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9 hours ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

I actually miss 96 wwe where they once had Vader vs Austin on Raw. One of the commentators asked "how the hell is THIS match happening on TV on the run to the Final Four" and (I think) Monsoon was on commentary and said "yeah I know.... but both men have signed open contracts and this is what happens when you do."

You're thinking of the "Royal Rumble Raw" from the Toronto SkyDome. There was an even better example of "these guys are nuts taking this match" on the Thursday Raw Thursday the week of the PPV, where in the wake of the Shawn/Sid title match that obviously didn't happen, Sid worked Austin and Bret Hart wrestled Vader. Not that Taker had it easy either, he had a hard-fought win over renowned top tier hardcase... Savio Vega.

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55 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

That Golden Jets segment will go down as one of the worst in Dynamite history. Everyone was absolutely awful, they knew it was awful, the fans knew it was awful. Rotten in every way possible. It made me actively not want to see their World's End match.

To be honest Gooshy I think you are been unfair. That segment was much worse than you have described. For all of Kenny's in ring ability, his promo is consistently dreadful. Stumbling over words, says nothing with any real conviction, and this one is one of the worst. Whoever wrote Jericho's lines should be fired immediately. Whoever thought that bringing up Enzo was a good idea needs firing immediately. Starks God love him tried inject some passion at the end but it looked stupid getting fired up over the weak sauce that Jericho and Kenny were serving up. Not so much Golden Jets as Golden Dribblers. 

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Has Kenny checked out?

He routinely looks absolutely awful, he clearly has the same sleep pattern as Phil, he refused the invitation to enter the Classic and he’s delivering segments like this.

I just wonder whether his body has got the better of him and he’s now going through the motions.

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1 hour ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

To be honest Gooshy I think you are been unfair. That segment was much worse than you have described. For all of Kenny's in ring ability, his promo is consistently dreadful. Stumbling over words, says nothing with any real conviction, and this one is one of the worst. 

For some reason I have always found Kenny's Engish promos shocking, much preferred his delivery in Japanese when he was in NJPW

Edited by thatvinylgeek
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Despite an all time worse segment (split up the golden jets, now) I thought it was a great show with a nice closer which called back to the opener. speaking of, ADAAAAAAAAM page vs Roddy was a decent match, thought they worked well together. The Continental Classic is by far the best tournament they have ever had, some great matches throughout. Also, very much enjoyed Toni Storms commentary was another peach. I know it's a stuplid gimmick, but shes making it a lot of fun for me..

They got me with White/Briscoe, I thought Mark was getting the win.

Swerve is still winning this though, right?

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16 minutes ago, thatvinylgeek said:

For some reason I have always found Kenny's Engish promos shocking, much preferred his delivery in Japanese when he was in NJPW

This must be the "Good In Japan" part of Kenny's gimmick. Add it to the list headed by Albert and Karl Anderson. 

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28 minutes ago, thatvinylgeek said:

For some reason I have always found Kenny's Engish promos shocking

Yeah he's an incredibly bad babyface promo. His bad promos worked when he was the heel champ because he sounded absolutely ridiculous and corny which suited his over the top character (and he had Don Callis to lean on) but I don't think I've ever seen him do a good babyface promo. 

But yeah as Daz says, there definitely seems to be something off about him at the moment which is a real shame as I think a top form Kenny Omega is a major asset for the company.

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1 minute ago, LaGoosh said:

Yeah he's an incredibly bad babyface promo. His bad promos worked when he was the heel champ because he sounded absolutely ridiculous and corny which suited his over the top character (and he had Don Callis to lean on) but I don't think I've ever seen him do a good babyface promo. 

But yeah as Daz says, there definitely seems to be something off about him at the moment which is a real shame as I think a top form Kenny Omega is a major asset for the company.

Nope. Can't really think of one. In fact I think of that awful exchange with Ospreay before Forbidden Door that they kept off TV. Which is why I don't consider him checked out. He's just not very good at the back and forth. I think part of the problem is he doesn't have a babyface character beyond the caricature he created on BTE. So most of the promos are like the send them home happy variety from the end of the night. Where he's playing to the live crowd like its a bit of panto where everyone's in on it. 

When he's 'The Cleaner' or 'The Belt Collecter' its all still a smarmy act. but at least he cares about his appearance and you want to see him get beat.


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2 hours ago, air_raid said:

You're thinking of the "Royal Rumble Raw" from the Toronto SkyDome. There was an even better example of "these guys are nuts taking this match" on the Thursday Raw Thursday the week of the PPV, where in the wake of the Shawn/Sid title match that obviously didn't happen, Sid worked Austin and Bret Hart wrestled Vader. Not that Taker had it easy either, he had a hard-fought win over renowned top tier hardcase... Savio Vega.

Amazing memory! I think you are right.

God! Love me some Savio. Could you imagine if he faced Taker at a Mania.... missed opportunity.

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All signs seem to be hinting that Jack Perry is going to be the Devil then.

Would be absolutely dreadful if that is the reveal, it makes so much more sense that its Adam Cole and would complete the MJF/Cole arc so well, if it isn't Cole then I'm convinced they've changed mid way through as there was so much pointing towards it being him that if it isn't I can only assume his injury is worse than suspected and they've pivoted to Perry.

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17 minutes ago, andrew "the ref" coyne said:

Amazing memory! I think you are right.

God! Love me some Savio. Could you imagine if he faced Taker at a Mania.... missed opportunity.

Savio Vega had a fantastic punch. And to be honest, a good punch is 80% of what I look for in a wrestler.

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OK episode this week with some good matches but terrible segments.

- the opening Joe/Hangman/Roddy stuff was...I don't know. The performances were all perfectly fine but the story here is so confusing that it was hard to even work out what the fuck they were doing.

- Hangman/Strong was a good match. Hangman singles matches have been too rare this year and he needs to wrestle more often so I was happy with this. The heat segment in picture and picture was pretty dreadful but when they were just throwing bombs at each other it was fun.

- Andrade/King was pretty decent. However I think I'm not 100% on board with both performers. Brody King has a lot of upside but in his singles matches he doesn't seem able to maintain the aura of a real killer like he should - I think that's why he shines way better in tags/6 mans. Andrade is a perfectly excellent professional wrestler in pretty much every way but I just don't think he is able to get a real emotional reaction out of an audience. Everything he does looks fantastic, but I almost feel like I'm watching a highly skilled wrestler who can do everything in his sleep just going through the motions when I watch Andrade.

- as mentioned, the Golden Jets segment was terrible for every possible reason a segment can be terrible: a) Omega came out looking like a middle aged woman who had just finished a jog, b) Big Bill was wearing a hoodie...mate if you're a hench giant show it! Get those guns and pecs oiled up and showing out. c) Jericho had a cast on his arm due to an attack by Starks/Bill but never mentioned it, d) Omega stumbled over every rambling sentence and couldn't remember his own tag team name e) Jericho made a bunch of shit jokes, f) neither Starks or Bill (the heels) showed any reaction to any of the babyface jokes at all which just highlighted how shit they were...until Starks actually pointed out how shit one of them was, g) Omega kept talking over Jericho, h) it took them ages to get to the point which was announcing the tag title match which everyone knew was going to happen so why make them wait so long to get there? i) Omega referenced The Firm which literally no one can actually remember, j) Omega referred to it as an "angle" the fucking idiot, k) they made two Enzo Amore references that went completely flat, l) Starks made a point that Omega can't trust Jericho and Omega basically just said "yeah I know" then completely ignored it and moved onto something else m) at the end Starks tried to save the segment by doing a fired up babyface promo even though he's the heel! If I rewatched the segment I'm pretty sure I could get to z. Absolutely wretched.

- Rush/Lethal was fine. Seeing Lethal in comparison to others in the C2 has highlighted how shit he is. Garcia, Kingston, Briscoe all behind on points show real fire and desperation to win matches and get back in the race - Lethal struts around like a fucking dickhead. Lethal's finisher is so stupid too. Rush beating the hell out of him then choking him out and proving a point by keeping it locked on after the finish after last week was perfect.

- Briscoe/White was great! Both men were tremendous here with a great story. Briscoe is a house of fire desperate for his first win bring that big fight while White desperately needs a win to get back in the race to win the bracket and will take every opportunity to cheat or cut corners that he can find to sneak the win. Briscoe has been a revelation in the C2 and I hope they give him a real meaningful push after it's all over. The fans love him and rightly so - he's brilliant.

- Swerve/Mox was good but I was very surprised that Mox won. I still think Swerve ends up in the final somehow though. He was almost wrestling babyface in this - I think the lack of Nana at ringside really hurts Swerve's heel act.

- That ending angle...*sigh*...it was fine I guess. I'm glad Hangman is being given stuff to do at the very least. I just don't care who The Devil is. It doesn't really mean anything to me.

Edited by LaGoosh
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