc. There's always been elements of it but the way they're doing it now is basically carbon copy (and it's much better for it). Even got actual Tom Rinaldi in! 

Finally, me & a mate have a WrestleMania tradition (going back minimum 15 years) of texting each other our match predictions for the night. For the first time ever I was 100% correct on all 8 outcomes last night (counting the ladder match as 2 results). 

Edit: Oh yeah, Samantha Irvin is fucking awful, despite what Michael Cole wants to tell you. 

Edited by Statto
And it's a shame they gave Jade a "special" entrance that wasn't a patch on the one she debuted the other week.
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1 minute ago, Harry Wiseau said:

Was that daft belt already being made before the "pivot" happened? Is that what he'd have come out with on Monday after beating Roman?  

Incredible shout. I reckon that could be bang on.

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I enjoyed it, but I do actually feel like Night 2 has a chance of being better for once this year.

Loved Gunther and Sami. I'm a sucker for hoss v underdog matches like that and both of them play those roles to perfection. The brainbuster at the end was insane. 

The main event could've easily had about 10 minutes shaved off it but once it got going properly it was great, and I thought it was a perfect showcase for The Rock at this point in his career to be fair. Sets things up nicely for tomorrow.

Rhea v Becky was also a really good opener especially when you factor in Becky apparently being under the weather, and the Ladder match was exactly what you'd want from that type of match with Truth getting a bog moment.

That stretch with the Rey tag, the Uso match and the six woman tag felt a bit TV show-ish but nothing wrong with the tags per say and to be fair I didn't hate the Usos match as much as lot a of people did. It never really got going properly but it wasn't long enough for me to hate it and I enjoyed the Yeet/No Yeet and the fake out from Jimmy even if the superkicks were a bit naff. I don't feel like anyone ever bought Jimmy as a threat in the first place, so it never had that going for it.

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, AndyUK said:

I enjoyed it, but I do actually feel like Night 2 has a chance of being better for once this year.

No chance. It’s a two match night.

Edited by air_raid
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Just now, TheScarlettChad said:

Well....the lad in your pic may get invovled in one of the matches so its a two match night for me.

Yes, I managed for forget about DM Hunk, if you can imagine that!!

Still, I don’t think the two title matches will stand up to the big tag and three momentous title matches, the rest is a bit filler.

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Just sat through the whole show and I'm mostly in agreement with Statto - nothing offensive but it was fine overall. I really enjoyed Sami and Gunther but everything else before that was pretty average for me. I want my WrestleManias to have bouts or segments that I'll watch again someday, and that ain't happening with this show.

The main event felt big time but, for the first time in the show, I had to skip forward when Rollins was taking the extended beating. I mostly watch AEW these days and so the match was just too darn slow for me, although I did try and just get over it and immerse myself in it. I enjoyed the commentary for the most part and thought their chemistry picked up in the main event, from the entrances onwards they had me chuckling quite a few times. However, the last 3/4 minutes I was not a fan of - I don't think we needed to be told what they think the outcome of Cody/Roman is going to be 84 times.

I'm pretty confident Part 2 will be much more entertaining overall 👍

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2 hours ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Solid enough show. Samantha is dreadful.  I'm glad someone said it. Rock looked good for what he was doing. He was sucking air tho by the end. 

Im convinced The Rock has pissed off Samantha. 

"FIrst.... weighing in a 5 million pounds of raw sex appeal, he is entering his ten thousandth day as the super mega heavyweight undisputed hyper champion, the head of the table, the sex god, the father of my future child (sorry Ricochet).... ROMAN.... MOTHER FUCKING...... REEEEEEEIIIIIIGNNNNS."

"And his partner... The Rock."


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