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AEW Friday Night Rampage

Hannibal Scorch

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So why can't it be that he hits the Cross Rhodes and they kick out, then he hits the tiger driver and pins them? That's how you get a new finisher over isn't it? You just hit it and beat your opponent with it. 

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It just feels superfluous and tacked on, especially when he's hitting it on the likes of Ethan Page who hasn't done anything to demonstrate that he should be posing that much of a challenge to Cody in the first place. Presumably the convoluted ending sequence is further playing into this "not a heel, not a babyface" character he's trying to get over and we'll all get the payoff to the angle in good time. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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Well I thought it was perfectly reasonable. Cross Rhodes didn't get it done, try it again, still couldn't put him away, Try new bastard hard finisher, bingo. I don't see what's wrong with giving Ethan Page a little something either. 

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If he'd done the Crossrhodes again then Page had kicked out again then he does the Tiger Driver and gets the win then it'd make sense, but it was that he does 2 Crossrhodes without letting go, then without even trying for a pin does the tiger driver for the win. It just feels like overkill, especially in a TV match. If he was wearing the old crimson mask and had been going 30-odd minutes in an absolute war with somebody then does it, then yeah, but he's gone about 10 minutes with Ethan Page who hasn't been presented as particularly competitive since he threw Darby Allin down a flight of stairs about 6 months ago.

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You're right, I'd forgotten he did it twice in the same sequence. Even then, the story was he's was narked off his missus and brother had been disrespected and was being ultra agreessive, so to be honest, it makes even more sense because he's doing it out of frustration well within the story set out. 

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They could have spent more time to build to this as well, or maybe had a no-finish due to interruption to continue the feud so they have to do the match again, maybe Cody's temper gets the better of him and he and ends up using a chair and getting himself disqualified, or one of Lambert's MMA guys runs in and gives him a KO punch and he ends up getting counted out. Where does this go from here apart from Cody Vs Scorpio Sky? 

It also might have had a bit more of an impact if he'd not done the exact same set of moves a week ago to win the title, it just feels like he's deliberately doing some overblown finishing sequence now. 

I didn't used to mind Cody, in fact when he was doing the Dashing stuff in WWE and the thing with the mask he would have had pride of place in my boy stable, but he just feels like he's out of touch with everything else that's going on in AEW at the moment. He even had a decent first year with the title challenge and feud with MJF. At least the last couple of feuds haven't involved him getting stabbed in the back by one of his best friends. I'm sure they could turn it around and rebuild him somehow, but it'd probably involve a heck of a lot of time away from TV and an entirely new character or just leaning into the heel thing, because he's such a natural heel. 

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I like that AEW put their female athletes in positions to excel… BUT, was that match a bit much considering it’s place on the card and that it was a TV match? Was the feud even hot enough to warrant that?

It just felt a bit out of place to me.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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10 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I like that AEW put their female athletes in positions to excel… BUT, was that match a bit much considering it’s place on the card and that it was a TV match? Was the feud even hot enough to warrant that?

It just felt a bit out of place to me.

They've had a pretty well built feud all things considered. I think AEW have had far more unnecessary violence than this.

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They have been feuding for a few months. This would have been a logical ending to the feud, but where do they go from here? I think Tay has said she wants to challenge for the TBS title so that's one of them accounted for. 

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Absolutely LOVED the street fight. Considering the ongoing grudge over the use of the brass knuckles I don't think the violence felt out of place at all. 

Actually really like the Cody stuff. It feels different because Cody's being an annoying prick whilst still essentially playing the baby face role. The stuff with the finisher plays into that  because the baby face in peril would put the exclamation on the win over their unbeatable foe by doing three finishers in a row and the crowd would pop for it. But his prick side is doing it every single week. 

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2 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I like that AEW put their female athletes in positions to excel… BUT, was that match a bit much considering it’s place on the card and that it was a TV match? Was the feud even hot enough to warrant that?

It just felt a bit out of place to me.

I do think they could have rearranged the card: 1st) TNT 2nd) Bowens v. Darby 3) Street Fight. I don't know if they kept the street fight in the middle where they have a few more ad breaks to help hide some stuff in the edit.

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