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Good Wrestling Twitter 2024


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13 hours ago, Supremo said:

Weekly reminder. She’s still the best.


What on earth is with wrestlers’ obsession with licking—or in this case, drinking—other wrestlers’ blood in deathmatches and the like?

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There's a few occasions when stuff like that just hits the mark, Page instantly becoming the most unhinged psycho on the roster was a hell of a thing and then there's the infamous Jerry Lynn DIE moment which is easily the best thing he ever did.

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On 3/24/2024 at 3:42 PM, SuperBacon said:

Need this lot to do an invasion angle in one of the two big companies ASAP.

Top lads.

Not so good wrestling twitter, seems like there’s a lot of issues with the man behind SGW 


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Not so much ‘good’ wrestling Twitter but didn’t know where else to put this..

I know it’s just clips and I’d imagine and like to think Vader got some offence in during this match. At the same time though, knowing how much of a colossal twat Shawn was and how the company had basically given up on Vader already by this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if they pretty much squashed him Warrior vs Andre 89 style. Seriously, watching Vader bouncing around for little Shawn’s very average looking clotheslines here annoys me more than it probably should nearly 30 years after the fact. 

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