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AEW Rampage Thread 2022


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Is it just me, or has Rampage gone from being skippable to just plain bad? The past few weeks have been nothing short of awful viewing, which is a shame. At the very least, the wrestling used to be fun. I was expecting big things from Dustin/Claudio, but wow, that was surely Dustin’s worst ever match in AEW. 

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I noticed that a Jacksonville Rampage has been added in October. That's all the Rampages in October with their own taping. 3/4 will be live with the one in Toronto taped on a Thursday.

No obvious reason for it but rumours will have it be about an ROH or AEW Women show. If it's becoming the norm it'll be a good thing for Rampage.

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I thought that was an excellent Rampage, even if they did cram a little too much into it. Pretty much every angle was a strong one, the opener was great, QT and Starks was fun, the FTR promo was excellent and the Jade/Athena angle was probably one of the stronger women’s angles they’ve ever done (granted, the bar is low with that one) - although, are they just going to drop Stokely from Jade’s act with no explanation?

The show was a nice shot of adrenaline for a Saturday morning, which is the complete opposite of what Rampage has been in recent weeks. I hope they can keep this up.

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The Athena promo was bollocks, whiney shite that justified an absolute superstar looking newbie being champion over the long time wrassler.

The six man was excellent, Don getting involved after has me more curious about Hangman and The Elite.

Ruby gets worse...

Paparazzi Productions baby, shame about Jay being a nonce like.

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The sex pests had a very good match, but that's a given between Darby and Sammy.

Joe deserves so, so much better than this.

Jade's 30 second promo was miles better than the women's match just before it, I don't get the Madison hiring at all and Deeb has just been drifting aalong.

DAX and Claudio was a banger, I don't think the crowd were anywhere near as hot as they could be tho, maybe knowing that Dax wasn't wining the title.


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People like Joe will benefit when ROH gets some kind of direction. At the moment, there's a thousand belts flying around for a company that doesn't really have shows dedicated to it. The draft split has been done to death in WWE and is relatively lacklustre, but with a bloated roster such as AEW/ROH, a weekly show where people like Joe can absolutely flourish would do wonders. 

Preferably I'd have him near the top of the card in AEW while he still has some left in the tank, but all this ROH posturing without a definitive show just feels really really flat. Its one step up from a fan carrying a belt to the show. 

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