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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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I stopped paying attention to the records a long time ago. I noticed someone coming down the other week and the win-loss record was something ridiculous like 41-30 and I just thought that while it was something that made AEW stand out at the beginning, it's pretty meaningless now.

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Yeah they were pretty meaningless but I liked the records and rankings. Those small little details are fun additions that can be used for stories/totally ignored whenever required for storyline reasons. Even little bits where I think it was Jack Perry or SHIDA that won awards for first to get to 50 wins or something. Just adds a little flavour to proceedings.

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I'd like to think they'll still do that kind of thing whilst just not having them front & centre all the time.

E.G. Orange Cassidy's chyron at All In read something like "Most wins among male wrestlers in 2024", you can still give little tidbits like that without also showing us that the guy who is coming to the ring for a TNT title eliminator in September has only wrestled here half a dozen times this year and lost 80% of them (random made up example) just because you want to book X vs Y and give it some stakes. 

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Dynamite 04/09/24

Opening segment was frustrating. I love seeing Danny Garcia in this featured position but it's annoying how everyone in promo battles with MJF has to stoop to his level and make jabs about hair transplants etc. The guy tried to end your career, you shouldn't be trying to out-zing him. Still excited for the match though. 

Cracking match from Okada and Fletcher. Teasing another time limit draw only for the scoundrel to win with a low blow was a fun twist. Two excellent performances back to back from Fletcher. Enjoyed both of Okada's last two matches a lot as well. 


Swerve video was lovely, or so I thought. I actually saw it on Youtube earlier in the day. What a brilliant way to throw me off the scent of the utter madness that was to come by putting it up way in advance of the show. Genuinely believed it was a completely unrelated non-kayfabe piece about Swerve having a nice life moment. I mean I guess it was that as well? But I legitimately did not have an inkling of where they'd go with it. Was thinking to myself when I first saw it that Prince Nana not saying "Who's House?" must have taken an unfathomable amount of will power, but he probably held back because it was a sincere moment. Turns out he was saving it for Hangman. How naive I was. My streak of never predicting Hangman's revenge attacks even though they seem 1000% obvious in hindsight continues. 

Delightful squash from Jamie Hayter. Such explosive offense, I've missed it. 

Marina Shafir silently dropping motherfuckers backstage continues to be excellent. Again, so happy she's in this role. It also means nobody's safe form the backstage beatdowns. Gender neutral unprovoked assaults for all. Good mini promo from Moxley. Not sure if it's just me but I think he's looking a bit healthier. 

OC no-selling Jericho's presence was funny. 

Solid first defense for Mariah. Particularly liked the slapping at the start, and more specifically that she wasn't bothered at all when Nyla grabbed her by the throat. Normally the cocky heel would realise they messed up by riling up the babyface there, but she just smiled and kept slapping her. Did a good job of showing how ultra confident and unhinged she is. 

Still not loving these Purazzo promos where she drinks wine and doesn't say anything of any substance. 

TBS segment was better than expected honestly. Mone's Japan-inspired look was tremendous and the promo hit that sweet spot, slap bang in the centre of "adequate". Shida in the suit was a great look too. I don't believe she's beating Mone but I'll take her being given something substantial to do for now. 

Six man tag was fantastic, obviously. Blistering action, heated up Pac/Ospreay, loved the OC/Yuta showdown. All of the post match carnage worked for me too. Not too inspired by Claudio/Yuta vs The Bucks, though presumably it's so they can take out Yuta and Claudio in some way to remove Danielson's back up for the title match. 

Difficult to express in words how much I loved the closing angle. Holy shit. That monologue. That visual of Hangman sitting in that chair sipping his drink with the flames in the background. The transformation is complete. He has become Swerve and then some. In any other feud or context I would say this was too ridiculous. It is so bloody silly to do a green screen stunt and burn a flipping house down, but for this feud, the BEST feud, it was fucking perfect. He burned down Swerve's House! The absolute bloody lunatic. Six Stars. 


Edited by JLM
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Nyla Rose must be contractually obliged to lose to every new women’s champion in their first defence. I don’t know how she still isn’t being built up as some final boss to beat on ppv.

Why is Jericho looping back round on to old feuds now? Are people rejecting his vortex and only Orange Cassidy said yes to be polite? 

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2 hours ago, TheBurningRed said:

Nyla Rose must be contractually obliged to lose to every new women’s champion in their first defence. I don’t know how she still isn’t being built up as some final boss to beat on ppv.

She's massively underutilised. She's one of the stronger women on the mic, and she's decent in ring. I'd love to see her get a proper push. She comes across so well on social media and in interview too, she's really likeable. She has a great babyface run in her, alongside a much stronger heel run than we've seen so far. 

As far as the final angle is concerned, it wasn't for me. If you like over-the-top angles, I can imagine you absolutely loving it - I don't necessarily mind them, but in the context of this feud, this didn't quite work for me. Yes, there was a home invasion angle - but I think I preferred this feud being grounded in something more plausible. But hey, not everything in wrestling has to be for me, and as they look to build their audience, I can see why they'd try something like that. 

Okada has really won me over as a character. Is Takeshita face again, or just face for the purposes of a match with Okada? I'd like to see him get a dominant heel run, he's super talented and actually quite terrifying as a heel character given how vicious his ring work can be. 

Mark Briscoe is still the best babyface in the company - never mind the vortex of Jericho, I'd like to see him escape the vortex of ROH, and have a meaningful singles feud on Dynamite - Briscoe vs. Christian Cage comes to mind as a feud that could end up being a lot of fun; Briscoe vs. Hangman is also something I'd like to see, or Briscoe vs. Okada. He's just a brilliant character who you can't help but warm to.  

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5 hours ago, Supremo said:


Nah mate. This isn't art. This isn't cinema. It's PROPER PRO WRASSLIN'!

Loved the final angle. I think it was a brilliant move from a production stand point that the video of Swerve buying the house was done in the documentary style that they typically only tend to use for the "real" stuff so that this didn't feel part of any angle - it felt like a real life behind the scenes type video so that to bring it back into a proper pro wrestling setting later gave it more impact. Amazing performance by Hangman and the way this story has gone full circle is incredible. Swerve crossed a line and invaded Hangman's house because he felt like that was what he needed to do to mentally breakdown Hangman so that he could beat him and move up the ladder of success to the World title. It worked but in doing so Swerve created a monster and now that monster has come back and will cross every line to ruin his life and destroy him. One of the best stories in wrestling I can remember.

And the only time we've seen Hangman at peace this year has been him having a drink while Swerve's house burns down. Perfection. 

I hope this isn't the end at All Out. They can keep coming back to this forever.

Edited by LaGoosh
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3 hours ago, TheBurningRed said:

Why is Jericho looping back round on to old feuds now? Are people rejecting his vortex and only Orange Cassidy said yes to be polite? 

The Conglomeration are one of AEW’s best acts right now. I’d be more surprised if Jericho wasn’t sniffing around, looking for some life force to suck out of them. The word of the day is, “Dementor.”

Due to Hangman’s actions, the All Out match is now an Unsanctioned, Lights Out Steel Cage Match.


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I think we'll get something along the lines of 'you've lost your title thanks to me. You've lost your house thanks to me. The only thing left is for me to take your life. This is the only way it ends Swerve as you can't keep me down. This is more than just cowboy shit, this is real'.


This is a dumb question, but what's the fundamental difference between a street fight, no dq match and a lights out match? 

Edited by Tim Healys Chutney Spoon
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6 minutes ago, Tim Healys Chutney Spoon said:

I think we'll get something along the lines of 'you've lost your title thanks to me. You've lost your house thanks to me. The only thing left is for me to take your life. This is the only way it ends Swerve as you can't keep me down. This is more than just cowboy shit, this is real'.


This is a dumb question, but what's the fundamental difference between a street fight, no dq match and a lights out match? 

Street Fight = in your civvies/jeans

No DQ/No Holds Barred = No DQ/Pin in ring

Lights Out = Unsanctioned

Falls Count Anywhere = Outside ring pin optional.

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1 hour ago, Tim Healys Chutney Spoon said:

I think we'll get something along the lines of 'you've lost your title thanks to me. You've lost your house thanks to me. The only thing left is for me to take your life. This is the only way it ends Swerve as you can't keep me down. This is more than just cowboy shit, this is real'.


Which is the only problem I have with something like this - after everything they have already done to each other, unless someone actually dies or loses a limb isn't the end result always going to be a bit anti climactic? What else can they do? Swerve setting Page on fire?

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6 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

isn't the end result always going to be a bit anti climactic? What else can they do?

Well, wait and see rather than being down on it before it's even happened. Have either man disappointed in big matches yet?

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Not just about this show, but things that irk me in general first about AEW: I couldn't help but laugh at the end of the main event when the BCC challenged the Young Bucks. I may have missed a few out, but it kinda started this summer with Danny Garcia and Ospreay battling over the International title with a world title shot potentially on the line too; Darby Allin going for the TNT title when he has a world title shot; Jack Perry as TNT champ getting a world title shot; Pac going for and winning the trios titles when he has an International title shot; Pac in a face trios team but a nasty heel against Ospreay; and now the other 2 trios champs challenging for the tag titles. I roll my eyes thinking about it, for me it sucks the life out of all of the championships with no masters of any division, why should I care about anyone succeeding? And how the hell do casual viewers keep track of it all?

I also can't stand the rise in in-ring contract signings as a segment in general; interviewers asking "how do you feel?" or "what's on your mind?", Saraya and Harley watching a TV screen side-on; and security getting attacked by the wrestlers seemingly every week with no punishment. Also not a fan of the amount of "dodgy neck" stories going on - Ospreay, MJF & Garcia, and Danielson in general.

It's only frustrating because I love everything else (except Jericho, of course). I love the in-ring action, the women getting decent match time, trying new things like the Moxley/Shafir pairing (it feels very ECW to me so far, but more polished obvs, can't quite put my finger on why); little vignettes such as the Deonna Purrazzo one; and the commentary is generally fairly entertaining.

And then there was the Hangman/Swerve segment - put me in the fan category just for the feeling it gave when I realised what Hangers was going to do, and wondering how it would look like on the telly. And it looked pretty striking! A bit over the top maybe - the pair of them were already bitter enemies and we already had no idea what they were gonna do to each other in the cage. I shudder to think what will happen next...

Edited by Mr.Showtime
Forgot to add the "watching a TV screen like an alien" bit
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