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18 minutes ago, Louch said:

The rock used to face al snow and have a back and forth

Was it good? Did you enjoy it? Was it a valuable use of TV time?

"Triple H had a competitive match with Taka"

Yeah it was fucking awesome. And it was a top heel vs an underdog babyface which is completely different. And it was hardly competitive, Taka got some surprise moves in on him and the announcers treated it like a massive shock that Taka even got any moves on him. One of the great TV matches. Not comparable to this.

"stone cold rarely wrestled on tv but then when he did he had an 8 min match with spike Dudley."

Yeah it was part of a several weeks long very entertaining storyline, Stone Cold was a top heel and Spike was very over as an underdog babyface and the story of Spike defending his wholesome girlfriend against the world's biggest bully had everyone in the audience invested. Stone Cold spent 99% of the match violently stomping Spike's guts in. Fans were going absolutely ape-shit for their segments together. Again, not comparable to this.

Edited by LaGoosh
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That was a fucking great little TV feud and TV match, it's a terrible example to use!  And we know AEW can do squashes well, see Wardlow last year.

I don't necessarily think Cowboy needs to squash Sabian like that, but it shouldn't be a competitive 7 minutes.  Similarly I'm now bored of Moxley having competitive 10-15 minute brawls on tv.  If anyone should be Austin-style mud stomping guys in 3 minutes, it's him.

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18 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Was it good? Did you enjoy it? Was it a valuable use of TV time?

"Triple H had a competitive match with Taka"

Yeah it was fucking awesome. And it was a top heel vs an underdog babyface which is completely different. And it was hardly competitive, Taka got some surprise moves in on him and the announcers treated it like a massive shock that Taka even got any moves on him. One of the great TV matches. Not comparable to this.

"stone cold rarely wrestled on tv but then when he did he had an 8 min match with spike Dudley."

Yeah it was part of a several weeks long very entertaining storyline, Stone Cold was a top heel and Spike was very over as an underdog babyface and the story of Spike defending his wholesome girlfriend against the world's biggest bully had everyone in the audience invested. Stone Cold spent 99% of the match violently stomping Spike's guts in. Fans were going absolutely ape-shit for their segments together. Again, not comparable to this.

They set the match up last week. It’s only not comparable as you don’t want it to be. Enjoy your day 

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30 minutes ago, Loki said:

Similarly I'm now bored of Moxley having competitive 10-15 minute brawls on tv.  If anyone should be Austin-style mud stomping guys in 3 minutes, it's him.

He had a match with Preston Vance last year I think which was basically this. He brutalized him in a few minutes and it was fantastic to watch and Mox looked like a star.

Rush and Preston Vance is such an odd pairing and the gulf in talent between the two is absolutely massive. Why they've been put together I have absolutely no idea.  Preston Vance, Kip Sabian, Josh Woods etc. all feel like Impact Wrestling guys, not AEW guys. TK needs a clear out and start loading up these shows with just the top talents on the roster. Mark Briscoe is a welcome addition to the roster for sure, he feels right in AEW and is incredibly fun to watch. Hope they play up how weird he is and his red neck kung-fu schtick more in the future. Mark Briscoe and Danhausen interacting has tremendous potential.

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3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Rush and Preston Vance is such an odd pairing and the gulf in talent between the two is absolutely massive.

Have Rush and Vance had a match against the Dark Order yet? I can't remember anything between them after the heel turn. 

 I don't think Preston is bad but I can't take him seriously on the basis that he really does look like Harry Kane



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Nah, they kinda skipped it and went into Vance bullying random masked guys. There's maybe some interaction in the Trios Battle Royale but that's been about it.

I quite like the pairing. Vance was bland as a babyface. If he's going to pick up any mannerisms beyond the rehearsed schtick he was used to, then Rush is the perfect partner for on the job training.


One of those nights where the apathy towards the show is matched by the rating: .27 / 824,000


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Yet another ice cold show, unfortunately. Storyline wise, nothing is connecting, and the PPV line-up feels unnecessarily rushed. This is going to be the first major AEW PPV I don't plan to buy, I feel so apathetic towards it. The prospect of an Iron Man match, particularly one where the outcome is almost certain, is an extra incentive to save my cash. 

They need something to catch fire. Right now, everything feels very samey. The venues they're performing in probably aren't helping, they look slightly minor league compared to what they've performed in previously. 

It feels like they're doing nothing more than filling time right now. I really hope they snap out of this funk. 

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It’s been said by others but I agree, everything feels cold and disjointed right now. It took me nearly a day to get round to watching this week’s show.

Creatively, Tony Khan is running on empty, and I think he definitely needs more help than he will seemingly ever accept. And with him almost certainly writing the upcoming ROH TV shows as well, he’ll be spreading himself even more thin. 

I’m not even advocating him turning the book over, because he won’t, unless he’s out of the day-to-day picture. But there needs to be more honesty within the company towards him.

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I also feel like more WWE-isms have started sneaking in recently, probably due to the recent hiring of former WWE production people, such as watching TVs backstage at weird angles, unnatural backstage setups and music playing during interview segments (like the spooky/angry music played during the Wardlow interview). It's not good.

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One of the booking problems over the years has been unable to move on from whatever the plan was.

Christian v. Jungle Boy was a year plus in the making. While it would have been a great match. The Luchasaurus cage match managed to fill in and Christian disappeared. When trying to fill out a potential Revolution card it was a million miles away from my thoughts. Things have moved on. Bring Christian back as the Joker in the Face of the Revolution ladder match, or as an Owen Hart Cup qualifier.

You've got Jade Cargill treading water. On Rampage she's facing VertVixen...again. Most people haven't a clue who VertVixen is, what she has done to deserve a Title shot after previously losing an Eliminator. Not that they would remember as much as that because it's just another random jobber in a foregone conclusion of a match.


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The examples above of top stars facing lower talent - Austin/Spike or HHH/Taka stick out because they are done so rarely and usually with a backstory. 
In AEW it's every week these days. 
Evil Uno, who up to this point has been an irrelevant hanger on for a jobber group, will go ten mins back and forth with Moxley next week, Mox will bleed. It's so so boring. 

Tony doesn't seem to have any ideas bar - you have to be beat x to get to y these days, which has replaced tournaments as his booking crutch. 

Oh, and Saraya is utter garbage too, what a mis-fire that hire has been. 

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Fucking hell, I'd be queuing for a refund if I were at that Dynamite. None of AEW's best qualities shined in that episode, and instead it came off like a glorified house show. It's really disappointing considering the hot streak that they've been on, especially with the weekly PPV-quality matches, and I kinda pegged it would be a below-average show when the lackluster card was put together.

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19 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

Revolution is going to be 9 hours long isn't it.

Probably, have no idea when I'm going to find the time to watch this. Can't imagine the crowd being too keen to watch an Iron Man match after sitting through probably 10 matches already. I reckon they probably should have gone for a normal match at the PPV and then had an Iron Man rematch on Dynamite or Rampage, but there you go. Or perhaps had the PPV match be a submission/I Quit match.

Seems like House of Black vs Elite is the plan for the PPV, so I guess the Kingston/Ortiz story has been scrapped. Hopefully it's because they realised it was rubbish and not because of injury or Kingston getting himself in the dog house.

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