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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

For the same reasons they've been feuding this whole time: the BCC want complete dominance of AEW and to do that they have to destroy The Elite, The Elite are defending themselves and AEW from the BCC.

Have they actually said any of this on screen, though? There's every chance I'm misremembering, but I don't think they have. From my recollection, Danielson cut a promo declaring war on "amateurs", not a war on AEW, and that's a little bit harder for me to buy into, because it feels a bit meta. If you look at it entirely within the confines of the story world, the word "amateur" doesn't ring true - Hangman has defeated both Danielson and Moxley; Omega has stood toe-to-toe with Danielson and defeated Moxley; while The Bucks are multi-time tag champions. 

The story also exists within its own confines a bit too much - I feel like they'd get much more out of it if the BCC were treated like AEW's version of The Bloodline, Evolution or the nWo - with everyone (including MJF) wary of their intentions. 

Almost every feud in AEW is multi-person right now, which probably has me feeling a bit more sour on it than I otherwise would. I'm glad other people are really into it, though. It may well be a case of AEW shifting away from my personal tastes, more than anything else. 



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Moxley did a promo saying that they were the "true elite", and I like that as a motivation, and as a bit of future-proofing - the company's name is All Elite Wrestling, who gets to decide that just this bunch of guys can call themselves the "Elite", why can't the Blackpool Combat Club be considered the "Elite" of the company? One day, AEW might still be around and Omega, the Bucks and Hangman Page gone, and getting some separation between the word "Elite" and that group isn't the worst idea in the world. 

As a group, they have a bit of a get-out clause feud-wise, kind of like how when Undertaker was doing the biker gimmick, there was a few months where it felt like they could have him start a feud with absolutely anyone with zero thought put into it just by walking to the ring and saying "you're in my yard"; for BCC, it's their whole "iron sharpens iron" ethos - they either want to test themselves by fighting the best people in the company, or they want to force other wrestlers to up their game by pushing them to their limits. 

A lot of the subtext is that it's them targeting people with more of a reputation as flippy boys and high spot merchants, so putting them against the Bucks is a natural clash of styles and ideologies. The downside of that is that the matches are always going to be mad brawls, so the BCC have already won the metatextual battle - they can drag the Young Bucks into fighting "their match", but the Young Bucks are never going to get Claudio and Moxley doing 450s and somersault planchas. 

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33 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Have they actually said any of this on screen, though? There's every chance I'm misremembering, but I don't think they have. From my recollection, Danielson cut a promo declaring war on "amateurs", not a war on AEW, and that's a little bit harder for me to buy into, because it feels a bit meta. If you look at it entirely within the confines of the story world, the word "amateur" doesn't ring true - Hangman has defeated both Danielson and Moxley; Omega has stood toe-to-toe with Danielson and defeated Moxley; while The Bucks are multi-time tag champions. 

The story also exists within its own confines a bit too much - I feel like they'd get much more out of it if the BCC were treated like AEW's version of The Bloodline, Evolution or the nWo - with everyone (including MJF) wary of their intentions. 

Almost every feud in AEW is multi-person right now, which probably has me feeling a bit more sour on it than I otherwise would. I'm glad other people are really into it, though. It may well be a case of AEW shifting away from my personal tastes, more than anything else. 



- Yes. Before the Elite feud the BCC made it clear that they were taking over AEW from all the "amateurs" and went around attacking literally everyone in AEW. Even poor RJ City got a hammering for no reason. 

- Ofcourse their claim of "amateurs" doesn't ring true, they're heels! Their arrogant, hypocritical, and think their better than everyone else. When the BCC started their ethos was to help AEW by forcing everyone else to step up their game and be at their level, but now as heels they've abandoned their principles and just want to hurt people and dominate because they enjoy it. They now essentially see almost anyone who isn't them as "amateurs".

- It's not within it's confines. Before The Elite stepped up the BCC were dominating everyone. Now they've met their match in The Elite. It's perfectly logical storytelling. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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11 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

- It's not within it's confines. Before The Elite stepped up the BCC were dominating everyone. Now they've met their match in The Elite. It's perfectly logical storytelling. 

Even outside of The Elite, Eddie Kingston's just been brought into the mix, Don Callis is lurking around with Takeshita and Ospreay (and, if they end up being an important plot point beyond Forbidden Door, his private security), and there's still ambiguity about to what extent Callis and co are working with the Blackpool Combat Club or just working towards the same ends. So it's not like they've been exclusively battling The Elite even at this stage in the story. 

At times, that can make it all feel a bit unwieldy - the downside of Forbidden Door is that they either have to integrate NJPW talent that won't be around next week into an ongoing story, or put parts of stories on hold; while it makes sense for Danielson as an individual to go after Okada and prove that he's in the best in the world, does it make sense for Danielson to do as at the expense of teaming with the rest of Blackpool Combat Club in a match with The Elite on the same night? That doesn't have to be a weakness, though, it could be an opportunity for deeper storytelling, more avenues the story could go down. 


The "amateurs" thing is interesting - it started out as them going after people they didn't think took wrestling seriously; the Best Friends, RJ City, and so on, and you can see how, in kayfabe, they'd start putting the Young Bucks and Hangman Page in their sights, while Danielson and Moxley have their own long-standing issues with Omega and Hangman, so any justification to go after them works. But the point of being a good heel is being convinced you're right, and if they've convinced themselves that nobody takes it as seriously as them or deserves their time and effort, then that's as good a motivation as any.

Edited by BomberPat
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Best episode of Dynamite probably in years. Didn’t miss a beat all show and the storylines intertwining with Eddie/Dark Order/Elite/BCC is fantastic.
I was rooting for the Dark Order and even though Hangman is one of my favourites he’s completely in the wrong here. I had no sympathy when Dark Order fucked him off to the BCC beat down.

Jungle Man did a lot better than I thought. He was a bit try-hard with some of the lines but him telling them they’ll never hear that music again and the stuff about Hook dangling the FTW belt in front of him were great starting blocks.

Mox vs Ishii took a while to get going but when it did it reminded me why I loved their G1 match a few years back.

Really really glad Sting made that jump (barely) because I have never feared more for a man’s life than when he went up that ladder. Tag match was much better than the Trios match at Forbidden Door where everyone seemed off a step.

Skipped the women’s match when I realised it wasn’t Britt Baker. Not sure what happened there, I’m sure Britt vs Soho was advertised even as the thumbnail on Fite.

Plenty of backstage promos to get your teeth stuck into too. The stuff with BCC, Mox and Renee, and the Dark Order and Elite were real important storyline pushing stuff. Same as the Omega and Ospreay stuff. Not so much QT Marshall and Johnny Nobody.

After Forbidden Door and this, it finally feels like AEW is back on track with proper storylines and drama and I’m all for the new Hangman and Eddie Kingston chapters. MVPs.

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3 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

My favourite moment was Orange Cassidy high-fiving a young girl with an OC sign and her going absolutely bananas and screaming her head off in ecstatic joy. Love that wholesome babyface stuff. 

You know there was so much on this show I forgot how much I enjoyed that 6 man. Even Keith Lee looked impressive for the 2 minutes his knackered body could manage.
He really needs to get into a singlet and start his Andre run though because he does not have the physique or stamina to be going as hard as he does.

Really liked the commentary hyping how the match was made and the payoff just being OC asking the two people stood closest to him at the time.

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Coming out of this show singles matches I would very much like to see: OC vs Keith Lee, OC vs Vikingo, Keith Lee vs Daniel Garcia, Daniel Garcia vs Vikingo.

Also, the random lottery tag team tournament is looking suspiciously not very random at all. 

Now Jack Perry is full heel I'd actually be very behind him telling Christian "You were right" and them reuniting and being a full time tag team. It'd give a boost to the currently somewhat lacking tag division and would give Perry the perfect training ground to learn how to wrestle as a heel.

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11 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Skipped the women’s match when I realised it wasn’t Britt Baker. Not sure what happened there, I’m sure Britt vs Soho was advertised even as the thumbnail on Fite.

It was announced pretty early on that Britt was pulled and the match would happen next week. Maybe right after the 1st Adam Cole/MJF interaction. As it sequed from talking about Cole missing the PPV due to sickness, and Britt missing for the same reason.

May have been other mentions throughout the night but already knowing nothing sticks out.

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