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The General Motors Domestic Football Thread. 21/22 (NO SHIT BANTER)


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10 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Luis Suarez got a £40,000 fine for being a racist.


It’s like that Kirkland clip on the previous page, on the state broadcasters breakfast show saying people fined for racism but “This is worse”

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It's absolutely ridiculous the way some people are reacting to this. It's a terrible thing that he done, but there are levels to this shit, as the kids say.

A fine of a quarter of a million quid, which goes to animal charities, and the proper authorities looking into the case is more than enough. 

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Still think someone should tactfully break him up on the pitch though. Akin to what Reidy did to Brian Marwood back when.

I hate cruelty, hate animal cruelty, hate racism, hate homophobia. I truly dislike any form of hate or bullying.
Except for that little Beaker Muppet chirping, unwarrantedly arrogant prick in my job. I absolutely despise that cunt with all sorts of energy. So maybe my opinion is gik here, lads.  
But yiz know yizzerselves, like. 

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I think you can have a discussion about the wider consequences for footballers and the situation with football clubs HR policies or authorities code of conducts.

Racism is horrendous and animal cruelty is horrendous. I think putting them against one another creates an unnecessary conversation where we view abhorrent behavior on a scale, when in reality both should be met with the same disgust, and therefore similar consequences.

You have to start somewhere. We can look back at the ridiculous fine for Suarez and shake our heads saying 'well he only got such and such', or we can say 'that should never happen again' and move forward with harsher punishments. I'm not calling on people losing their jobs as I do believe in a rehabilitation society, but precedents need to be set and followed. I saw Rio Ferdinand say yesterday that what hurts players most is missing games not fines (he would know) so while fines given to the relevant charities is welcome, suspensions for such actions have to be in place, and severe.

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7 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Racism is horrendous and animal cruelty is horrendous. I think putting them against one another creates an unnecessary conversation where we view abhorrent behavior on a scale, when in reality both should be met with the same disgust, and therefore similar consequences.

It's absolutely a necessary conversation when people are calling for a guy to be sacked for animal abuse while actual convicted racists are still playing football at the highest level.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

It's absolutely a necessary conversation when people are calling for a guy to be sacked for animal abuse while actual convicted racists are still playing football at the highest level.

He's not going to be sacked is he? Neither are footballers who racially abuse someone, The issue is should they be?  That is a bigger question about the behavior of players and punishments the clubs and authorities pass down.  What is the code of conduct these players sign up to and what punishments are in place would be a good place to start.

Using past incidents to justify not harshly punishing Zouma is rather redundant. We all think the Suarez and Terry incidents were handled awfully and their punishments were ridiculous in the context of what they did. That doesn't mean we should use them as a barometer going forward for how we then punish players who commit similar incidents. Otherwise we would be stuck just issuing the same fines and bans. So have a bigger discussion on all such incidents (domestic abuse etc)

Edited by Factotum
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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

Racism is horrendous and animal cruelty is horrendous. I think putting them against one another creates an unnecessary conversation where we view abhorrent behavior on a scale, when in reality both should be met with the same disgust, and therefore similar consequences.

Zouma has lost sponsorships, which will be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, and has been fined quarter of a million quid, not to mention any further action brought forth by the RSPCA. 

I think it's fair to say that, considering the crime, he's been published adequately. 

As I said above, there has to be levels to the punishment depending on the crime. While what Zouma did is despicable, it's simply not on the same level, as far as animal cruelty, as running a dog fighting racket, setting fire to a cats tail, or aiming fireworks at them, which we sadly see going on frequently. And it's certainly not on a par with racism. 

To treat abhorrent behaviour with the same consequences, regardless of the level, is insane. 

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

It's absolutely a necessary conversation when people are calling for a guy to be sacked for animal abuse while actual convicted racists are still playing football at the highest level.

I've had a bit of a think about this, and I agree with you about the scale of outrage being uneven. I think I was being slightly clumsy in my analysis of it. Apologies for that

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2 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I've had a bit of a think about this, and I agree with you about the scale of outrage being uneven. I think I was being slightly clumsy in my analysis of it. Apologies for that

Not at all, and I would add that what Zouma did was horrendous behaviour and he's a fucking idiot.

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8 minutes ago, David said:

Zouma has lost sponsorships, which will be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, and has been fined quarter of a million quid, not to mention any further action brought forth by the RSPCA. 

I think it's fair to say that, considering the crime, he's been published adequately. 

I agree that the punishment needs to be relative to the crime but while £250k is an insane amount of money to us, it’s actually only about 2 weeks wages to him so we can hardly say he’s had the book thrown at him. A quick Google and gov.uk says that those who abuse animals should face fines up to £5,000, that’s a significantly higher percentage of your average punter’s salary that what’s being faced by Zouma. 

Compare it to the Suarez stuff and it does look out of proportion, but there aren’t many who argued that was handled well. 


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2 hours ago, Factotum said:

I saw Rio Ferdinand say yesterday that what hurts players most is missing games not fines (he would know)

I saw that Jar Jar Binks looking bellend asking why we don’t have any gay footballers who are out. That’s the same Rio Ferdinand who said he wasn’t a faggot on the Radio 1 Breakfast Show. 

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Just now, stumobir said:

I agree that the punishment needs to be relative to the crime but while £250k is an insane amount of money to us, it’s actually only about 2 weeks wages to him so we can hardly say he’s had the book thrown at him. A quick Google and gov.uk says that those who abuse animals should face fines up to £5,000, that’s a significantly higher percentage of your average punter’s salary that what’s being faced by Zouma. 

Compare it to the Suarez stuff and it does look out of proportion, but there aren’t many who argued that was handled well. 

Yeah, but the £250,000 is simply the punishment handed out by his employer. As I said, we've not seen any further action brought forth by the RSPCA yet. It's at that point I imagine we'll see further action taken, although that could simply be the £5,000 you mentioned.

The issue is, if we change the punishment not only to fit the crime, but to fit the size of the offenders pockets, we'd see a lot of questionable decisions made, and even worse, we'd need to ask who exactly decides what a suitable punishment is for someone who earns £20,000 per year compared to someone who earns £150,000 per year or even more? 

It would be opening a can of worms that could cause more problems, as it would then need to be a system applied to every crime. Should someone caught illegally parked who owns a Ferrari receive a higher parking ticket fine than someone who owns a Ford Capri? 

Where I begin to really question the motives of some people is when I hear about demands that he be removed from his job, banned from football, and so on. I legitimately wonder if they were asking the same questions when Hazard kicked a ballboy? Or if they were equally up in arms when Joey Barton was welcomed back into football following being jailed for driving his car into a pedestrian in Liverpool City Centre and receiving a four-month suspended term after admitting assault?

I'm sure there's a lot of animal lovers who are really upset by what Zouma did, but I'm fairly certain that the witch hunt against him at the moment is also being driven by other factors.

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Even Adam Johnson was still playing for Sunderland while on bail until he was found guilty of grooming a minor and sent to prison. Most clubs see success on the pitch and the money it involves as the most important factor above all else it seems.

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