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I quite liked this episode. I mean, I didn't give a single fuck about the main event, but otherwise I thought the show flowed well and had some great moments. The Jeff Hardy thing is weird because I generally agree with what everyone else is saying in this thread, but he does still get a huge reaction live, so clearly there is something that can be done with him.

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👍 Tony Schiavone - IT’S STIIIIIING!!! Big Steve saved the promo segment too (even if he did ramble a bit), because there wasn’t a great deal to sink our teeth into before that (more on this further down).

👍 Orange Cassidy/Buddy - One teeny, tiny bug bear - Mr Cassidy’s hand was already injured…I’m sure he’s right handed and it was instinct, but you could argue he shouldn’t have gone for a big right hand if it’s…well, fucked? But they told a great story and the execution in terms of the moves and transitions were great, plus it’s an interesting new direction for an Orange Cassidy match, having to sell throughout and elicit sympathy as opposed to laughter from the crowd. Pulled it off in spades (shades?). 

👍 Y2J/Keith Lee - Decent enough, even though in the end it serves as more of a vehicle to facilitate the interference from Swerve and another tease between Cole/Jericho. Still, some bright spots here compared to other moments/matches on the show

👍 Outcasts tag - Short but sweet, Storm looks in good nick at the moment. The admin of setting a future six-person tag was fine as well. Sky Blue though looked quite nervous. 

👎 BCC/Elite business - I’ll preface this by saying the eventual match will be fun to watch, but there’s so many issues with this week's output for me. First, with the greatest of respects to Nakazawa and Cutler, the fact that they had even modicum of offence against the so-far dominant BCC is nonsensical, even if they did eventually get slaughtered. Then, Kenny and the Bucks, after witnessing their stablemates get absolutely pillaged, beaten, victimised, bloodied and humbled, only decide to attack the Mox and co AFTER this has all taken place? Why not attack them before the match started when they’d have also had the element of surprise? Just a bizarre, illogical way of getting to this point. Who needs mates like the Elite? Fuck’s sake. 

👎 Darby/Swerve/MJF promo bit - Appreciated the quick start and the initial attempt at psychology but the momentum and logic totally collapsed either side of (and during) the commercial break. For instance, why, if your ankle is injured, would you then go for a double stomp? Also why the fuck are we doing stuff like poison ranas to the outside on free tele, or at all for that matter? Dangerous enough as it is inside the ring, nevermind outside. Also, Darby Allin doing a Paul Scholes impression by chewing on Swerve’s feet didn’t radiate intensity to me - it was an attempt to be radical for radical’s sake. Post-match promos between Darby and MJF were just going through the motions, nothing unique or memorable. 

👎 Hobbs squash/Wardlow business - Hobbs’ match lasted about as long as I do when watching clips of heel Trish Stratus (it was quick). Wardlow’s an animal and the eventual match will bang, but this again could have done with some fat being trimmed - it took an age for Wardlow to smash up the motor and they could have ended it there, but then he sauntered out for a pull apart as well. Even forgot to put the forklift in park. 

👎 Feels impossible for me to invest in Jeff Hardy - every time he comes back and earns our good graces, the wheels eventually come off for him. A nice moment for the live crowd and he looked quite lean, but for me this is one return too many for him and harsh as it may sound, he’ll be gone again in a matter of months if not weeks, either due to injury or another DUI. Go and enjoy time with your family and give it a rest, lad. 

Overall - A lot of instances where they could have trimmed the fat or gone in different directions this week for me. A card that promised some fireworks initially but didn’t really deliver and there were a couple of really puzzling executions. They'll probably have a blinder next week though and all will be right again. 


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2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

👍 Orange Cassidy/Buddy - One teeny, tiny bug bear - Mr Cassidy’s hand was already injured…I’m sure he’s right handed and it was instinct, but you could argue he shouldn’t have gone for a big right hand if it’s…well, fucked? But they told a great story and the execution in terms of the moves and transitions were great, plus it’s an interesting new direction for an Orange Cassidy match, having to sell throughout and elicit sympathy as opposed to laughter from the crowd. Pulled it off in spades (shades?). 

Don't be a selling pervert.


2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

👎 Feels impossible for me to invest in Jeff Hardy - every time he comes back and earns our good graces, the wheels eventually come off for him. A nice moment for the live crowd and he looked quite lean, but for me this is one return too many for him and harsh as it may sound, he’ll be gone again in a matter of months if not weeks, either due to injury or another DUI. Go and enjoy time with your family and give it a rest, lad. 

There are certain people that Tony has some weird loyalty to.  Jeff Hardy, Jay Lethal, Brian Cage.  Just move them on.  If that means you lose Matt Hardy, well then he can go too.

Edited by El Hijo del Mikey Jr
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It's a shame it's taken him almost dying twenty times to get here, but I can't help but feel somewhat vindicated that the wider wrestling audience is finally agreeing with me on my long-held opinion that Jeff Hardy is fucking shit. 

I've always been baffled as to how he's so popular. Never been able to see anything in him at all.

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It's not, for me, that Hardy has always been shit - it's that he's always been a liability.

His upside since he first broke out as a singles star was his unique connection with the audience.  His match style was, in a weird way, just like Hogan's - sell, sell, sell, then a dramatic comeback.  His ability to look in pain and sell that to the audience is unparalleled - probably because he's genuinely in pain!  

But his addictions have meant that any company hiring him is taking a huge risk - one of the reasons he's very rarely held a belt, I suggest.  TNA got burnt on this, WWE got burnt on this and now AEW is getting burnt - but they're getting the worst Hardy as he really CAN'T go!

When he comes back and is all lean and hungry he's always looked like a superstar and top talent - but it never lasts.


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I'm fine with Jeff being back if they keep him at the level Matt currently is - the occasional Dynamite match, mostly working house show style matches to warm up the crowd on Dark Elevation. That shouldn't cause any problems. 

They definitely shouldn't put him in a prominent spot or any ladder matches. 

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Just watched the San Jose NJPW show on YouTube on their channel and after watching Jay White get kicked out of Bullet Club by Finlay, seeing Jay set up BC Gold has got me thinking that Jay is wrestling's version of George Costanza. "If you turn up in the Bullet Club shirt, does it mean I wasn't kicked out of the group?"

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7 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

Just watched the San Jose NJPW show on YouTube on their channel and after watching Jay White get kicked out of Bullet Club by Finlay, seeing Jay set up BC Gold has got me thinking that Jay is wrestling's version of George Costanza. "If you turn up in the Bullet Club shirt, does it mean I wasn't kicked out of the group?"

Plus Juice Robinson said he'd left the Bullet Club at some point too.

Also, and I will say this until I am blue in the face, EVIL is still the co-leader of the Bullet Club.

Edited by El Hijo del Mikey Jr
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10 hours ago, El Hijo del Mikey Jr said:

Plus Juice Robinson said he'd left the Bullet Club at some point too.

Also, and I will say this until I am blue in the face, EVIL is still the co-leader of the Bullet Club.

He never said he left Bullet Club

Also Evil is Leader of House Of Torture which is like the shit lads with the go away heat from Bullet Club, Finlay just jumped in as the new leader of Bullet Club, you attack the old leader who’s on the way out  of the company and take his place, that’s how it’s always been for the group.

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