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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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I really like the look of that card. Hopefully Punk and Starks put on a better match than the tournament final. 

Big Machine (yes I'm sticking with that name) should be the 21st century Road Warriors. Gimmick them the fuck up.

What I really like about Collision though is that AEW have somehow pulled a roster split without even really saying it. Basically just chucked a bunch of people on the new show and built it up from the ground up.

Even the titles have essentially been split. 


World championship, Women's championship, International championship. 


"Real" World's championship, TBS championship, TNT championship. 

Yeah MJF defended his title on Collision once already but I'm guessing that was because they were in Canada and hadn't gone forward with the Punk storyline. 

Not sure where the trios titles currently stand but HoB are Collision so I'm guessing that's where they will stay for now but I can see the trios and tag belts bouncing between shows depending on who owns them. 

And of course you have to assume that there will be a World title unification match, at some point. 

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I think Tony Khan puts a bit more stock in Joe/Punk than most fans do. I just don’t want to see that again. I wasn’t arsed about their first AEW match on Collision, and I don’t care about this one. 

Bucks/FTR, on the other hand? I’m very excited about that. For All In to feel as big as it should, I think they need a ‘first time’ match of some sort - a dream match, which they absolutely have the roster to accommodate. 

As far as Collision goes, it was a decent show; even if I’m not particularly interested in the feuds they’re running with.

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It was a decent episode, but obviously didn't hit the heights of last week. The main thing I came out of Collision thinking is: "the fuck is Omega doing at Wembley?" and "Garcia vs Big Bill dance-off when?"

Edited by 69MeDon
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2 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I think Tony Khan puts a bit more stock in Joe/Punk than most fans do. I just don’t want to see that again. I wasn’t arsed about their first AEW match on Collision, and I don’t care about this one. 

Bucks/FTR, on the other hand? I’m very excited about that. For All In to feel as big as it should, I think they need a ‘first time’ match of some sort - a dream match, which they absolutely have the roster to accommodate. 

As far as Collision goes, it was a decent show; even if I’m not particularly interested in the feuds they’re running with.

Looks good on paper though doesn’t it?

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I'm wondering if maybe Samoa Joe/Punk is a bit of a bait and switch, given that Joe has set an ultimatum to respond to him in a week, and Punk's wrestling in a Trios title match next week, while also having an ongoing issue with Ricky Starks. Might end up as a multi-man, or with Joe thinking he's being overlooked and taking it out on someone else.

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Maybe's its because Stat and Renee is fresh on my mind from Rampage, but it feels like they're on a bit of roll with backstage segments. Certainly better than the constant interruptions to set up a match. Bullet Gold, Christian, Toni Storm doing her old hollywood diva character work for the new movie she's in. Even Hobbs and QTV wasn't awful.

Although on the QTV front. No clue where it's going with the attack on Miro last week, Johnny TV still floating around and then QTV trying keep Hobbs in the fold.

Go back a month and who'd have thought FTR v. Big Bill & Brian Cage would be such a hot opener! They've stumbled into something with Big Bill and Brian Cage as a team. It's seems like the talent know it and doing all they can. It's the booking that might go wrong. Might have been Meltzer's speculative card that had Sting/Darby/Nick Wayne/Keith Lee v. Swerve/AR Fox/Big Bill/Cage for All In. Which would be absolutely chaotic and at least means the duo aren't going to be dropped like HOOKhausen or JungleHOOK.

The bar's not that high, but best match since Statlander came back. Set up for a tag match next week i'd assume.

Rest of the matches were kind of just there, Joe out first to challenge Punk for Wembley meant I lost interest in the main event. Didn't need the return of House Rules trios matches.

The All In challenges made:

FTR v. Young Bucks III Exactly what you want in terms of meaningful matches. Don't know who would need the win more. Not sure what the build will be like, but made me more interested in the joint Dynamite/Collision taping since you know there will be some interaction. Instead of promos cut across different TV shows.

Samoa Joe v. CM Punk You just did it! You told the lore of the unbeatable Samoa Joe and then beat him. It's giving me Punk v. Kojima tacked onto Forbidden Door vibes.








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Suppose it's also worth mentioning the return of Jim Ross for the main event. Glad they never made a big deal of it with an entrance or hyping it. Made up for the first episode and it was a nice touch with the hug with Ricky Steamboat.

It was just a reminder they've got a big decision coming up with what they're doing at commentary. I've really enjoyed the simplified 2 man booth with Ian and Nigel.


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I thought this was a decent show. They've somehow managed to get the balancing act of Collision feeling different from Dynamite but still feel like AEW just right now.

That ending angle was brilliant stuff. Proper vicious and nasty heel angle, I loved it. Collision is light on babyfaces so not sure who Starks can feud with on Saturdays but it really was a tremendous segment.

JR was really good on commentary and it certainly felt like he was trying to prove he belonged out there. I think bringing him in for the main events only would be a good move, especially if it's the type of match he'll get into.

Joe vs Punk at All In would be a suitably big time dream match which I would have loved if they hadn't dropped the ultimate bollock and booked it a few weeks ago for a nothing TV match. Alas.

Speaking of booking, CMFTR vs House of Black randomly next week at first made me shake my head that such a big time match is just being randomly dropped but thinking about it...I'm not actually sure I want to see a proper feud between these two teams so am happy enough with hem just having an absolute banger next week and moving on.

FTR vs Big Bill/Cage was really great. They made the smart move of having Bill do most the work, he's the best. These two are a wonderful team and even Prince Nana who has been a non-entity for ages has been excellent this week.

Toni Storm's promo was the first time she's ever been interesting. Keep it up!

The Bang Bang Gang are being so over the top they might accidentally turn themselves babyface before they know it. Three lunatics and their cool as fuck leader...it just works.

Starting to really enjoy Collision (and its effective soft brand split) now it's hitting it's stride. The roster still feels light though, a few additions would help freshen things up: Rush, Bandido, Mark Briscoe, Rey Fenix, Dalton Castle, Lance Archer would all be well suited as Colliders.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Collision is slowly but surely becoming my favourite show of the week. It took a while to get going, but it’s really clicking now. Good matches, good cast of characters, great vibes. Just loads of fun. The time flies by. I swear Juice Robinson has started hosting seminars before the show on how to maximise your TV time and have such a laugh performing that it rubs off on the viewer. Felt like you couldn’t move for funny backstage segments and guest commentary segments. Big laughs all night long.

Good opener. Big Bill rules.

That’s the best Samoa Joe has looked since he was murdering Darby on a weekly basis. Brilliant. I’ll accept Punk vs. Joe at Wembley, especially now Punk seems to have worked off his ring rust.

Fingers crossed Toni Storm’s (great) backstage interview is a sign of a new character and they’re completely drawing a line under the shitty Outcast thing. That was the best thing she’s done in months. Big fan of shouting, “shut up Tony!” as we fade to black.

Bullet Club Gold are the best act in the business today. Wildly entertaining. There’s real chemistry there between these bell-ends and Tony Schiavone. Guns up, Tony! GUNS UP!

Return of the House Rules. Urgh. Fuck off.

Christian getting his own daughter escorted out of the building. Hilarious.

Best use of Jim Ross in years. Bring him in for the big main events that excite him, but otherwise leave us with my boys Nigel and Ian, who’ve developed into a really good team. Do not bring Kevin Kelly back.

Starks vs. Punk was a huge improvement on their last match. It seems just as the show itself had to find its groove, so too did Punk himself. Fantastic, white hot closing angle. Steamboat’s still got it. Great selling that elicited some real sympathy. What a prick Ricky Starks is! Can’t believe I ever cheered for him! Didn’t Steamboat wrestle last year? Surely he can do one hot tag!

So yeah. It’s still early days, but honestly, this is the best use of a brand split since Raw vs. Smackdown in about 2002. It’s exactly what a brand split should be. Different enough to have its own identity whilst still being the promotion you love, with new stars having the breathing room to grow and develop. Tonnes of guys who weren’t getting any TV time of Dynamite are not only getting the spotlight, but hitting a home run with it. Plus, and this might be the most important factor; it’s two more hours of Tony Schiavone in my life. I love it.

Edited by Supremo
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