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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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On 7/16/2024 at 1:08 AM, JLM said:

Turns out Dalton got legit knocked out by that flying knee. He was meant to kick out and didn't, and the referee ended up counting, stopping, then counting again. It did look like the "3" was spliced in from elsewhere. Hope he's alright, poor guy has no luck with injuries. 


Out for the rest of 2024 :( 

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Hologram was certainly fun to watch, but AEW doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to Hispanic wrestlers, so I don’t expect him to amount to much. That said, there was something about his presentation that didn’t really work for me. Being a fun, athletic wrestler in a company full of them isn’t quite enough. There needs to be something more, and perhaps that’ll come. 

Hopefully Skye Blue is OK, and kudos to AEW for quickly stopping the match.

I’d like to see Lance Archer get a genuine push. He came in with so much promise, and he’s never really been given a consistent run since joining the company. AEW has a great main event scene, but there’s room for a few larger wrestlers to break through and offer something different.

If there’s anyone who can do something interesting with the Trios Titles, it’s Christian Cage. I’ve always hated that division, and I’d still like to see it go away forever, but I can’t deny that I’m interested in what happens next. Christian has that magic touch, he’s so bloody watchable.

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Love this new look for Collision with the entrance on hard cam. Exactly how you turn a smaller crowd into a positive and separate it from the main show:


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Posted (edited)

I hate it.

The camera focusing on the entranceway has always been something I've disliked. And I know this means nothing to most people but faces and heels coming out of different tunnels/stages has always been an AEW quirk I've loved and they've done away with it here.

The worst thing I can say is that the arena gives me TNA vibes and not in a good way.

Hopefully they sort the audio out going forwards too.

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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4 hours ago, Lorne Malvo said:

The camera focusing on the entranceway has always been something I've disliked. And I know this means nothing to most people but faces and heels coming out of different tunnels/stages has always been an AEW quirk I've loved and they've done away with it here.

I’ve always hated that, so seeing that go away is a big positive for me.

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I liked it. It felt distinct from Dynamite which helps keep it interesting. But yeah mic that crowd better.

The Beast Mortos is quite something, isn't he? Pretty much a perfect opponent for Darby Allin. Great base and really impressive offense. His tornillo is absurdly pretty.

Speaking of great bases, they knew what they were doing with putting Hologram with Gringo Loco. It's just a shame that for all the precision of Hologram's work it's the most generic luchador gimmick possible.



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7 hours ago, RedTwoster said:

I’d like to see Lance Archer get a genuine push. He came in with so much promise, and he’s never really been given a consistent run since joining the company. AEW has a great main event scene, but there’s room for a few larger wrestlers to break through and offer something different.

I'm a big Lance Archer fan and think he should be used way more. He's always fun, has good TV matches and knows how to maximise his minutes and find the camera. I think he's too goofy to be a genuine main event act but there's definitely space for him to be a wacky maniac in the upper midcard of Collision or Rampage every week.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

I'm a big Lance Archer fan and think he should be used way more. He's always fun, has good TV matches and knows how to maximise his minutes and find the camera. I think he's too goofy to be a genuine main event act but there's definitely space for him to be a wacky maniac in the upper midcard of Collision or Rampage every week.

He should have always ended being their modern take on ECW's 911, a big, quirky unhinged lunatic that Jake Roberts would unleash when necessary or if they were writing anyone out. I always got a big kick out of him throwing jobbers out the tunnel or chasing them down the aisle.

Or the time he hoofed that bloke in a bin and threw another through the ceiling tiles. Lovely stuff that.

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Posted (edited)

Can totally understand why from a financial perspective they binned off the Elton John (I'll miss it!) but replacing it with the most generic Mikey Ruckus rock sludge is the biggest downgrade possible. Both this and the new Dynamite theme are absolutely god awful. If you want to start your wrestling show off on the right foot a good theme song is absolutely key!

Edited by LaGoosh
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yeah, it's dreadful. The Dynamite theme reminds me of old early '00s WWF, in the worst way. Using licensed music always makes wrestling feel a little bit bigger, and more like it's part of a broader world rather than it's own shameful little bubble, and using anything that doesn't sound like a Kerrang! playlist reject should be the priority.

I have seen speculation that getting rid of the Elton John song might be less a financial decision and more a sign that Collision might be moved off Saturday nights.

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38 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Can totally understand why from a financial perspective they binned off the Elton John (I'll miss it!) but replacing it with the most generic Mikey Ruckus rock sludge is the biggest downgrade possible. Both this and the new Dynamite theme are absolutely god awful. If you want to start your wrestling show off on the right foot a good theme song is absolutely key!

I think that added to how much I disliked the eSports arena setting. That awful opening theme then giving way to a sub-TNA pitch black arena just made AEW look as low-rent as it's ever looked, in my opinion.

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

I think that added to how much I disliked the eSports arena setting. That awful opening theme then giving way to a sub-TNA pitch black arena just made AEW look as low-rent as it's ever looked, in my opinion.

Yeah I'm all for AEW using smaller venues for Collision that better suit the 2,000ish attendance they get but I was thinking more along the lines of places that looks cool or unique like the Hammerstein Ballroom. Not what appeared to be basically a blacked out warehouse with a big stage.

And I can totally get the financial reasons for not using expensive licensed music but there loads of stuff out there they can use that is really good, will cost peanuts and be better than Mikey Ruckus's stuff. His voice all over everything drives me crazy.

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Collision 20/07/24

Yep, echo the sentiments about the god awful new theme song. Has already been covered but yeah, I like this new setting for ROH but think it looks too grimy for Collision. Smaller venues full of people are better than massive empty arenas, but this is not what I had in mind. I do like how big the screens are though. 

Beast Mortos vs Darby Allin, hell fucking yes. I'll stop whinging about the utilisation of Mortos now. After seeing him booked against Nick Comoroto and Claudio I was beginning to wonder if Tony thought he'd signed Mantaur rather than Black Taurus. Darby and Komander though, these are the correct opponents. Tremendous opener. Darby doesn't miss and Mortos against a smaller guy is one of my favourite things to watch in pro wrestling. Loved that a "Darby" chant broke out on multiple occasions during this match, he's such an outstanding underdog. 

Billy Gunn telling The Acclaimed to get serious ahead of Blood and Guts was unexpected! I liked it a lot. 

Gutted for Skye Blue, looks like she'll be out for quite some time too. That is really shit. 

So happy to see Lance Archer given something to do other than a 2 minute squash. Very intrigued to see where this is going. 

Tony Nese/Rey Fenix was a really fun TV match with good heat, Again, Nese has grown on me as a solid lower card heel act. He calls the people fat and can have a good match with anyone. Simple but effective. 

FTR fighting to rescue the titles and bring the tag team division back works for me. I've missed the division and, not the most popular opinion on here, but I still bloody love FTR. 

Good promo from Shida, was cool how the unfortunate match stoppage was incorporated into it,

Entertaining slugfest from Roddy and Ishii. Few miscommunications but Roddy bumped like a champ and they smacked the hell out of each other. 

Hologram did some very impressive stuff and had a perfect base to work with in Gringo Loco but I still wasn't inspired by this debut at all. The mask and ring gear is incredibly lame. Not a cool look at all. I did like the use of teaser vignettes to hype up the debut though and hope we see more of those going forward. 

The son of Dusty Rhodes mentoring the new Von Erichs  would be cool if Ross Von Erich wasn't so utterly terrible at pro wrestling. 

Mark Briscoe with yet another excellent promo. He is representing the working man against the elites. Briscoe for president. 

Lumberjack match was a nice novelty and, like most matches on this show, had solid crowd heat. The spear to the outside onto all the lumberjacks looked fantastic. Also appreciated some of the ongoing feuds being acknowledged, like Red Velvet and Billie Starkz brawling on the outside. I like the idea of a Purazzo/Taya Valkyrie team up very much. 

Strong main event. Broken record here, but once again this match had very good heat. As much as I didn't love the look of this venue for Collision, I was a big fan of this crowd. No overly smarky bullshit going on, just lively, energetic and cheering the babyfaces/booing the heels. Love that. The Gunns and Juice are such an excellent trio. They're the most obnoxious and punchable prick heels, but have so much charisma and energy about them that they can be equally effective as fired up babyface heroes. Christian holding up all three titles was an amazing visual to end the show. 

Definitely not an essential episode of Collision but an easy and entertaining watch. Special mention to Uncle Tony and Nigel's chemistry too, they get better every week. Nigel cracking himself up always makes me laugh, but when he pops Schiavone as well it's magic. The whole "Schiavone's choice" bit this week was golden. 

Edited by JLM
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